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Cop blends - social vs strictly sexual?

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I've been wearing a lot of Cuddle Bunny in public lately and loving it, but I find the EST - while fabulous - projects a weaker image than I always want. Are there other blends with cops in them that I can wear in public and in social situations? Would BAM or LAM be okay, or is that a bad idea?

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Cougar has cops in it, and it's a social blend. And Lumina has 'a drop' of cops. Those two are both for 'public consumption'.

Quite a few of the ladies here use cops, (I think in LAM, and the Occo line), along with their daily perfumes, though not having done it myself, (yet), I couldn't say how much they use.

I'm curious about this, too. I'm a bit afraid of wearing cops in public 'cause I don't want to give off the wrong impression, but it's been said here quite often that cops kind of lend the 'youthful sparkle' that we women so crave! Lol! Having said that, I have worn CB to the grocery store, and inadvertently to work, (it kind of clung to me from the night before, and didn't seem to come off in the shower).

I'll be watching for the answers you get, too.

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You can use the scented OCCOs to add extra ooomph to anything - that's the beauty of them; I would just make sure I give it that dry down time so that I do not end up with wet copulins on my clothes.


I think if you use the OCCOs on your bare torso/cleavage, and give them a good dry down time before putting your clothes on, you're fine. I have worn OCCOs Pink, Blue and Red out in public, usually with another perfume that "matches" on the more exposed parts of my body like cleavage. neck and arms. (I wear OCCO Pink with LP Spring 11 or LP Pink, Blue with Cuddle Bunny or the Smoking Bun, Red with LP Red or Vicars & Tarts, etc)

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I wear cops anywhere anytime...but I don't have to project any kind of real "professional" image at work. It's mostly women anyway and I have never had any resentful reaction from women with cops (that I know of!).

And I am never really anywhere that I care if I give off the "wrong impression"! :lol:


I know other people have a different opinion. But I think a lot of people use LAM on a daily basis.

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LAM! is a great everyday Happy Sauce kind of blend, IMO. Cougar is also one of those blends I think you can wear in more than one kind of situation.

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I am one who wears cops everyday,just don't bath in them and you are good to go :rofl222:

Your attitude decides on the type of attention you attract...have only had one uncomfortable situation,in a thrift store of all places LOL,I just left,and was careful not to be followed.


I am a strong believer in always being aware of your surroundings,I cringe at some of the women/girls I see just not paying attention,on their silly phones ect ect ect.

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Ooh! Ooh! I feel like I should qualify my 'giving off the wrong impression' statement! I just meant that because I'm in a committed relationship, I might feel funny if I were out without the BF, and wearing cops, mostly because if he were to come meet me wherever I was, and found me already giving off the (pardon the expression) 'do-me-now' vibe, *before he got there*, it might cause an awkwardness between us because he might assume I have an interest in someone else present. (Someone please correct me if this is an incorrect assumption!). And since I'm not Miss Stellar Genius when it comes to personal relationships, I don't want to complicate things. I have a tough enough time when things are perfectly normal! Lol!


That said, I do quite enjoy the self-effects of cops, so I would not put it past myself to eventually start wearing them in public, once I get the hang of how strong they are, and what effects I get at different doses.

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Well not if he was supposed to be meeting you somewhere. I think anyone could make a reasonable inference that you were giving off the vibe for him because you were already waiting for him.

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I wear anything in public and to work even. (Disclaimer: not Sexpionage, but that'e because I don't own it. I'd probably give it a go if I did.) I am seldom in a situation where it would be dangerous to have on a lot of cops. As for "do me" vibes or wrong impressions...My personal belief is you won't give them if you don't project them. Certainly, the pheros do have a sexual air, but I'm always dressed appropriately and my behavior is appropriate. If I'm wearing a sexy phero, I'm careful not to be too flirtatious or coquettish or what have you, and I haven't had a problem yet. If your breasts are out and you're batting your eyes and you have on BI--well, then you might be projecting something. But if I've got on a pantsuit and carrying myself like a lady while wearing BI, I feel like I'm projecting the image of a sexy, professional, womanly woman. But I can easily flip the switch when I get in an appropriate situation.

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I just used that as an example 'cause he often will just drop by when I'm out having a beer with friends - there's a lot of patio-hopping and bar-hopping where I life, (mostly-'cause there's nothing *else* to do, but also because it's a theatre town, and so it's a tourist town as well, which means that we're exposed to a lot of new, different people from roughly April-November). It's also a relatively small town, which means that we often just run into each other as the night progresses, if we're out and about with our respective groups of friends, which are mixed groups.


Hrm...I really am a worriesome nerd, aren't I? Lol!


ETA, BlueBear, that's something I hadn't thought about. I always forget about that part: what you're projecting in the way of behaviour, & dress etc... Thank you for the reminder! That just makes me want to give cops a go in public 'cause I love the sexy feeling they give to me.

Edited by Eggers
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Eggers you'll be swinging the cops in public in no time at all!!!!

I can already tell!!!! Lol!!



How? Because I have NO patience? Lol!

You're probably right... (insert red-cheeked smily face right about here! Haha!)

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How? Because I have NO patience? Lol!

You're probably right... (insert red-cheeked smily face right about here! Haha!)


Because you kind of remind me of me when I first started with pheros!!

Except that I came here strictly for perfumes and only tried Cuddle Bunny by default because I was attracted to the scent...until I got that undeniable reaction. Then I started CAUTIOUSLY analyzing every ingredient and review on everything phero but still SWORE I would never delve into the "hardcore" pheros. I was perfectly happy tripping around innocently in my CB and Lace.


If you would have told me I would ever own a bottle of LEATHER in my boudoir I would have sprayed you in both eyes with my Heart and Soul beta and run screaming over to the UN Phero'd side of life again.


Now look at me! I'm splashing on cops with abandon and running about HITTING IT AND HITTING IT HARD with BANG every chance I get!!!

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Because you kind of remind me of me when I first started with pheros!!

Except that I came here strictly for perfumes and only tried Cuddle Bunny by default because I was attracted to the scent...until I got that undeniable reaction. Then I started CAUTIOUSLY analyzing every ingredient and review on everything phero but still SWORE I would never delve into the "hardcore" pheros. I was perfectly happy tripping around innocently in my CB and Lace.


If you would have told me I would ever own a bottle of LEATHER in my boudoir I would have sprayed you in both eyes with my Heart and Soul beta and run screaming over to the UN Phero'd side of life again.


Now look at me! I'm splashing on cops with abandon and running about HITTING IT AND HITTING IT HARD with BANG every chance I get!!!



ROFLMAO!!! Yes, that sounds very like a 'me' thing to do. I can't even tell you you're wrong, 'cause once I get comfy with what everything does, I will almost undoubtedly be splashing cops around too! Hee! Too funny! :-)

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Just as Halo said, try it! And for the sake of experimenting, I guess you won't be using a lot of cops and as your intentions is not to flirt and get attention, it's not going to get you into 'trouble'.


I wear cops almost every day to work. I have two all-ladies teams working for me but I'm around men and children from 3 to 18 everyday and cops is not an issue in my situation. I do, however, project a sexy, womanly and professional image and like Bluebear, I can easily flip the switch outside my work environment.

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Ok, this is good to hear! I was concerned that OCCO or LAM would be putting off too much of a "do me now" vibe - but if that's not necessarily the case, I'll have to try them out.


I've worn Cuddle Bunny around women, and you're right, it does make them even nicer! I get a lot of compliments and love when wearing that blend.

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OCCO can - being a raging assload of cops - but it's also all about what you're presenting. It can help you present a more sexy persona if that's what you want. But you don't necessarily have to be sexual-minded to wear an OCCO scent.

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My experience with cops:

If you're not in an overly sexual situation (& especially if you are :666: ), they enhance your attractiveness ladies. Best description would be that expression: "They're all pretty, because they're young..." What I'm trying to say, is you know that certain allure you have when you're in your early 20s? Yeah, cops give you that nice little boost. I used my cops boosted LP SE:2011 to give a speech last year & I was very happy with the results. Being appropriately dressed n all I didn't get any jealousy issues from my female classmates. I just felt uber-confidant & sparkling :)

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  • 2 months later...

I've been wearing a lot of Cuddle Bunny in public lately and loving it, but I find the EST - while fabulous - projects a weaker image than I always want.


Interesting, I had similar experiences w/phero enhanced Velvet Kisses sampler. I suppose the bright side is now I know a barista is probably interested in me, but I think he's a bit young for me. : P

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Because you kind of remind me of me when I first started with pheros!!

Except that I came here strictly for perfumes and only tried Cuddle Bunny by default because I was attracted to the scent...until I got that undeniable reaction. Then I started CAUTIOUSLY analyzing every ingredient and review on everything phero but still SWORE I would never delve into the "hardcore" pheros. I was perfectly happy tripping around innocently in my CB and Lace.


If you would have told me I would ever own a bottle of LEATHER in my boudoir I would have sprayed you in both eyes with my Heart and Soul beta and run screaming over to the UN Phero'd side of life again.


Now look at me! I'm splashing on cops with abandon and running about HITTING IT AND HITTING IT HARD with BANG every chance I get!!!


Lol lol lol :smiley-laughing024: :smiley-laughing024: :smiley-laughing024:


Mmm yeah. It's pretty much me right there.

I remember a few years ago a friend of mine told me about a phero mix she uses (not from here), I politely said 'thanks but no thanks'. A few years later, I wear pheros almost on a daily basis. Cops, OCCO, Compromising Positions... If it's hot, it's for me! :Emoticons0424:


I have no issues wearing cops, even socially. To me, they are an enhancement, much like makeup or the right pair of heels. I wear them for me, because I feel better about myself usually when I wear them. And at the end of the day, cops or not cops don't change who I am, and how I behave.

So I may feel sexier and look more attractive to some, but I have never for one second felt like I was 'judged' by others based on the mix I was wearing.

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I never imagined myself wearing pheros.. Just not something I thought about. I came here for perfumes only, and was confused and scared to try the pheros, lol... after awhile, I decided to try some, and now wear them regularly - and I agree, I like the way cops make me feel, I wear them whenever I feel like I need a little something "extra", certainly not just for sexual situations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 50 and have never worn COPS. I brought EOW and Cuddle bunny and not sure how to wear them. OCCO looks like great to wear. I already have LP Red which I adore should i get a OCCO that matches it ? . I really want to experience that sexual hit everyone talks about when using LP products with

COPS. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

LOL Joan

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I haven't ever used EOW so I can't comment there. but unscented Cuddle Bunny is a favorite of mine. it's something that I wear on a day to day basis because I work with a lot of women, and it makes them insanely nice. But you can also take it to a sexy place too. Just put it on before you get dressed. Be sure to let it dry down (it's stinky!) and then cover it with your scent of choice. If you're talking about the scented Cuddle Bunny, the fragrance is already included, but be sure to let it dry down before you go out and about. It's still a little pungent at the beginning!

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If you've never used cops, I would recommend trying a cops blend before EoW straight to begin with. I started with EoW without trying anything first, and no matter how much I read I still managed to get my cover scents and such wrong. In fact I still haven't got my head around it, and I've been experimenting for a few months now. EoW can be tricky stuff. The OCCOs and other cops blends take a lot of the guesswork out for you and make it easier on us cops newbs! :)


I haven't tried Cuddle Bunny (though I think it is actually waiting for me at the post office at the moment, hehe) but from what the other ladies have said here it sounds like a great blend to start with, although you'll probably want to try something with just straight cops at some stage too to get a feel for how cops work on their own without the estratetraenol in CB.

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You can use the scented OCCOs to add extra ooomph to anything - that's the beauty of them; I would just make sure I give it that dry down time so that I do not end up with wet copulins on my clothes.



This has been happening to me lately! I think I'm in too much of a hurry when getting ready in the morning. It's like the Bog of everlasting stench in Labrynth: If you get ONE drop on your clothes or hair you'll stink forever LOL!

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I already have LP Red which I adore should i get a OCCO that matches it ? .


LP Red and OCCO Red is my favrite combo :cat692: ...the final dry down,on me,is an amazing sweet sexy smoke.I wear this to bed often,just to smell it the next morning!


..grrr someone please tell me what Da Mawa posted :P

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Lol, it's a link to the bog of eternal stench scene from Labyrinth :) Can you not view it?


Ahhh,Thank You! :) ...nope,I cannot view you tubes with my set top box.

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I am 50 and have never worn COPS. I brought EOW and Cuddle bunny and not sure how to wear them. OCCO looks like great to wear. I already have LP Red which I adore should i get a OCCO that matches it ? . I really want to experience that sexual hit everyone talks about when using LP products with

COPS. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

LOL Joan


If you like LP Red, you should get OCCO Red. It goes with it perfectly and it can be used on it's own. Cops add an additional dimension or maybe another layer to my personality.


As for your EoW, it will be tricky to wear it since you have not worn cops. I had a bottle at the begining of my phero journey 2 years back. Didn't have much luck and I mixed it all into my honey-based scents. I have two bottles of EoW which I use under some scents occassionally.


I like OCCO White, Pink and Red and I like EoW as it allows me to wear it under my floral and fruity scents without changing the scent. You may want to try Beth's Blushing Milkmaid. It's also one of my favourite. It can go solo or under most scents but it's light, very much lighter than the OCCO range.


Good luck!

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I am 50 and have never worn COPS. I brought EOW and Cuddle bunny and not sure how to wear them. OCCO looks like great to wear. I already have LP Red which I adore should i get a OCCO that matches it ? . I really want to experience that sexual hit everyone talks about when using LP products with

COPS. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

LOL Joan

Dear Joan,

I suggest lightly dotting the EoW on wrists, then rubbing together. Apply a very light line of EoW oil from your cleavage to belly button & use your wrists rub it in. Let the EoW mellow out for a good 15-20 minutes. Then apply LP Red oil over the top. I also suggest applying the EoW after you get dressed so that you don't accidentally get it on your clothing. You can get OCCO Red to match (I have it & LP Red), but you may find that layering them together changes eh scent in an unexpected way. For me this combo turns into a coffee scent. I decided to buy a bottle of LP Red with cops added to it by LPMP, to simplify things. I really like cops with Love Potion Perfume or any of it's variants.

ETA: Forgot to add I use cops as a social when I don't have makeup on, lol!

Edited by Beccah
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