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what, actually, is the definition of 'slathering' ?

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:-) I have been playing with my LPMP pheros for a couple of months...and I just don't know how to 'dose'. With a spray bottle, it's fairly defined. Press finger on atomizer...done. One 'dose'. But the oils in a roller bottle? I just don't know. I use Oleander the Great (because I work with/for power-hungry beeatches) and cuddle bunny (although I don't care for the smell, myself, others do seem to respond well to it). I LOVE the smell of the LAM rose orchid...for whatever that's worth. But...what is a slather? I started quite small with my application, now I roll wantonly and smear it all around...but maybe I roll out 1 'dose', maybe 12. I'd like to figure this out! Please? Help?

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Slathering is in they eye of the beholder I think..


For me it depends on how the scent wears on me. Beyond the Veil, for example and OCCO black I have to just "dot" on because they really amp on me and if I use too much they are too strong.,


LP Red and OCCO pink on the other hand. I can roll from cleavage down tummy, down each thigh, then on inner arms and neck. Then I do the Mara "smoosh" where I sort of smoosh said body parts together so the oil isn't just sitting on the skin and then gets into clothes hair, etc. I've heard it suggested though not to rub your arms, writs, vigorously together when applying a scent with cops b/c it can mess with the cops causing them to smell like burned rubber. (but that's with very vigorous rubbing, I've never experienced this)


Does that help?

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It truly is in the eye of the beholder. (I laughed when I read that line, by the way.) Just to further prove Raq's point, she slathers on the LP Red, but I have to dot it. A dab on one wrist then pressed to the other wrist and teeny dot in the cleavage, and I'm good til the next shower. In fact, I haven't actually had to buy an LP Red yet. I've just been working on my trial vial, and I wear it once a month at the very least!

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It truly is in the eye of the beholder. (I laughed when I read that line, by the way.) Just to further prove Raq's point, she slathers on the LP Red, but I have to dot it. A dab on one wrist then pressed to the other wrist and teeny dot in the cleavage, and I'm good til the next shower. In fact, I haven't actually had to buy an LP Red yet. I've just been working on my trial vial, and I wear it once a month at the very least!


I am so jealous! I have to reapply the LP red. But it's one of the few spicy scents that doesn't turn plasticky Play-doh ish on me hours later.

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With un-boosted perfumes, for me, a slather is about 1/2 of a trial vial. With pheros, probably about 1/3 of a vial.


Translated to sprays, probably 6-8 sprays.


With bottles, I do a version of the "Mara Maneuver" where I roll down cleavage, around each breast, down tummy and back, then a good stripe on inner arms and maybe a bit on lower back and back of neck, depending. I also usually put a couple of rolls on my lower legs, so the scent/pheros will rise.

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Everyone's probably going to laugh at my version of "slathering"--I amp most all perfumes quite readily and far, never mind my skin will grab on to them and hold on forever, so when I do dabs a bit more generous than normal on my pulse points that's a slather!

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Well! :-) I'm still not sure if I'm overdoing or under-doing. But thanks for the responses!!! How do you know if you're 'amping' something or not? I'm so worried thatI'm going to smell too strongly that the "I'm 'allergic' to all scent" folks will be feigning attacks or something...yet, I want to have SOMETHING hovering about me. And as for the pheros, which is mostly my interest rather than plain scent, that's a harder thing to guage, since there's no meter to rely upon that goes from green to red as a re-ap is needed. I just keep rolling and rubbing and adding...and hoping for the best!


Oh...and...drydown? How does one know, particularly with an oil, if the 'dry' is completely 'down'? I find myself using the roller oils, then spraying my fav (from elsewhere, who's scent seems to make most here very unhappy but that I myself adore...maybe it just works well with my chemistry) and letting it all 'do it's thing'. Is there a protocol for one oil with another with an alcohol-based spray?

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How do you know if you're 'amping' something or not?


Well I can tell you what I mean by "amping". It means that a particular fragrance note that is perhaps minor and balanced in a scent when smelled wet, becomes stronger and stronger the longer it sit on my skin. This can be good or bad, but usually people comment on "amping" when they don't like the result.



I'm so worried thatI'm going to smell too strongly that the "I'm 'allergic' to all scent" folks will be feigning attacks or something...yet, I want to have SOMETHING hovering about me.


Well, ask for some trusted opinions if you want, but in my experience, Love Potion scents do not bother perfume-hating kinds of people. I know a few of these people, and they've never been bothered by LPMPs, which hang close to the body because they are oil based. Though, even when you order these scents in sprays, they are still never as obnoxious as conventional commercial perfumes.


Even when I "slather", I don't think it becomes offensive to other people.


And as for the pheros, which is mostly my interest rather than plain scent, that's a harder thing to guage, since there's no meter to rely upon that goes from green to red as a re-ap is needed. I just keep rolling and rubbing and adding...and hoping for the best!


Pheros are whole 'nother matter. How much is enough has to be gauged by people's behavior and what they say around you. But again, if you are using oil based or silicone based pheros, you are probably not overdosing everyone around you.


Oh...and...drydown? How does one know, particularly with an oil, if the 'dry' is completely 'down'? I find myself using the roller oils, then spraying my fav (from elsewhere, who's scent seems to make most here very unhappy but that I myself adore...maybe it just works well with my chemistry) and letting it all 'do it's thing'. Is there a protocol for one oil with another with an alcohol-based spray?


If you are talking about drydown of cops -- 15 mins or so? is probably good. If you are talking about fragrance, you don't need a particular drydown time, but you might notice that the scent changes during drydown.


Are you talking about spraying alcohol-based pheros on top of oil-based perfume? I do that sometimes, and it seems to give the best of both worlds in terms of phero silage and making it last longer than alcohol-based alone. I used to not mind a certain androgenous default scent in a certain brand of phero, but over time I think my nose just got more sensitive and it began to bother me in terms of how well it blended with my fav LPMPs.

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With bottles, I do a version of the "Mara Maneuver" where I roll down cleavage, around each breast, down tummy and back, then a good stripe on inner arms and maybe a bit on lower back and back of neck, depending. I also usually put a couple of rolls on my lower legs, so the scent/pheros will rise.


That's the method I was looking for. YES!

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Normal application to me: Mara's Maneuver of rolling the bottle from my collar bone down and around my belly button and a stripe at the back of my hair


Slathering means: Mixing a couple of drops of scent into my unscented body cream/lotion PLUS Mara's maneuver


I tend to either run the bottle or the dip stick (sample or sniffee) on my hair like 2-4 times as I have waist-length hair.

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Speaking of "amped" I amp the notes in Vicars and Tarts, as well as scents like Beyond the Veil, Majmua Sultana, and the resiny scents. This is not a bad thing, but I have to really just dot the scent on rather than Slather. So sometimes amping is not bad... you just have to see how the scent wears on you.


I second Xev's comment on oil for scent and alchol for (some, not all) pheros' that way you can get the best of both worlds if you want to re apply your scent but not O.D. on the pheros... (but alcohol based phero's do tend to dissapate faster in the alcohol, IMO) but my climate is cold so I buy the alcohol based to achieve a wider range of diffusion.

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