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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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Guest cutie.pie

Ah, thanks for the heads-up. Best start saving now!

I missed out on some good ones last time, don't wanna make the same mistake again! ;)

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Ordered the samplers and glad to hear the ones I'm anticipating are getting fb worthy reviews, Beautiful Dreamer, Dom Noire, Ladybird, Mega Watt. Mean Business I wasn't sure about at first but got my atten when the description was revealed and I think it's gonna be very effective cause I already wanna buy 2 fb's and I haven't even sampled it yet!

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Guest cutie.pie

Now that my samples are on its way, I'm thinking what UNs I'll order and also I'm thinking about ordering Pinnacle for my dad as a Christmas gift ;)

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I got scared that Beautiful Dreamer would sell out, so I ordered a FB (spray) of that. Then I tried to order a full spray bottle of Little Witches for my mom for Christmas (because I got a sniffie of it once and she LOVES it!), but it wouldn't let me. It let me order the concentrated perfume oil. Does that mean the spray bottles of Little Witches are sold out? It was confusing on Paypal because it never actually said that one was sold out...it said some of the samples I ordered were sold out, but if I deleted one of them, it just went to the next one and said IT was sold out. But then I noticed that the Little Witches changed itself to a quantity of zero, and when I removed it, the others were fine.


Babble, babble, babble. I also ordered trial vials of:


Totem: Bunny

Totem: Horse

Moon of the Falling Leaves

Nip of Autumn

Kitten Heels (only because someone on here keeps talking about it! lol)

Merlin's Blend

Autumn Wishes




There were a few others I wanted to try that I asked for sniffies of if possible. I feel guilty about that; I hope it's not a bad thing to ask.


I definitely have a problem. *sigh*

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Guest cutie.pie

I definitely have a problem. *sigh*

WE ALL DO! :lol2:


I think the best thing you can do is email Mara or John and ask about Little Witches. If there is a bottle in oil, I'm pretty sure Mara could convert it to spray :)

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Kitten Heels (only because someone on here keeps talking about it! lol)


Hmm... might that be me? I am an unashamed Kitten Heels evangelist! I think it was made to pair with LFM. Possibly other things but it sort of strikes me as LFM's intention equivalent in scent form. I hope you'll like it! Oh, and let us know what you think of Nip of Autumn. I keep meaning to nab a trial vial but it gets relegated in favour of other things. Maybe if it's still around I'll pop a trial in my next order after all!

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WE ALL DO! :lol2:


I think the best thing you can do is email Mara or John and ask about Little Witches. If there is a bottle in oil, I'm pretty sure Mara could convert it to spray :)


Oh, good idea! Thanks. :)




Hmm... might that be me? I am an unashamed Kitten Heels evangelist! I think it was made to pair with LFM. Possibly other things but it sort of strikes me as LFM's intention equivalent in scent form. I hope you'll like it! Oh, and let us know what you think of Nip of Autumn. I keep meaning to nab a trial vial but it gets relegated in favour of other things. Maybe if it's still around I'll pop a trial in my next order after all!


Yes, that would be you! haha. I need to know what all the fuss is about.


I fear I ordered too many "autumnal" scents this go-round. Oh well.

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Oh, good idea! Thanks. :)




Yes, that would be you! haha. I need to know what all the fuss is about.


I fear I ordered too many "autumnal" scents this go-round. Oh well.

Well, I hope you love it! And it certainly isn't autumnal to my nose, so at least one thing in your arsenal will offer you some variation.

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Which ones did you get? Make sure you update your They're Here W00T thread.

Oh, okay--I'll do that when they get here. I love listing what I got for some reason. More fun if you can share it, I guess?


My phero samples for Pheromas should be in this week...fingers crossed!

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I know I'll be getting the sampler for Dec. and I think I'll have to add a Mega Watt to that too ^_^ I'm really liking the way this one behaves on me! I usually lean toward oils, but I've tested the spray and already know how it plays on me....GADS, decisions, decisions! :D

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Guest cutie.pie

I think I'll get UN samples Cougar, Dominance, LFM, H&S and Popularity Potion and a FB Ashes to Dust :)

And after I buy Christmas gifts, I hope I'll have some money left for more UN samples :) and a FB Mega Watt.

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I am planning on which bottles from November I want to order but still testing my sampler set lol. I will also get a FB of Weenie plus a sample of Eve of Darkness

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Went with Dec sampler, - whenever it's ready :D Mega Watt in oil and samples of Dark Desires w/HT and Mark's Girl Nip w/PM for my fella :)

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To be honest, when I read the notes in the December releases and while they sounded gorgeous, but none of them quite sounded like a "me" scent. So instead of going with the December releases, I opted for a FB of Mega Watt Spray, a bottle of LP Original Roll On, and a bunch of wax melts. Because I have been out of commission w/ the tooth/bone infection/root canal debacle, I have been slow to experiment with my rather large order for November. Will be experimenting and playing though! :)

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December sampler ordered! I see several potential full bottles, but the ones I am most hopeful for are also the ones I am most uncertain of! I am also gearing up for a couple of PEs for the new year, so need to be careful with the budget.

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Ordered December sampler plus a FB spray of Winters Grace. Also, FBs of Ashes, Nog & Snowman Poop. Tarts & Epi & 'enone phero trials. Whew... Glad I got my "Dreamer" order in last week ...

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I'm still hooked on Novembers NR's and pheromas - prior order on the way. And I want to save for other items, so I'll have to hold back in December.


That said, on way from prior order(s) in Nov:

B2.2, Bang (wanted more), FB Living Doll RB oil, Samples of Coquette and Living Doll; 2 samples BBM


Up next - more pheromas

Gotcha, DHEAS, Open Windows or Levitation (I can't decide or if I can, will get both), Topper


And I want wax melts too!! Had my cart filled up 2x this weekend and haven't ordered bc trying to figure out how to fit into budget.

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(I almost typed in Warm James...)


Hehe....depends....who's James? Maybe you can order both?


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I am going to order my first FULL BOTTLES!


I literally am picking one from each of two different groups of three. Here they are:


Group A: (I will choose one)

Excalibur oil

T.M.I. oil w/cops

Pashazade oil


Group B: (I will choose one)

Steamy Daydreams spray w/pheros & cops (considering SWS phero, but does this clash w/cops?)

Sand Box oil w/ Teddy BB

Salute! spray


Can you guess which ones I will get and/or do you have opinions on my choices?

Edited by HappyGoSkillfully
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I ordered the November sampler. I am hoping that comes with a trial of megawatt? I tried to convince a co-worker that he wanted to share this sampler with me since there are so many men's scents but he decided not to. (something about Christmas and being responsible. Pah!) And also Ashes to Dust III and Eve of Darkness. Trial bottles because I need to be at least a little responsible myself.

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