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OK, so what are we all ordering/considering?


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6 minutes ago, raydee8_love said:

 OH NO !!!!! 

I found the sale exhausting..... I wonder how the potion master does it !!! 

I found the lead up to the sale the most exhausting, lol. Then, once it started ( I was lucky enough to be on here already ) I was excited, but in a very panicked way, lol. I imagined literally everything being claimed within like an hour or something crazy like that, but it's good to know that next year, I can be a bit more relaxed about it & know how it works. I feel just incredibly relieved now & super excited go get my package in the future. I know EXACTLY what you mean about PM, I would go literally insane trying to keep track of everyone's stuff. She really is amazing on so many levels !

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2 minutes ago, StrawberryKitten said:

( I was lucky enough to be on here already ) I was excited, but in a very panicked way, lol. I imagined literally everything being claimed within like an hour or something crazy like that,

 I thought the exact same thing  - was just imagining Bridal Dress sales with women pushing and shoving and claiming territory  or Walmart Black Friday. Plus I snagged some TV's of Ivory Cats Silken Glow - I felt so lucky !!! 


Yes, I agree the Potion Master is amazing !!!!!

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@raydee8_love I was cool once I realized it was charger cable, I had been careless and was leaving cord laying across everyone's path, because I "needed" to keep it fully recharged for all that "refreshing." I was much more worried about it at the time because it was still plugged in and it died, I didn't know it had stopped working hours before. So I believed that I killed my laptop, not the cord, from hitting refresh and staring at the screen too intently! 

I think the sale started maybe 7pm-ish, or later, when it started. And @Potion Master, were you moving or something, and you kept adding more things? So it felt really important to stay on top of the sale. And then I had something crazy happening where my emails weren't getting to the shop from my phone somehow, "broken laptop" be damned. Mercury was in retrograde last August and was being a real show-off. 

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4 hours ago, halo0073 said:

Welllllll it was kinda like that in years past. It’s much more chill these days as there are less people here and soooo much more offered in the Sale than what used to be available.

This is such a great community of people! Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. 

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Recovered from the flu and thinking about scents now that my nose works again. I reserved a bottle of Winter in the Tropics and I'm trying to decide between that and Themyscira. I love love love LFM, but I don't always like florals and I have no idea what gardenia smells like. And I already know I like Themyscira from a sniffie...
But there's ONLY ONE BOTTLE of Winter in the Tropics and what if I miss out?? Ahh, life is soooo hard - choosing between two great scents for my free bottle... ;) (Thanks so much to Mara for the sale! This is incredible!)


On 8/3/2019 at 9:10 PM, Kayla said:

This is such a great community of people! Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. 

Agreed 100%!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently I am making up for the last two years and ordering the store...


Occos Mocha, Creamy  Almond, Lemon Buttercream, Lavender Buttercream, Raspberry Rhapsody


full bottle set now of all Chakras with backup bottle of Heart


Gargoyle Gargle


Butterscream Lemon


Cougar Potion Panther


Madeline's Hot Memphis Nights


Hauntings spray boosted with CB (soooo sad no Gotcha! but ah well)


Undercover Lover spray


Fairy Cakes -- oatmeal, pumpkin, lavender, lemon, rose, strawberry


and my mystery boxes, over which I am quite frankly losing my mind with excited anticipation -- a Black Cat box and two spells


It's good to be back!!!!

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I'm now waiting on the new OCCO trial set,

FB's of the OCCO's Butterscotch, Lavender Buttercream, Buttercream Lemon, Orange Droolicious, and back-ups of last year's OCCO's Pineapple & Midnight. Also ordered back-ups of Unbeleafable and Veridian Muse for my man, plus back-ups of Drive By Fruiting and Soliloquy of Lady Macbeth for me. 

Besides the new OCCO's, the new-to-me bottles I'm excited to try are Alexi Relaxi, the latest PCMP's and Ebil-ish, (although I've had trials and previous incarnations) Kissed By the Sun, and Sally's Daytime Elegance. I'm not trying nearly as much new stuff as I did last year, but I'm feeling confident they will all be winners!


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45 minutes ago, halo0073 said:

What is Alexi Relaxi? Is that a delightful autocorrect or am I missing something? I’m missing something I bet. 


A  gift PE I made for my god daughter Alexi when she was having a meltdown a couple months ago. It's just simple and comforting. She loves it. I had to work on it so fast I even reused an old label image.



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@luna65 and @halo0073, the name caught my eye when someone reserved it in the sale thread, I think @greenappletart? It's on the Etsy site. So I saw the notes and really I should drink Teddy BB by the gallon, so it was an obvious choice. 

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From the sale 

Full bottle of UN LFM Oil based 

Small bottle of UN Popularity Oil based

Full bottle Gravenstein Oil based

Sugar Coconut 


What I have arriving today (SUPER EXCITED) 

Moondust Cocoa 

Lina’s Mama Lion


And now I’m going to email to see if I can pay for a personal scent on top of the ones I’m ordering, in LOVE with this store!!!! 🤸🏾‍♀️

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Just now, Blackgirlmagic said:

From the sale 

Full bottle of UN LFM Oil based 

Small bottle of UN Popularity Oil based

Full bottle Gravenstein Oil based

Sugar Coconut 


What I have arriving today (SUPER EXCITED) 

Moondust Cocoa 

Lina’s Mama Lion


And now I’m going to email to see if I can pay for a personal scent on top of the ones I’m ordering, in LOVE with this store!!!! 🤸🏾‍♀️

Oops and I forgot Aja is also on her way to my house today!!!!!🤸🏾‍♀️

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On 8/21/2019 at 7:50 PM, Eastwood22 said:

@luna65 and @halo0073, the name caught my eye when someone reserved it in the sale thread, I think @greenappletart? It's on the Etsy site. So I saw the notes and really I should drink Teddy BB by the gallon, so it was an obvious choice. 


Yes, that was probably me. It wasn't on the sale list, but with limited numbers available I wanted to make sure I reserved a bottle. I posted my entire list of things w/ limited numbers because I panicked as soon as the sale opened, lol. I was afraid of missing out. I was so much more organized last year when we could see the list before it opened. 


I think they were posted to the website not too long before the sale started because I only noticed it when I was checking what I wanted. Those PEs sort of slipped in unnoticed. There were a couple of things that were either rebrews or scents where a few bottles must have been found, because I hadn't seen them in that section for a while. Plus a couple of new ones. I had my list planned when suddenly there were all these new choices. I was in a tizzy of last minute revisions.


On 8/21/2019 at 1:49 PM, Potion Master said:


A  gift PE I made for my god daughter Alexi when she was having a meltdown a couple months ago. It's just simple and comforting. She loves it. I had to work on it so fast I even reused an old label image.




At first I thought it was a rebrew of something older. The pinup labels were before my time, but I've seen them floating around. I was confused why I couldn't find any reviews, but it looked so good I was willing to take a chance. Now I understand why and everything makes a lot more sense. I'm glad you were able to help her. Even beyond the perfume, it's good she has people around who care and are there to offer support.

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I'm trying it!  (The Alexi Relax)  this is perfect for me right now.  So great (not)  that I missed the sale, and now I'm shopping again.  Timing is everything.🤨

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It’s 💕 LOVE!!!!  Alexi Relax is a gorgeous sandalwood/vanilla musk scent!  


I had such high hopes for Sensual Harmony, but, the ying lang was just too much for me. 


This would pair pair nicely with last year’s Sandalwood Musk OCCO. 


@Potion Master  this is unique, and I’d love to see it offered more permanently, perhaps without photo. 

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2 hours ago, Eve said:

It’s 💕 LOVE!!!!  Alexi Relax is a gorgeous sandalwood/vanilla musk scent!  


I had such high hopes for Sensual Harmony, but, the ying lang was just too much for me. 


This would pair pair nicely with last year’s Sandalwood Musk OCCO. 


@Potion Master  this is unique, and I’d love to see it offered more permanently, perhaps without photo. 

@Potion Master it's not a bad idea! I really like this Alexi too!

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On 8/31/2019 at 1:47 PM, Eve said:

It’s 💕 LOVE!!!!  Alexi Relax is a gorgeous sandalwood/vanilla musk scent!  


I had such high hopes for Sensual Harmony, but, the ying lang was just too much for me. 


This would pair pair nicely with last year’s Sandalwood Musk OCCO. 


@Potion Master  this is unique, and I’d love to see it offered more permanently, perhaps without photo. 


I just placed an order for this based on how much you and @Eastwood22 liked it. The ylang in Sensual  Harmony didn't work with my skin chemistry either, which is strange,  because I usually love it.  It must have been the combination of the notes. Anyway, I can't wait to get it and wear it for bedtime when I'm feeling stressed.

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@Kayla I hope you like it! Sensual Harmony wasn't my jam, either. I do love ylang ylang but not many flowers appeal to me these days. I think the perfume road narrows with time. When I was in HS I loved YSL's Paris, totally rose heavy, and I once loved Fracas, which is tuberose heavy, but it has to compete with a lot of jasmine. I'd get an immediate headache with either now. I'm sure that even if Mara formulated something with the same range of notes I still wouldn't want to wear them. 


I admit that I first grabbed onto Fracas because Madonna declared it as her favorite. Here's some interesting perfume history trivia about the FEMALE nose behind Fracas:

" Cellier was a known eccentric and perfumer, which meant hanging out with Jean Cocteau and doing interesting perfumer things such as stealing models' underwear so that she could “smell the best of their femininity' "

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1 hour ago, Eastwood22 said:

@Kayla I hope you like it! Sensual Harmony wasn't my jam, either. I do love ylang ylang but not many flowers appeal to me these days. I think the perfume road narrows with time. When I was in HS I loved YSL's Paris, totally rose heavy, and I once loved Fracas, which is tuberose heavy, but it has to compete with a lot of jasmine. I'd get an immediate headache with either now. I'm sure that even if Mara formulated something with the same range of notes I still wouldn't want to wear them. 


I admit that I first grabbed onto Fracas because Madonna declared it as her favorite. Here's some interesting perfume history trivia about the FEMALE nose behind Fracas:

" Cellier was a known eccentric and perfumer, which meant hanging out with Jean Cocteau and doing interesting perfumer things such as stealing models' underwear so that she could “smell the best of their femininity' "

I'm not a floral gal either, except for lavender, ylang, and a few other softer florals.  I can wear tuberose sometimes depending upon what it's blended with. Rose is horrible on me, and I avoid it at all costs!

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  • 5 weeks later...



I haven't ordered my trials yet, and stupid me, I asked my man if he wanted a bottle of either Autumn or Force de Poivre. His response? "I dunno, we can decide tonight, I'll let you smell." What a jerk! I'm trying to place my order NOW. He won't be home until 2am at the earliest. 


This is where being nice gets me, 24 more hours away from a shipping notice. 


@luna65 @halo0073and @Snoopyace, does "he" want Autumn or Force DP more? I might not feel like waiting. 

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31 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

Okay thanks ladies!


I get attention from Autumn but I get ATTENTION from Force du Poivre.  ESPECIALLY since it's been boosted with The Love God.

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2 hours ago, Snoopyace said:


I get attention from Autumn but I get ATTENTION from Force du Poivre.  ESPECIALLY since it's been boosted with The Love God.

I sent my invoice just now, but I'm playing with idea of a secret half boost of the Love God in there. My strangely stubborn BF won't bust open his Adam's Nectar with the LG in it, only the virgin, so I don't even know what it does for me! 


I also ordered a spray spray of Prisma w/ Audacious and I don't know what that does to me, either. Maybe it will turn me into a kleptomaniac. Or an Olympian athlete. 

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37 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

I sent my invoice just now, but I'm playing with idea of a secret half boost of the Love God in there. My strangely stubborn BF won't bust open his Adam's Nectar with the LG in it, only the virgin, so I don't even know what it does for me! 


I also ordered a spray spray of Prisma w/ Audacious and I don't know what that does to me, either. Maybe it will turn me into a kleptomaniac. Or an Olympian athlete. 


Wow.  Really?  I wonder what he's afraid of.  I get insane attention from both my Adam's Nectar in oil and spray (and when I'm working I use my virgin bottle and still get great results).  Secretly boost it!  Boost it, boost it, boost it!  

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I used to favor autumn scents year round. Now at the end of summer I've decided it's too hot and I need a variety of summer scents. But then it got super cold today and I'm about to head further north, so idk what I'll feel like ordering  😵 

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Last night I put them into the sale section of the pattern site and dropped the price. 



i am about a day away from launching the New new site   Anything not on that will be on the pattern site. 😊

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On 10/1/2019 at 6:17 PM, Snoopyace said:


Wow.  Really?  I wonder what he's afraid of.  I get insane attention from both my Adam's Nectar in oil and spray (and when I'm working I use my virgin bottle and still get great results).  Secretly boost it!  Boost it, boost it, boost it!  

@Snoopyace with my Weenie order, I got him a trial of Adam's with TLG, despite the fact that he has both a virgin bottle and the boosted one, because eventually the stars will align and he will take it out of the house and I will be there.  

He's taking me on a work trip next week and I will suggest he only bring trials, "to be safe."🤞🏽


Ya'll should know, there's some good stuff over there in the Going Going Gone section. Like two last little bottle of LP Brûlée, one last bottle Sareena with Lace, and three last bottles of Butterscream Lemon. And there's a 1/3 oz bottle of Sugared Gingerbread in the sale section, too. I'm only telling you all because I already have what I need and won't be making my next order for a while, not until I run through all these Weenies. But when I do make my next order, so far, Pearfection tops my list. If I don't need most every bottle in this collection, I'm thinking a spray of Fairy Cake Gingerbread will make the cut. It's so yummy that my man actually stole my FC Gingerbread sniffle!


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@Eastwood22 Sounds like a plan!!

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9 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

Ya'll should know, there's some good stuff over there in the Going Going Gone section. Like two last little bottle of LP Brûlée, one last bottle Sareena with Lace, and three last bottles of Butterscream Lemon. And there's a 1/3 oz bottle of Sugared Gingerbread in the sale section, too. I'm only telling you all because I already have what I need and won't be making my next order for a while, not until I run through all these Weenies. But when I do make my next order, so far, Pearfection tops my list. If I don't need most every bottle in this collection, I'm thinking a spray of Fairy Cake Gingerbread will make the cut. It's so yummy that my man actually stole my FC Gingerbread sniffle!


Yeah, I've been eyeing that section a lot lately... I never paid much attention to Butterscream Lemon until I purchased a couple of things from Anchoredinopulence recently & she generously included some trials & sniffies...one of them being that scent, & I kinda fell head over heels for it. I REALLY need to sit on my hands to stop ordering, lol...but, now I'm like, hmmmm, I'm getting low on LP Original again ( crisis mode ! ) & maybe I need to toss Butterscream Lemon in there when I order...

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@StrawberryKitten Butterscream Lemon is one of my (top 50!) favorites! I'm also guessing that Mara will make us a good lemon buttercream body product soon. 

And the best new loves frequently come as the sniffles in trades!

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21 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

@StrawberryKitten Butterscream Lemon is one of my (top 50!) favorites! I'm also guessing that Mara will make us a good lemon buttercream body product soon. 

And the best new loves frequently come as the sniffles in trades!

Agreed, there are lots of things I fell in love with from sniffies that I wouldn't have considered otherwise ! And there are notes that I always detested ( musk is the main one that comes to mind ) that I absolutely adore now in LPMP blends, because they are done so well ( Ebil - ish, Tingle Tangle, etc...loooove LPMP's musks ) so the past year has been a fun, eye opening surprise :) I think that I will order a Butterscream Lemon this coming weekend, & I'm thinking maybe Beth's Blushing Milkmaid will layer good with it...

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22 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

 I'm also guessing that Mara will make us a good lemon buttercream body product soon. 


To be fair, she already has!  That's why I begged her to make a perfume version (which is what Butterscream Lemon is).

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3 hours ago, luna65 said:


To be fair, she already has!  That's why I begged her to make a perfume version (which is what Butterscream Lemon is).

Oh, yes. I mean again! I just want more. Somehow my tub has lasted all year and I love it so much. Last time I put on Butterscream Lemon my man said something about it smelling "too much like lotion," because he sees me smearing it all over my legs. And the OCCO Lemon is also to die for!


I hadn't realized the order in which you made these things happen. Thank you for the Butterscream!

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