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Scent Aversion

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My boyfriend thinks Passion in Pink smells like the hospital! In other words, he really doesn't like it.


Stupid boy noses...


Anyway, I LOVE this scent, and I plan to wear it A LOT. Because I think it loves me, too. In fact, I think it's IN love with me.


If I were to wear this around him, and then used cops to initiate a little 'wink, wink, nudge, nudge', is it possible that he would come to identify this freaking yummy smell with good things, and learn to love it?


I don't know about the phero aspect of Heart and Soul yet, but I fell so hard for this perfume, I'd consider running away with it...

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You could always experiment at least once but...well, the way I look at it is: there are so many scent - and enough which does Q enjoy on,me - that I'm perfectly okay with wearing the ones he doesn't when I'm not around him.

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Hi Luna,

I might try it, just to see what happens. He said he's gonna take another sniff when he gets home, after it's mellowed a bit. He smelled it right after I put it on, so it may have been a bit sharp for his nose. Kind of funny though - he always says that no matter what, even if I'm not wearing perfume, I smell like flowers. I find it ironic that once I'm actually *wearing* flowers, he doesn't like it! Go figure...


I would definitely wear this out - with my girlfriends, my mom etc...


I find the scent itself so comforting, I want to be able to wear it at home. That's why I was asking.


I love it so much, in fact, that if I wore it out of the house, I really might just run away with it! Salted caramel and roses? Come on now!

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See until Mara noted that she used that kind, I didn't even know that's what it was. It's a little too pink for me. But you know, just wear it around the house when he's not there if he's still adverse to it.

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If I were to wear this around him, and then used cops to initiate a little 'wink, wink, nudge, nudge', is it possible that he would come to identify this freaking yummy smell with good things, and learn to love it?


We are very easy to train like that. Well, actually he might never really like the scent but he would learn to love it ...

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I'm almost inclined to say potato, pot-o-to! Lol!


Not long ago I had a diabetic cat called Moody. He was my most precious little buddy. I still swoon when I think of his l'il orange & white face!

Ahem... anyway, I had to test his blood sugar before each of his meals so that I could administer the proper amount of insulin afterwards, and he had to have his meals spaced at certain intervals. Now of course he hated me poking his ear with a lancet three times a day, but he grew, (in a remarkably short time), to realize that he wouldn't be fed unless I poked his ear. Soon, whenever he was hungry, I'd find him sitting in front of the box I kept his glucometer in, waiting patiently, and hoping I'd get the hint.


I'd imagine this perfume thing would be something like that.

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Passion in Pink, a hospital?! I could see it for a scent that was on the soapy or powdery side but that one just confuses the hell out of me. I do get scent aversions all too well, though; mine is honeysuckle. We used to have a monster honeysuckle bush positively infested with the most enormous wasps ye have ever set thine eyes on. Once I got chased--and I kid you not--a quarter-mile across the backyard, down the driveway and a good ways down the block by a hornet the size of Norman Mailer. This it's no surprise that the smell of honeysuckle will always make me whip my head around 13 ways making sure nothing is abuzz behind me.

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Invi - yes, he said hospital. I know! I couldn't believe it either.


I have an aversion to the smell of vetiver essential oil. It makes me anxious for some reason, when I smell it on its own, and sometimes when it's in a blend, it will rip through every other note, and it's almost all I can smell. Funny thing is that I don't dislike the smell, it just causes anxiety.


Did you get stung by the wasp? Or did you get away? Wasps give me the heebie jeebies. My parents bought a really old cottage on a river just south of Sudbury, and when they tore the awful inside panelling down while renovating, they discovered nests between the studs. A lot of nests. It was like some spooky horror film! No wonder you don't like honeysuckle. Wasps and hornets kind of remind me of T1000 (Terminator 2).


When the beau came home, he said it smelled better. Maybe he didn't like it because it was freshly applied? I dunno. After a while I started to smell a little like a caramel popcorn ball! Or pink Cracker Jacks. Anyway, I like it. I'm still thinking of marrying it.

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MIchael hated Passion in Pink too...to steal Halo's phrase, when I walked into his house with it on he did actually "recoil" as I recall. I just don't wear it around him.

There are some that HG doesn't love too (Velvet Kisses! One of my top five!!) Again, I just keep it for myself.

But this is the beauty of living with neither one of these noses...I can have my own private "home scents" and I enjoy that.

I know that HG loves hardcore fruit (Any Color You Like, Shelly B's BB, etc) and I do too so I stick with those around him

And Michael likes fruit but is a little more evolved (he's been in the LP game much longer) He loves Darling C right now the best (like me!)


We all agree that Honey doesn't work on me.

I think its fun to have SOOOO many different scents for every facet of our lives!!

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I think its fun to have SOOOO many different scents for every facet of our lives!!

Yes this was the point I was attempting to make as well.

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I don't know that it would happen as quick as you want it to... My b/f tolerated my love for perfume oils, but he's always wanted me in commercial perfumes. It wasn't until we broke up for awhile, that he realized he actually likes the way I smell.

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Did you get stung by the wasp? Or did you get away? Wasps give me the heebie jeebies. My parents bought a really old cottage on a river just south of Sudbury, and when they tore the awful inside panelling down while renovating, they discovered nests between the studs. A lot of nests. It was like some spooky horror film! No wonder you don't like honeysuckle. Wasps and hornets kind of remind me of T1000 (Terminator 2).


I sat on one when I was 4. When I was 12, a huge population rooted in that damned honeysuckle bush decided to nest near the most convenient locale for sucking their precious nectar....MY WINDOW. The exterminator blasted them but the things just wouldn't die. That whole summer I'd wake up to the bzzzz...splat....bzzzzz....splat of wasps tripping on poison, 4 or 5 at a time, head-butting my walls and windows. One night I woke up to a buzzing a little too close for comfort and realized the bastard was up my sleeve. Not only did it sting me, but it got away. The end count to how many I swatted with my slipper by the end of August 1997? 112. I still remember it, and I'm not going to forget that tally anytime soon.


ETA: Speaking of other people's aversions to scents you wear, my mother thinks just about everything I put on smells like barroom cigarette smoke. No matter if it's frosting-slathered chocolate with magical sprinkles on top, to her nose it's some vile Eau du Marlboro. She's said this to Carolyn's Man Nip, Gianduja, Sungold Mocha, Glistening Buttons, I don't even remember how many others and from every company whose perfumes I own. I just cannot understand how this woman percieves scent.

Edited by Invidiana
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They always realize what they like about you after you're broken up. That's why I stay broken up with Michael. It assures he will always love everything about me.


That's Funny!!! GOing on the quote page!! So very very true!


I love Passion in Pink!! It smells like pretty pink roses!!! Very uplifting for me as well. The BF thinks all of my scents smell like herbs and he doesn't like Special D., and he loves commercial perfume on me, which is fine because I like commercial as well and he keeps buying it for me so that works out.. funny though he thought Occo SLF smelled good. Um why because it smells like poonan pie and sex air?

He also liked the new Mardi Gras one and Sensual Harmony.

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Um why because it smells like poonan pie and sex air?

Pretty much...remember the description; I wouldn't have written it if it wasn't true. :666:


It's funny, Quince is the opposite; when we first met he said, "I don't much care for scent," but he liked what I was wearing (Possets' The Girls Love A Good Posset) and I said, "I don't much care for commerical fragrance either." He was more receptive to the idea of artisan fragrance, especially all those which smelled like cake. :lol:

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Wow! There was a lot of activity here while I was at work!


Halo - so far, of the samples I ordered and the little sniffy vials Mara sent, the only ones my boyfriend hasn't liked are Passion in Pink and Carolyn's Man Nip which didn't really like me anyway. He's particularly fond of Garland and Lace, which is awesome, because I love that one too, and can see myself wearing it at home quite a lot.


Miss DC - I have that same boyfriend issue. After we break up, they adore me. I was the best girlfriend they ever had, they were crazy to let me go, blahdiblahblah... Hrmm....


Luna - I agree that it's nice to have all kinds of perfumes for all kinds of situations. And in the end, because my boyfriend is not all that keen on PiP, I'll probably save it just for me. He's out jamming 2 or 3 nights a week anyway, so it's not like I won't have time to appreciate it. I can't actually believe how greedy I am about wanting all of these different scents, though! I've been hoarding money from my tips, sort of syphoning off the top, in order to pay for more. I think my next order is going to be disgustingly gigantic. But honestly, I've spent the 8 years I've been with this guy going without stuff that I want because he needs a new guitar, or new golf clubs or new work clothes or new fill-in-the-blank, and we didn't have a lot of money between us. And I never really minded 'cause all I need to keep myself entertained is a pen and some paper. But now that our finances are in better shape, I've been going a bit crazy buying nice things for myself - expensive skin care products and lovely perfumes etc... I'm making up for 8 years of lost purchases! Lol! And he doesn't seem to mind, so, all the power to me! hee hee.


Raq On - I hope MRF smells yummy on me. Haven't tried it yet. You still wear it, though, don't you? I think I remember reading that in one of the threads. It smells amazing in the vial. I hope it loves me.


Invi - I have a similar issue with bees. When I was about 4 I was playing in an old train yard where someone had dumped a mattress. I, being the clever child I was, jumped on it and disturbed a bee hive that was inside. I got stung all over my body, and ran crying to my Grandmother's house where I insisted she put band-aids on every place it hurt! The weird thing about this memory is that it was extremely traumatic for me, yet no one else in my family seems to remember it. Not my Gramma, not my uncles who were with me at the time, and not my mother. I remember it vividly. And then when I was in high school, I was on the back of my boyfriend's motorcycle, and a bee got stuck between my bare arm and my boyfriend's leather jacket. Of course it stung me, and then the body of the bee flew away, but the stinger and sack were still attached, and my boyfriend was going so fast that he didn't realize anything was wrong. I was squeezing him between my arms, and yelling at him to slow down, but he couldn't hear me, so he just kept going. I had that stupid stinger in my arm for about ten minutes. I still have a mark from it. But I forgave the bees, 'cause they make my favourite food.


My boyfriend and I had a great conversation about these perfumes last night, after he came home to do the 'second sniffing' of Passion in Pink. He's quite happy that I don't wear commercial perfumes because the alcohol in them makes them all smell similar - which is exactly why I don't like wearing them. I don't want to smell like everyone else. Plus, I think it was Raq On who said something along the lines of them all smelling like Windex, which they sort of do to me, too. He said he loved how different they all are, and that they seem to hug me, meaning that they're not assaultive. (ETA, is 'assaultive' even a word?). He also likes that he can still kiss my neck while I'm wearing these perfumes, because he's not getting a mouthful of alcohol. And I'm pretty happy about that, too. :-)


I always feel the need to apologize after I post these monster-sized posts. I must look like such a blabbermouth. Honestly, I do not talk this much in 'real life'. Really I don't!


ETA a question about the phero. I love the phero in Pip, and I would love to use it with the boyfriend, too, so how would I go about choosing an appropriate scent? Get a few samples & let him sniff away, then choose the one we both like the best? I want one that's congruent with the phero. I was thinking Lovers in the Clovers or something along that line. Any suggestions would be welcome.

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Thanks Miss DC! So sweet!

I keep forgetting about the UN pheros! My original thought was to try using mostly unscented pheros after a while, (after I've tried them in scented stuff), 'cause I like the idea of being able to switch up pheros & perfumes according to what I want to wear every day. But I think the dry-down time puts me off the idea. Right now I have loads of time to play around with this stuff, but come summer, I'll have no time to fiddle around with dry-down. But that idea still appeals to me. Hrm... Maybe that is the way to go?

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At first I wanted only pheros in perfumes. But when you start collecting so many...and getting SO many samples and you start wanting to match your phero to your mood...and your scent to your clothese...or the scent to the weather...and the phero to your company...grrr....I find it easier in the long run to keep them separate and mix and match.


Although so many choices make getting ready for any event even more drama than it was before...





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Heehee! That whole post made me laugh out loud!


I'd imagine that eventually I'll get to the point where I prefer to use the unscented, for exactly the same reasons. But still being a noob, I have to go the goof-proof way for now.


SO.MUCH.DRAMA. hee! so funny...

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