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Okay, one other thing that's been nagging me is this 'truth serum' effect of beta-androstenol.


Now I understand that in higher dosages is can have this effect, hence, I have absolutely *no* interest in trying True Confessions or TMI - people tell me too much secret crap already for some reason, and most of the time it's stuff I didn't need or want to know. No need to prompt any more secret-telling.


But is it likely to have this same effect in other blends, like say, BAM, or Perfect Match? 'Cause during sex or a lovely afternoon out is not the time/place that I would want to hear unsolicited 'secrets'. No thanks.


Can anyone elaborate futher the effects of beta-androstenol in the more sexual/lovey-dovey blends? I mean, does it just make for a more open atmosphere? Or will I have to contend with hearing a running commentary of things better left unsaid? I'm very curious.

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Okay, good. That's what I wanted to know. Intimacy I'm happy with. It's the unnecessary verbal diarrhea that I would like to avoid - those things that should never have been said seem to stick in my mind like stubborn mental burrs.

I keep looking at BAm! 'cause I like the tag-line, haha! But I keep shying away from it for fear of that icky 'I can't believe you just said that to me!' possibility. Gives me the emotional willies!

Maybe I'll give it a try next time... thanks Luna.

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BETA-ANDROSTENOL ~ May be worn by both women and men, and is known for creating rapport, a sense of intimacy and emotional bonding between people, as well as instilling trust. It lends an impression that you have known a person for a long time - even if you have only just met.


Used in high concentration, it can have a truth-serum type effect on people, including the wearer. A little of this pheromone goes a long way - one needs to use a smaller amount of beta-nol to produce a larger effect than other molecules of greater concentration.


Beta-Androstenol may be used alone, but is most often used in conjunction with other pheromones in order to take advantage of its' bonding, intimacy promoting qualities.

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Thanks Mara. I did read that in the B-Nol description in the Wiki. I was just concerned about PM and BAM because it's listed first. Guess I'm being overly-cautious!


eta: it could be the four cups of coffee I've just had!

Edited by Eggers
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Good! At least I won't be lonely! Lol!


I can't seem to stop. I get up to do stuff, but it's just little things - dishes, make dinner etc... but then I"m right back at it. My boyfriend thinks I'm nuts. He's like, 'are you *still* reading that perfume site?' He has no idea what he's in for...

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I will say that I prefer the b-nols to the a-nols. At least with the b-nols people are telling you things they think are important as opposed to the blathering "verbal diarrhea" you get with the a-nols.


BTW I like that phrase although people seem to get insulted from time to time when I use it.

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Hey quietguy, now *there's* something I never thought to expect. Verbal diarrhea from exposure to A-nols? Maybe I shouldn't be so frightened of the b-nols after all! ;-)

I like that phrase, too.

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