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Un Pheros


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As I've been reading through everyone's posts, I've noticed that a lot of people here choose to wear UN pheros, and I was wondering what everyone's reasoning is. Is it because it's more versatile, (and you can try more perfumes this way)? Or is it because it's a cheaper way to go? Or because it's more effective for *you* in particular? Or for other reasons?


I'm very curious about this.


Also, I wonder how many people take advantage of the option to create their own blends of pheros/perfumes? I love that option, and can see myself doing that in the future, (have already tried to figure out what I might pair with Stone Cougar, because boyfriend *hates* grapefruit, yet I want something that will provide that youthful quality that everyone says grapefruit supplies in the Cougar Potion), just because I think personalizing scents with pheromones sounds like a fun endeavor. Plus, it's really entertaining to try pairing scents that have the same *feel* as the pheromone I'm considering. Congruence, I think is the common term for this.


Anyway... information gleaned from the answers to this thread are purely for storing in my brain for future reference. Initially I plan to try the pre-mixed blends, to see how that goes.


eta a missed word

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I actually have only one bottle of an unscented mix which I bought as a result of a misunderstanding but it's not gone unused; but I do think the main reason is versatility - some people wear pheros everyday and that's the mainstay, but the fragrance is apt to change from day-to-day.


I've boosted other scents with phero mixes specifically because they seem congruent to me:

-Adrienne's Tangy Ylang w/Stone Cougar

-Voodoo Valentine w/Focus Potion

-Shelly B's Naughty, Sexy & Dirty w/Sexology

-Sugared Forest with Boy/Boy

-Nasty Habits w/Drop Your Guard

...and so on. It's definitely one of the benefits of an artisan fragrancer offering pheromone mixes and who is willing to do the add-in option; we are incredibly lucky as Mara's customers.

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I tend to get un-phero'ed scents, and unscented pheros, for the simple reason that I can then mix and match. If I want to wear LP Black today and, ah, get the hubby interested, I'd have several options of pheros to add to it, including SS4W and BI. If I'm doing a bookreading, I'd add Lumina or Popularity Potion. If I'm meeting one of my best buds for lunch I'd wear Perfect Match, probably (I think that's the right one). If I'm in a hardball business meeting, Leather. A pub, possibly Cougar. One scent, multiple ways to induce reactions. Multiply that by the number of scents I have (that I love!) and I have literally thousands of options for any given day.

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Luna, yes, I do like the idea of matching pheros to perfumes that seem to suit them. It's really fun trying to figure out which suits which best. Or maybe that's just my tendency to need all my ducks in a row! Tangy Ylang and Cougar were two I'd paired up as well. I love ylang ylang. Makes me feel sexy and exotic. I suppose that later on down the road I might make some of my own matched phero/perfumes, just for the sake of it. I know it sounds kind of trite, but Perfect Match is one phero I can see myself using around the boyfriend a lot, and I'm not sure Portmanteau is a fragrance that appeals to me, so I'd thought Knot might work better with it. I know it's kind of cheesy, but I don't care! Lol! I love the description of that perfume, and I think it suits the spirit of the Perfect Match phero. Yes, I am well aware that I am a cheesy geek...


AlienChangeling, I really see the appeal of un-phero'd scents & unscented pheros. I like the mix and match. Having made my own scents for the past God-knows-how-long, I'm used to having that kind of versatility. I used to go by recipes and make fancy, fancy perfumes, but honestly, I don't have time to do it anymore, and I think mixing pre-made scents with the phero of the day, or situation might be a good way for me to go. I'm definitely going to try this. Maybe with Cougar or Super-Sexy? I don't know...


It is really awesome having all of these different avenues to take. Boggles my mind, really! But it's a good boggling.


There was one other thing I was wondering... there are some pheros, like Perfect Match, that you want to use both in an intimate setting, and in public, like on a day out, yet you're really only looking to affect two people: you and the person you're with. So what kind of base do you choose for something like that, to get the correct kind of effect? Oil, alcohol or the 60/40 blend? Silicone? I've been puzzling over that one for days and days...

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Yes, I am well aware that I am a cheesy geek...

Not anymore than anyone else here, trust me. ;)


Oil is better for the intimate/personal encounters.

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Okay. Thanks Luna. That one's a tough one for me - the Perfect Match one. My guy is *SO* not a touchy-feely guy, (a *huge* bummer as far as I'm concerned, 'cause a lot of the time it makes me feel like we're just buddies), and it kinda goes without saying that he's not much on PDA's or even hand-holding, so I keep wondering if I'll be able to get him close enough to fall under the influence of the phero if we were out and about together! I'll try it in oil. If it doesn't work, I can always knock him out and hug the stuffing out of him till he comes to! Lol!

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Well today is a perfect example for your question...I want to wear Frosted for my scent...but Heart & Soul for phero! I have H&S in a few scents (Song of the Desert, Kiss of Magic) but don't feel like wearing those...a conundrum for sure.

Important to have pheros blended into scents AND Unscented...especially for a Libra....

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Well today is a perfect example for your question...I want to wear Frosted for my scent...but Heart & Soul for phero! I have H&S in a few scents (Song of the Desert, Kiss of Magic) but don't feel like wearing those...a conundrum for sure.

Important to have pheros blended into scents AND Unscented...especially for a Libra....


I agree one thousand percent. Y'all don't even want to know how many scents I have in my purse. Okay I have two purses I carry to work.

One for my scents and wallet, and makeup and the other bag for scents, scents, and mags, planners, snacks etc. The second bag that is ' business ' is just a cover for all the LPS I stock in case of ER or my inability to decide what I want to smell like.

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MDC, that is a conundrum! I guess everybody has their own 'method' to their madness. I know I'll probably want to have some pheros blended into scents, mostly 'cause I think it's fun trying to pair them up. But the whole UN thing has me kind of intrigued, just because of the versatility. I'll probably do both, too. Grr... I was all excited last night thinking that I could pair Cougar with Tangy Ylang, (because of BF's dislike of grapefruit), until I remembered that grapefruit is the tangy part of the Tangy Ylang. D'oh! Now I've got to figure something else out...


Lady V, I'm 39 years old, and I still carry a backpack. Like a high school student's backpack. It's got everything you could ever possibly need during the course of a day. Pens, paper, books, makeup, lip balm, essential oils, bandaids, fingernail clippers, hair elastics, eye drops, Advil, tampons, dog treats - I don't even have a dog - gum, mouthwash, my journal, extra t-shirts, lighter etc... I hate being unprepared. Knowing this about myself, I've already tried to figure out what the safest mode of transport will be for my scents & pheros, because I know quite a few of them will wind up living permenently in my backpack. I need a nice little condo for them inside my backpack, preferably a padded condo, so they don't smash! I'm open to suggestions... ;-)

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MDC, that is a conundrum! I guess everybody has their own 'method' to their madness. I know I'll probably want to have some pheros blended into scents, mostly 'cause I think it's fun trying to pair them up. But the whole UN thing has me kind of intrigued, just because of the versatility. I'll probably do both, too. Grr... I was all excited last night thinking that I could pair Cougar with Tangy Ylang, (because of BF's dislike of grapefruit), until I remembered that grapefruit is the tangy part of the Tangy Ylang. D'oh! Now I've got to figure something else out...


Lady V, I'm 39 years old, and I still carry a backpack. Like a high school student's backpack. It's got everything you could ever possibly need during the course of a day. Pens, paper, books, makeup, lip balm, essential oils, bandaids, fingernail clippers, hair elastics, eye drops, Advil, tampons, dog treats - I don't even have a dog - gum, mouthwash, my journal, extra t-shirts, lighter etc... I hate being unprepared. Knowing this about myself, I've already tried to figure out what the safest mode of transport will be for my scents & pheros, because I know quite a few of them will wind up living permenently in my backpack. I need a nice little condo for them inside my backpack, preferably a padded condo, so they don't smash! I'm open to suggestions... ;-)


Right now, I'm carrying mine in an Altoid case. I have two, actually, a small one for BPAL-sized imps (vials), and a regular Altoid case for my LPs. I've thought about getting one of those cute cigarette cases on Etsy, that might work too...

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That's good thinking, Molls. I have a couple of metal cigarette cases that would probably do the trick. It's better than carrying around a padded make-up bag, which is what my first idea was. Too bulky though.

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I *do* come into contact with a lot of dogs. I am the resident pet-sitter amongst my group of friends. Plus, a lot of restaurants in my town allow dogs on their patios in the summer, so I like to have treats & sometimes rawhide to give them. One of my girlfriends had a dog called Casey who used to dive right into my backpack the minute I set it down. I thought it was pretty entertaining, but my friend had me start putting it in a cupboard when I got there, so Casey would be so presumptuous and rude! But she was so cute...


Actually, once I bought myself a new bathtub plug that had a floating great white shark on the end of a chain, and when I went to have a beer with my friends on the patio of a local restaurant, a dog I knew, Blue, thought it was a squeaky toy, and ate it! Loll!

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(have already tried to figure out what I might pair with Stone Cougar, because boyfriend *hates* grapefruit, yet I want something that will provide that youthful quality that everyone says grapefruit supplies in the Cougar Potion),


Try Cougar in Love Potion Pink...you can make your own PE <private edition> and have it boosted too.

I use both UN pheros and have scents boosted,that is the advantage of having all of these amazing options,there is truly something for everyone :)


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I like UN pheros because of the versatility in terms of scents. Though, the last two phero bottle's I've bought I've done beta sprays lightly scented with Sugared Honeycomb. This is one of my favorite scents and it layers with just about everything else I like. So its like a scent undergarment.

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Calii, Love Potion Pink is one of the LP scents I most want to try. Is it 'sparkly' enough for Cougar? Really? That would makeme really excited. It's also one of the labels I love, so double happy to consider that suggestion.


Xev, I love honey. Period. I adore the scent, the smell, the texture. I love everything about it. It's my favourite food, and I put it on everything. And I love the idea of a scent undergarment. Sexay!

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I'm mainly into unphero'd scents and UN pheros as it is more versatile, allowing me to mix and match them according to my mood. I haven't created any phero blends as I'm not experienced enough to go that direction. Anyway, the range of pheros provided by LPMP is more than sufficient for me, a non-regular phero user.

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Calii, Love Potion Pink is one of the LP scents I most want to try. Is it 'sparkly' enough for Cougar? Really? That would makeme really excited. It's also one of the labels I love, so double happy to consider that suggestion.


Hmmm,*sparkly*,no, not like grapefruit which you said he *detests*,but it is a young scent,while still be sexy...Sparkle Fuchsia which has Cougar in it would be ideal,but it is sold out I believe :D


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I think the Sparkle Fuchsia is sold out too. Bummer. I read the reviews for it, and everyone loves it so much, I would have tried it in a heartbeat.

I'm sure I'll figure it out. Thank goodness there are so many choices! It allows for a bit of playing around, to find what suits. I like that.

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