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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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I want to order everything in the catalog.


WORD! Which makes me curious:

Who has the most full bottles? How do you manage them all so none are permanently ignored?

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Do you think Black Panther would be good enhanced with Sexpionage? MY favorite LP perfume is CP


I love Black Panther. I am going to type up my review. I don't know if it could handle the cops in Sexpionage. I wonder that as well.

I def think La Fem though. This is begging to be boosted with La Fem Noire.

WORD! Which makes me curious:

Who has the most full bottles? How do you manage them all so none are permanently ignored?


Sometimes they do get ignored. I was going through all my bottles and realized I don't have enough!!!

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WORD! Which makes me curious:

Who has the most full bottles? How do you manage them all so none are permanently ignored?

I have over a hundred, but I know there are others with more than me. But that's why I have themes, so I can rolate through them all to get some wear.

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I love Black Panther. I am going to type up my review. I don't know if it could handle the cops in Sexpionage. I wonder that as well.

I def think La Fem though. This is begging to be boosted with La Fem Noire.


Sometimes they do get ignored. I was going through all my bottles and realized I don't have enough!!!


Lady V, LFM, really does nothing for me, so I'm wondering what other hero would be a good one to boost this with, do you have any ideas? thanks

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I want to order everything in the catalog.

WORD! Which makes me curious:

Who has the most full bottles? How do you manage them all so none are permanently ignored?

And, I will second that WORD! I'm struggling to get my current wishlist and budget to mesh so I can place my order! I want it ALL! Note (again) to self: "Never, ever, ever again take a furlow from LMPMs! Regret and the need to BUY EVERYTHING ensue!"


I'm sure I do not have the most full bottles... however, years ago I posted my personal management system:

Because I wanted something which reduced the possiblity of light damage to the wonderous works of olfactory art created by our PM, I have some beautiful boxes (one wooden and another in a faux leather suitcase style) for storing my 'stashed' full bottles of treasured scents I want to ensure I have for some time.


And, since I change out scents during the day, depending on the particular task before me (creative activities; working with special needs kids; working with adults; educational pursuits; etc) I carry a variety of 'in-use' scents with me in this great little multicompartment satchel I found at Target. There is a section for social scents and pheroblends, another for work (creativity, insight, communication, etc) scents and pheroblends, and another section for those incredibly sexy scents and pheroblends. I probably change out scents 2 or 3 times a day! Some of the forum members who have been on the boards since '07/'08 might remember my posting about my little satchel of scents :)


Scent is such an incredibly powerful tool... for relaxation, for increased focus, for stimulating creativity, for arousing interest.... I really am so glad that I discovered LPMP so I can always have the tools I need to maximize the use of scent!

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How did I know those were going to be your choices?! :lol:


GINGER !!! HAH...you know me TOO well Luna :rolleyes: not sure if that's good or bad ????

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Ditto on the sampler and Black Panther, and added Tabby Tiger, Sweet Jessica, Compromising Positions, and some wax melts. I love me those wax tarts. They make the whole house smell delicious.

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Ditto on the sampler and Black Panther, and added Tabby Tiger, Sweet Jessica, Compromising Positions, and some wax melts. I love me those wax tarts. They make the whole house smell delicious.


I think you and I were the only ones who purchased Tabby, Panther, and Jessica! Oh wait, LV got a Jessica too :D

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I think you and I were the only ones who purchased Tabby, Panther, and Jessica! Oh wait, LV got a Jessica too :D


That's OK. We'll all sit back smiling and smelling good when everyone else realizes they lost out! :lol:

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Yes, I totally remember that satchel post! I went out and looked for it! :D


I think it was too long ago... I still have the same satchels.. still in great condition... and still serving as such a great way to keep my LPs organized and it is always easy to find exactly the type I am needing for the situation!

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I did the same thing when I first started! And I came here during the big sale, so I placed A LOT of orders during those first 30 days! Hey, it's fantastic perfumes, out of this world company owners, and the best forum community EVER!

Sale you say?? I can't imagine how much I would have bought had there been a sale. LOL.

This is definitely an awesome community. Plus, I'm totally stoked at how well everything that I've tried has worked so well. It's awesome.

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I think it was too long ago... I still have the same satchels.. still in great condition... and still serving as such a great way to keep my LPs organized and it is always easy to find exactly the type I am needing for the situation!


Where did you purchase them? I would love to see one if you can post a pic?!


My collection is starting to become hard to keep organised :)

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Hmm, I don't see how to post pictures; the little image icon on the message toolbar asks for a url and doesn't provide for an upload.... If someone wants to tell me how, I will post the pics.... I bought them from Target, in the cosmetics section. One is black, with 3 sections.... the other is polka dotted with 2 sections. They weren't manufactured to work together as a set, but, the polka dotted one sets right inside the top of the black one....

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Hmm, I don't see how to post pictures; the little image icon on the message toolbar asks for a url and doesn't provide for an upload.... If someone wants to tell me how, I will post the pics.... I bought them from Target, in the cosmetics section. One is black, with 3 sections.... the other is polka dotted with 2 sections. They weren't manufactured to work together as a set, but, the polka dotted one sets right inside the top of the black one....


I think you have to upload the pics to a website like Photobucket or something similar. Then you will have url to put in, and the pic will show up. Hope that makes sense.

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so they'll get a couple each as presents to see if they want to start the addiction


Friends help friends get addicted to LP! I have more LP bottles than from anywhere else; Nocturne Alchemy is a close second. Probably BPAL and Possets next, but most of the time I wear LP.

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Considering Miss Right Now for a friend. Also, I think there was one called Lost Highway? I was searching for something with carnation in it and came across a spooky one that sounded like it'd be good. Oh, and I might try out a bath bomb. And a coplins only roll-on. Still playing with my tester so I think my next big order is just going to be some oomph factor-products like pheromone oil roll on to wear underneath corresponding perfumes.

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MissHazel, I just finished a PE for someone that is Carnation-based, and it's gorgeous. I have two bottles extra from that brew. It's called "Mom's Crazy for Carnations" and in addition to the aforementioned flower, there is also a touch of a very complimentary Honeysuckle, and a touch of white musk in the base. I was bathed in it all day yesterday because I spilled half a bottle on myself. :lol: I kept the shirt on all day anyway because it smelled so good. Let me know if you'd like to claim one of the available bottles.


If you're looking for other carnation based scents - Pom Pom Nom Nom is one, and there's spell potion Persuasion too, and if anyone has one in the trading post, Lover's Reunion Potion

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Wow, it sounds interesting! I'm going to let someone else claim it because I went crazy on Snowflake's trade post. I'll definitely want to see reviews on it though and see if it winds up in the trade forum. Pom Pom might be what I'm looking for, because I'm looking for something dark sexy with carnations in it. What brought it to mind was one of the PE waxmelts reminding me of Lush bath products, and there was one with carnation in it. I looked it up and it had Rose, Carnation, and Tangerine (but for some reason I remember it smelling darker than that.) But, oooo, do I love the spiciness that carnation brings to my nose and brain.


Thanks for keeping me in mind. That's awesome that you just finished a carnation perfume. I'm rather jealous of your job!

Edited by MissHazel
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WANT, please!! May I? I adore all things carnation!!

Edited by Just Ducky
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I plan to place an order of LP Black amped with Le Femme Noir. I don't plan to order until January though since I've just ordered 5 items that haven't even arrived yet (not to mention the 2 items ordered from the Trade post). :lol:

Plus, I want to see what's in store for January.

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Yes! Synchronicity at its finest! As further proof, I predict that you are **holds envelope to forehead** watching Impractical Jokers, and peeing your pants laughing.


I'm right, aren't I!! :alien_dance:

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You totally have ESPN !!


Girl, you should be WRITING for that show you're watching! :Emoticons04287:

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Finally made my Christmas order just now: Indecent Exposure, Get Happy, and a December sampler, a long-desired bottle of LP Pink, forum freebies of S'More Than A Feeling and The Smoking Bun, ('cause it's about time I tried those, since Calii has recommended them and Calii is always right! ;) ). I also got samples of Frosted, Egg '11, and Santa's Little Helper. And a jar of LPO cream with copulins.


I wrestled with whether I should get another bottle of Ebil-ish this time around, but I think I'm gonna wait. If the stock gets too low before the January goodies come out, I'll make an emergency order. I *will* need another bottle of Ebil-ish. Maybe even two. Maybe even *boosted, which is something I haven't done yet. :) That little black kitty and I just really get along...

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I took it pretty easy and only ordered bottles of Glitter Kissed and Balls! for me and Weapon X for Shadow plus a sample of Dominance and forum samples of Indecent Exposure and ... and I feel fine. That was tough though because I wanted more but I's po' right now.

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