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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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:P I have found a new friend in LP.


:) I ordered 3 samples all relating to relaxation the other day. Synchronicity, Le Sommeil Des Anges & Taxed.


:abvb: Tonight I ordered a full sized bottle of 12th Night in New Orleans since I cant stop slathering on the sample I got from Sultry Brunette.

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My next order is going to contain a bottle of scandalous intentions. I am really enjoying this scent. I am a little surprised by how much I like it. Lily tends to be an overpowering scent on me, but it fades pretty fast on me with this one. Once it is gone (about 20 minutes), I love what remains!

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Well, I just placed an order for full bottles of Soul Food and Carpe Noctum, and a couple extra samples of Ashes to Dust.

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I want to try out Native Soil and Mummy Chunks if they are still around by payday. They both sound lovely! :P I have not been able to afford too many new scents lately, although I did get to order a nice full bottle of Potion 31.


Edit to add: Welcome to the forum Yumyum! :)

Edited by for_love_of_Him
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:P I have found a new friend in LP.


:019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co I ordered 3 samples all relating to relaxation the other day. Synchronicity, Le Sommeil Des Anges & Taxed.


:abvb: Tonight I ordered a full sized bottle of 12th Night in New Orleans since I cant stop slathering on the sample I got from Sultry Brunette.


Welcome, yumyum!! You're off to a great start with your choices. You will LOVE Synchronicity (very musky) and Taxed (very vanilla and Ylang Ylang). I'm waiting for my own sample of Le Sommeil Des Anges. :)

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Monday i sent in an order for full bottles of Lioness for my youngest dtr.

Tropical Temtation for my eldest dtr. and sugared honeycomb for myself,also a custom sugared scent made up of Cinnamon,allspice and vanilla.

Then last night i ordered a monthly sample pack for oct. scents also samples of sug card.

sug frank & Myrrh and Hathor. :dancingfruits0nm: ooohh cant wait to get my goodies.

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I almost feel guilty waiting for the October scents when it seems we just got the September ones to play with.


I guess it's true what they say about addicts: one sample, then you're hooked. :lol:

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Yesterday I ordered full sized bottles of Treasured Hearts, Sugared Roses with TAA and Cuddle Bunny. I also ordered samples of Me,Jane (a must have) Breaking the Ceiling, Sugared HoneyComb and Sugared HoneySuckle. I'm actually thinking about getting a full sized bottle of Breaking the Ceiling. It works so well and has really influenced my career.

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Oh man ladies this is a hard decision. There are just way to many potions on my list right now. I think I might just order a shit load of samples..lol. :cry: I want Lap Of The Queen, Ashes to Dust, Wishcraft (something I havent tried yet) Native Soil, Hexen, Tamashii No Tomo, AHHHHHHHHH! plus all the October goodies about to come out. Iam going insane :angry3::(

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Just placed an order for a bunch of goodies in sample sizes. Wish I could order big bottles of everything but the economy sucks in America right now. However I ordered everything I was considering yesterday except for "WishCraft" but maybe if I get lucky the ladies will throw that in there as a freebie sample. :banana132:

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you all seem to be so sweet :bizoo:

so I will tell you what I'm up to!


these I MUST try:


Ivory's Pixie Garden bottle!

Angel of Spring

Spring Equinox



Egg (I know, only 3 samples left)

Fairy Massacre



Southern Gothic

Une Woman (not sure)


*from the phero ones:

Cuddlebunny bottle! (if I go a bit weird maybe even 2..)

Pherogirl super


Forever After

Breaking the Ceiling

Communication Potion (not sure)

Scandilous Intentions

Me Jane


so yeah, dunno if I will get ONLY samples, maybe a bunch of bottles

but I'm not very rich.. so the for sure bottles will atleast be Cuddlebunny and that Pixie Garden!

oh yeah and also some of the sugared ones..

I have a few sugared bottles from BPAL and I love love love them

so I really can't wait to try these ones out

(I mean wow, sugared honeysuckle??!! :blink: )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bleargh...so I finally succumbed. I bought the 2-month-in-one. I dropped like 10 thousand hints to my s.o. to buy me this month's samples as an xmas giftie. Men can be so weird. Maybe this way, if the samples come to me in time I can get a FULL bottle order of one or 2 under the tree? Either way, I'm wholly psyched. I still have an order waiting to be shipped (man, I never thought I'd be one to say that here...but here I am), so hopefully these 2 will meet up in LP's Workshop (Can you see them donning little elf hats for the season?Yes, Danna's would be black...maybe with some bling on it too...)


It's all over but for the daily checking of email for shipping notices...sweet!

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I am new at LP perfumes. I came across the website by accident and thought it was so cute. I ordered Kingdom of Dreams, LP Red, and Fairy Massacre. I tried them and smelled my arm, then washed them off. I wasn't fond of the smells. I had never used oils and didn't realize it takes a while on my skin to develop. Sometime later just to relax I put on Kingdom of Dreams and started reading my book. About two hours later I kept smelling something wonderful. IT WAS ME! These take about 15 minutes to morph into wonderful smells. SOOO to make a long story short I ordered Stealing Christmas, Lunantishee, Fairest, and Flower and Flame.

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Since I still have four orders on the way, I am going to resist the urge to order any of the new scents until my samples arrive! I have a custom sugared coming, one order that I placed with a handful of new samples, another order with a handful of samples, and an order with some key staples (for stockpiling). My monthlies come automatically, so I didn't have to worry about that!


So far, I know that I am going to want a Sugared Magi in full. The others I am not sure about yet. I will have to wait until the full pages are up and I can see what is in them.


Aside from this month's yummy new releases, I have a stockpiling order to place. It will include any that I need from this month's releases, any fulls that I need from the samples I have coming, and bottles of: 21st Century Venus, Dirty Sexy, Halloween Moon, NOX, Potion 31, Sugared Mint, Carpe Noctum and Vain. My year-end bonus is due in a few weeks, so I am treating myself...

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Right now iam just waiting for my sample pack of Oct/Nov. and then i'll be placing big size orders from that. "Warrior Heart" is number 1 on my big size bottle right now also "Phero Girl Wildflower" looks amazing. I can't wait to get my samples. :alien_dance:

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Right now iam just waiting for my sample pack of Oct/Nov. and then i'll be placing big size orders from that. "Warrior Heart" is number 1 on my big size bottle right now also "Phero Girl Wildflower" looks amazing. I can't wait to get my samples. :alien_dance:


Those are the ones that immediately sparked my interest too, AG - btw I love the quote in your sig file - is it from a book or?

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I'm waiting on two orders (some new things but mostly restock items) and, of course, the new Nov/Dec sample pack.


I ordered a full Crimson Black already. I have a feeling I'll want tons more: Happy Water, Want, Sogni Incantati, Warrior Heart, Sugared Magi, Fairest, Spectre Potion, His4Her, & Stealing X-Mas.


Of course I can only go by the little description, so there may be more. :alien_dance:

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I am new at LP perfumes. I came across the website by accident and thought it was so cute. I ordered Kingdom of Dreams, LP Red, and Fairy Massacre. I tried them and smelled my arm, then washed them off. I wasn't fond of the smells. I had never used oils and didn't realize it takes a while on my skin to develop. Sometime later just to relax I put on Kingdom of Dreams and started reading my book. About two hours later I kept smelling something wonderful. IT WAS ME! These take about 15 minutes to morph into wonderful smells. SOOO to make a long story short I ordered Stealing Christmas, Lunantishee, Fairest, and Flower and Flame.


Yes, that is the thing about the scents here.....they are not like commercial perfumes. They morph on you over time.....I give each of them several hours, in order to decide whether they are "for me" or not.....

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I'm right now considering:


LP: winter solstice 2008

sweet valentine (even though it appears to be geared toward teens - I just love the ingredients!)

Eggnog riot (because YUM!)


and maybe Cougar though I think I probably have all my phero needs covered. For some reason I'm still tempted.


My finger has been itching to at least get winter solstice. I might settle for just that one and hold on the others until maybe I can try them (minus cougar).

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I'm right now considering:


LP: winter solstice 2008

sweet valentine (even though it appears to be geared toward teens - I just love the ingredients!)

Eggnog riot (because YUM!)


and maybe Cougar though I think I probably have all my phero needs covered. For some reason I'm still tempted.


My finger has been itching to at least get winter solstice. I might settle for just that one and hold on the others until maybe I can try them (minus cougar).



Cougar (scented) is AWESOME!! I didn't think I'd be a fan of a grapefruit smell, but I lather this on and can't get enough of it. Sometimes I put a dab of Tropical Temptation to enhance the fruitlike smell. Both the scented AND unscented version of Cougar is fantastic! I am halfway through my bottle of the scented and I find myself using the unscented on the non-Cougar scented days! :alien_dance: The unscented one takes barely any cover to conceal.


If I were you, I would serious consider adding this to your arsenal.

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Yes, that is the thing about the scents here.....they are not like commercial perfumes. They morph on you over time.....I give each of them several hours, in order to decide whether they are "for me" or not.....


That is so true. After wearing these, my other perfumes seem almost artificial. Does that make sense. I just LOVE these!

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  • 2 weeks later...

To date, and this list is sooo subject to change, I will be getting the following:


Blood Martini (just as yummy as the original, but different)

Fairest (mmm, sweet goodness)

1 sample of Plenty (could be upgraded to full)

1 sample of Spectre Potion (could be upgraded to full)


Special sugared


*I'm still waiting to try Want, Flower and Flame, Lunantishee, Warrior Heart, Siberian Lust, Marley's Ghost, and Spectre Potion.


I'm given each sample a day's try. ^_^


Wow!! It's going to be Merry Christmas to me this year.

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So far on my list I have "Siberian Lust", "Happy Water", "Warrior Heart" and "Flower and Flame" from the new releases catergory. These 4 are just heavenly! Other then that "In Lap Of The Queen" and I need to restock on "Sweet Revenge" Thats my big size bottle choices. Uh! So many goodies! ^_^

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I'll be placing my order tomorrow and iam going nuts because I can't make up my mind which 2 big size to order first. ^_^

Unfortunatly I can't order them all right now :blush: because the economy sucks and some peoples jobs get effected like mine so iam going to have to order 2 now then another 2 sometime either next week or in a few weeks. We've been so slow latley but it's ok iam just happy I still have a job. Some people around the world are really effected by it right now. I have a question though and I know this is a little far fetched but the ladies arent doing the buy 2 big size get one free anymore are they??? If not I completley understand but it doesn't hurt to ask anyway. :blue_dancing_banana:


Hi Ladies, Its later on in the day. I couldn't take it anymore I just placed my order. I decided for now to go with "Happy Water" "Siberian Lust" and I got a sample size of "Wildflower" AHHHH!!! HEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE WOOOHOOOO YYYYAAA!! :drunk: EEEEEEEEEEE MY BIG BOTTLES ARE ON THERE WAY!!! YYYAAA!!! HEHEHEHEHEHHEE

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Just ordered samples of LP red, LP black, fairest, and eggnog riot along with bottles of LP: summer 2008 and Oidhche Shamhna. I have no doubt there will be another order with at least one of those samples to follow, but possibly all four and if the lab includes any other samples, there's a 100% probability that I'll order one of those since every order I've had there's been a few extra samples included and always one of them that I loved. Oidhche Shamhna was one I never would have tried. They added it in and I loved it. Same with LP: summer, and even the original LP was included in my first order which got me hooked on the LP line. I guess I'm truly a testament to how adding in extra samples can generate lots more business. I never would have thought to try ANY of those that I now love! I think they are especially gifted at looking at what you order and guessing what you will like based on your order. They've sure got my number!



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Just ordered samples of LP red, LP black, fairest, and eggnog riot along with bottles of LP: summer 2008 and Oidhche Shamhna. I have no doubt there will be another order with at least one of those samples to follow, but possibly all four and if the lab includes any other samples, there's a 100% probability that I'll order one of those since every order I've had there's been a few extra samples included and always one of them that I loved. Oidhche Shamhna was one I never would have tried. They added it in and I loved it. Same with LP: summer, and even the original LP was included in my first order which got me hooked on the LP line. I guess I'm truly a testament to how adding in extra samples can generate lots more business. I never would have thought to try ANY of those that I now love! I think they are especially gifted at looking at what you order and guessing what you will like based on your order. They've sure got my number!




:( Sounds Good. "Happy Water" is amazing!

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Well, I just got back from a long vacation and seeing that some new things are very popular. Noting that, I decided not to go with the monthly sampler this time..I worry about the items I want being sold out too fast if I wait to try everything first!


And so, decided on full bottles of Siberian Lust and Happy Water. Samples of a few others.


I decided on Happy Water because I noticed that one while accessing the internet from Hong Kong and happened to be wearing a locally made variation of Florida Water..so trying the Love Potions variant should be interesting and I know I like that basic scent type already.


Siberian Lust just jumped out at me and I keep obsessing over it, so I guess I have to get that unsniffed. I just KNOW it'll work.

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Well, my first order (all phero samples and one full size!) hasn't even arrived, but I'm considering another order of samples:


Sugared Magi

Love Potion®: RED

Forever After - Pheromone Enhanced Perfume for Women

Sugared Amber™

Sugared Honeycomb


I'm ready to push the button, just one more quick look around the forum for people's favorites that I might want to try.

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Oooh good choices Goddess.


You might want to test out the Love Potion Sampler, if you havent already. It is what I started with, when I found this site, and LOVED IT!


Otherwise those are some good choices. Cant wait to hear what you think about that package that is on its way to you :)


HMMMM, now I told myslef no more LP purchases for awhile as I am SOOO overstocked on these goodies...BUT,


I am still considering these bottles :



Warrior heart,

Roxcket Fuel

Siberian Lust

Sugared Magi


And I have only tested half 12 of the last three months :blue_dancing_banana:



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Curses!! I just found out how many forum points I had, so I HAD to make another order. I this order I got...*drum roll, please*


Sogni Incanti

Le Sommeil des Anges


EggNog Riot (I was done resisting)

(1) Lioness sample

(1) Cocoa Sauvignon sample

(2) Want samples

(2) Plenty samples


Merry Christmas to me!!

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Curses!! I just found out how many forum points I had, so I HAD to make another order. I this order I got...*drum roll, please*


Sogni Incanti

Le Sommeil des Anges


EggNog Riot (I was done resisting)

(1) Lioness sample

(1) Cocoa Sauvignon sample

(2) Want samples

(2) Plenty samples


Merry Christmas to me!!


Ooooh! Well done, I am excited for you!

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I'm still playing catchup with a lot of the older ones. This order was:


Love Potion®: RED

unscented Cougar

Sugared Honeycomb

Love Potion original

~ with trials of Deliciously Wicked and Mummy Chunks. Odds are both will end up being bottles in the next round, and Sogni Incanti looks like an upcoming trial too!

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I'm still playing catchup with a lot of the older ones. This order was:


Love Potion®: RED

unscented Cougar

Sugared Honeycomb

Love Potion original

~ with trials of Deliciously Wicked and Mummy Chunks. Odds are both will end up being bottles in the next round, and Sogni Incanti looks like an upcoming trial too!


Ooh, you're going to love all of those. You just bought ALL of my favorites. I upgraded the Deliciously Wicked as soon as the scent touched my body. :blue_dancing_banana:

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Curses!! I just found out how many forum points I had, so I HAD to make another order. I this order I got...*drum roll, please*


Sogni Incanti

Le Sommeil des Anges


EggNog Riot (I was done resisting)

(1) Lioness sample

(1) Cocoa Sauvignon sample

(2) Want samples

(2) Plenty samples


Merry Christmas to me!!


Merry Christmas to you!!!!

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