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Something to embrace own sexy side and femininity?

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Hi everybody! I am new to the boards, though I read and browse a bit now and then. I'm pretty new to pheromones and have just been trying some samples mostly. I'm in the middle of an order and got stuck because I don't know what would be the best to get next!


Since I noticed I get effects myself from the samples, I was thinking I'd like to have something that could help me feel sexy, and even more, to feel comfortable with feeling sexy, in a way that fits me. Personally, I'm more of a sweet, friendly, natural type. I'd like to keep a friendly approachable vibe but also something that tells of sensuality and earthy-ness (if that makes sense).


Though I don't know that it's meant to be a sexy one, I really like Rainbow Falls for the cheeriness. I tried Cuddle Bunny and liked how I felt wearing that, but I couldn't really deal with the scent personally. So I was wanting to try the unscented. I also liked how I felt wearing Girly Twirly (and it seemed like a someone I like also was into it), but the scent turned mediciney on me. I was considering getting Lace plus an OCCO (pink) as well. Or would LAM and CB be similar to that combination?


I've tried a sample of Cougar and so far haven't felt much with it for myself or others. Same with the Rocket Fuel that has SS4W. Is it a matter of finding the right amount or maybe something else suits me better?


I'm kind of curious about the newest mysterious one since I think I remember something in the description about remembering one's femininity. Because of some things that have happened to me, I ended up hiding that part of me for a while and I really want to open it up again. So, that one sounded interesting.


Well, any suggestions? I really appreciate it!

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I tried Cuddle Bunny and liked how I felt wearing that, but I couldn't really deal with the scent personally.


Welcome ! ...try Velvet Kisses with Cuddle Bunny :)

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Welcome qingwa! Sounds like we have similar likes in phero! Have you tried Popular potion or Darling Clementine- I get that cherriness and friendly vibe out and it helps to boost my personality! Sexy wise... How about perfume with EOW? Works quite well for me. Like you, I haven't had much result from cougar or ss4w and have had good results from girly twirly and rainbow falls! :D:D:D You might want to try Oleander The great, it's a happy source for me :) LIfts my mood up instantly :)

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Hi Quinwa! I'm new too, so I'll be waiting to see what the ladies recommend. They're so very helpful, I'm sure you'll get lots of good suggestions.

I just tried Lace for the first time last night, (in Garland and Lace), and it was great. I loved it. And I think my boyfriend was kind of keen on it, too.

I hope you find something you love. It shouldn't be tough to do here! :-)

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Welcome! If you like how Rainbow Falls makes you feel then rock that. Feeling sexy to me is what is inside and how you feel inside yourself, and with confidence -sounds like if Rainbow Falls does it for you then stick with that. It's about what makes you feel good about yourself. There is nothing in the world that is sexier than a happy confident cheery woman.


I personally like how SS4W makes me feel, it brings my shine to the forefront and lets me be me, but I also feel like it sets up boundaries for me like, you can look but can't touch. Cuddle Bunny for me is cute, I love it for when I am out and about shopping or having a casual day. It turns me into a teenager and I get a gaggle of teenage girls giggling over me, It brings out my inner tween.


I love Cougar because that for me is party sparkly girl. It's fun in a bottle and makes me feel like those fireworks sparklers that you hold in your hard.


Blatant Invitation is more like VA VA VOOM. I love how sexpot I feel in that. Total Sexpot. It's an over confident make no mistake about it ~ I am one sexy BIATCH

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Hi Qingwa, welcome to the board and hope you'll have a great time here.


I'm curious about the new phero too and it sounds like something you can try. But as the ladies say, pheros are enhancements so you'll still need to 'do' something about it such you have mentioned, your want to open the part of you that went into hiding .....


Personally, I love using cops, with or without pheros. It could be my age or I because I enjoy the self-effects of cops.


How about Lumina? I haven't tried that out yet.

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Hi, Qingwa! Welcome to the LP forum!


I like Girly Twirly too, and yes the first time I tried it went a bit medicinal on me, but my skin chemistry must have betrayed me that day...'cause later the cherry was all fruity and cheerful and the LACE + Copulins is a superb phero combination...I got amazing results from it, all my bf's male friends were giving me too much attention...and my sister has tried that blend in Girly Twirly too and she loves it, she says she got amazing results from women AND guys too, and I emphasize the women part because women in general feel threatened by her, but the tenderness and feminity LACE gave her was very noticeable for her...LACE is high on Estraetanol, which feminizes...for girls that produce more testosterone like me, it does wonders!

I'm also very interested in the new blend Mara brewed, and maybe you will like it if you are looking for the feminizing effect....I know it focuses on the Est and the DHEAs, so that is a super feminizing and super friendly phero combo there, plus the other molecules...

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Well, the SCENT that makes me feel sexiest is LP red and OCCO black


The Phero that makes me feel sexy is prob OCCO black (tho it's copulins, not technically a phero) and hands down sexolgy UN


For a blend I love Compromising Positions (it has sexology phero in it) CP may be a good one to try. I believe there are even samples if it.

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Thanks so much for the welcomes and suggestions! I had already ordered Rainbow Falls and unscented Cuddle Bunny, so now I am thinking of maybe one or two others to try.


Has anyone used CB and LAM together? or CB and BAM? I've been curious to try something with b-nol but kind of scared of it affecting me, making me more emotional. I've been reading about Heart & Soul too, does that sound like what I'm looking for, or is that more of a friendly social kind?


About OCCO, I read that the perfume scent is stronger than LAM. Is it too strong to layer with other scents? How is the pink one in combination with other scents? (mostly foods, greens, watery, since I can't do much floral)


Thanks again everyone! I don't know how to quote different people in a post, but LadyVictoria and JOC you are right about feeling sexy being a lot of what's on the inside. I've been working on bringing that part of me back, to feel like it's ok for me to be beautiful and sexy and enjoy being a girl. :)

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for all up sex bomb i love love love Compromising Postitions with sexology. If i am feeling sexy and strong i go with Shadow Dance with Leather. I am an agressive woman on my own so Leather just puts a little sexy spin to my aggresiveness.


however Darling only likes 3 scents on me and those are Orchidalicous, OCCO Red, Compromising Positons. Lace is good if you are not agressive but want to be sweet and innocent kind of sexy. Does this help any?


ps. welcome here!

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The scent of the OCCO range is definitely stronger than the LAM and BAM range. IMO, it is good enough to be used on its own or under scents. I'm not sure what kind of foody scents you have but it should work with some of them. I'm not too sure if it works well with watery and green scents though.


If you're trying out B-nol and you're afraid of spilling your guts, apply it further away from your nose to minimise your exposure to the phero.

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