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Since I've been using pheromones, I've noticed that my own body odour is somewhat stronger. It's not offensive, (BF still somehow thinks my body odour smells like flowers - what is wrong with *his* nose?). But it's definitely stronger than it was, say, a month ago.

Does anyone else experience this?

Is this because my body is now metabolizing more pheromones?

Is it in my imagination? Am I crazy? Or is this an acknowledged phenomenon?

I used to be able to go 2 full days without getting even a little smelly, (even without deoderant, and running like a madman in my restaurant), yet in the last month, it's half a day, tops. And it's not the residue of the 'mones, 'cause it's my underarms that are emitting the odour.


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More for Rosebud (or someone else medically-minded) to answer but you not giving off any BO after a couple days without deoderant and after hard labour is the weird part. Just sayin.' ;)

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I never used to wear any deodorant - then I started wearing it because it's the adult thing to do.

I forget to wear it sometimes.. I don't really smell sweat- I only sweat if I exercise, and well let's face it that aint happening anytime soon.. but I do feel better if I wear some.. if I forget- which I always do then I just roll some LPS in the pits or whatever else I have on my person.

Maybe your body is telling you, you are one HOT tamale and cannot handle it, so it's oozing out of you?

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@ Lady V: Ha ha! if only my body was telling me I'm too hot for pheros! Lol! That would be awesome. Sadly, I don't think that's the case... boo.


I've never been particularly stinky. I don't know why. I'm still not that stinky, it's just that the normal smell I get is coming on waaaayyy faster than it usually does. I usually have a shower before work every day, but I avoid having one on Sundays, ('cause I don't work Sundays, and because our apartment is COLD, and I'm a big wussy girl when it comes to being wet and cold), and I usually don't stink at all until it's time to have a shower on Monday morning. And that's even after working a 10 hour shift on Saturday.


This past month I've been making sure to wear deoderant, 'cause about 6 hours after my shower I can smell myself. It's not offensive, sweaty-old-man BO or anything. Just my particular smell, faster. So weird...


Until this month I used a lot of essential oils, which your body does metabolize - and my boyfriend always said my skin - even dirty - smells like flowers. (I think my body odour smells like pencil shavings in a really vague sort of way). My girlfriends always say my skin smells like fresh cream. I'd always put it down to my body metabolizing the essential oils. That's what got me thinking that maybe the newer, faster smell is due to my body processing synthetic pheros...


Maybe I should start using my EOs in the bath again - and on my face... See if it changes anything.

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IMO, it's probably more likely that your nose is becoming more "educated".


Pheromones - commercially produced ones - are lab re-created body odor. We make our own, and especially if we do not shower them off every day, they are a part of our natural smell. Perhaps since you have been using pheromones, you are starting to understand what it is that they actually smell like, these bodily excretions, so you are now identifying it on your own body, when before you simply ignored it.


That's my guess. OR!...


Many EOs have anti-bacterial properties. True B.O. is more associated with bacteria and oxidation of sweat than the actual smell of sweat by itself. If you've stopped using EOs in the tub, that could very likely be the cause of feeling like you need to use deodorant.

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Many EOs have anti-bacterial properties. True B.O. is more associated with bacteria and oxidation of sweat than the actual smell of sweat by itself. If you've stopped using EOs in the tub, that could very likely be the cause of feeling like you need to use deodorant.


My bet would be on the latter above. I know that guys get the smell problem going with 'none. I wonder if the bacteria are feeding on the socials or just the usual stuff on your skin? Either way - I think Mara is right. Slightly more bacteria because you are not using the EOs.

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Thanks Mara!

I'm going to start using them in the bath again. I'd like to be able to go back to not wearing deoderant. I hate that residue it leaves on clothes. So gross! I stopped using EOs 'cause I didn't want any residual smell interfering with my perfume, though why I thought they would do that is beyond me. I don't apply them in high enough of a concentration for them to scent my skin, only enough for me to enjoy them in the bathwater, and for them to help clean my skin... Except that I do use them on my face, 'cause they make my skin look freaking fantastic! And I can smell the ones I use on my face.

I'll probably just go back to my regular routine of using EOs in the bath every day, and taking a break on Sundays, just to see if it changes anything. I like smelling like flowers & cream 'naturally'!

Pencil shavings suck.


ETA, thank's QG!

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I never used to wear any deodorant - then I started wearing it because it's the adult thing to do.

Exactly. Out of courtesy for others (which is what I'm teaching my son right now); after all, I'm sure most of us expect the population to do the same.

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I'd like to be able to go back to not wearing deoderant. I hate that residue it leaves on clothes. So gross!

If you use a natural-based deo, like Tom's of Maine, problem solved.

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Many EOs have anti-bacterial properties. True B.O. is more associated with bacteria and oxidation of sweat than the actual smell of sweat by itself. If you've stopped using EOs in the tub, that could very likely be the cause of feeling like you need to use deodorant.


Bingo! I have a friend who would get Botox under her arms to help with her excessive sweating, but for a time in school, she was uninsured and used EOs (tea tree oil is one that i remember specifically) to help prevent odor.

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Thanks for the tip!

I think I might try just going back to my old daily routine of EOs in bath for a few days... see if that helps. If not, it's Deoderant City.

I just realized, reading this thread over, how unclean I'm making myself sound! I'm not unclean!!! I only know what I know about how long it takes me go *get* stinky because I work odd hours - I might work Tuesday morning, and then not again until Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. I always have a bath before work, (or sometimes the night before, 'cause I have curly hair which looks kick-ass if it dries over night), but sometimes on my days off, (again, because apartment is like a freezer in winter), I avoid it as long as I can, due to cat-like aversion to cold and wet...

But, that said, my smell has always been so minimal - probably due to daily use of EOs - that I rarely *need* to wear deo.

Ahem... except for maybe today, 'cause today I smell like a public school with all the pencil -shaving action happening under my arms.

Now... where did I put that geranium oil???


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Exactly. Out of courtesy for others (which is what I'm teaching my son right now); after all, I'm sure most of us expect the population to do the same.


There's this dude here at the office.. OMG he smells so bad, like a dozen possums left on the side of the road after the being urinated on by 500 cats...

And when they do have to move boxes around... omg let's just say I have knowledge of the end of the Mayan Calendar- cause that shit will make a blind man see

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Hey Katz, I usually use between 5 and 9 drops of geranium in the tub, along with 3-5 drops of something else to take the stabbiness away from the geranium - usually ylang ylang, but sometimes lavender. I'm not particularly fond of the smell of geranium, but I find that when I use it a few times a week, it imparts sort of a clear 'glow' to my skin. I try not to use it every day. Some days I'll use clary sage, or lavender. Sometimes I use a drop or two of rose or jasmine (sambac, not grandiflorum), and other times I use Patchouli, (only one or two drops because it's pretty overwhelming). I used to use Indian Sandalwood, but it's on the extinction list, *and* it's gotten fairly pricey in the past few years, so I tend to use it a lot less than I did, which makes me sad, because Sandalwood EO is lovely and soft, and it's one of my favourite oils. I have used basil essential oil in the past, but it's extremely irritating to the skin - even 1 drop in the tub is enough to make some people want to peel their skin off! The times I've used it, it caused a mild irritation, but it also gave me very pretty rosy cheeks. I don't know if I'd advise using basil...


Technically you're supposed to dilute the EOs in a base oil, even in the tub, but I personally do not. If I'm applying them my skin, yes. The most effective method that I've found to soften my skin, and to give myself a nice body scent, is to dilute between 5 and 12 drops of EO or an EO synergistic blend that I've made ahead of time, in about a tablespoon of oil, (I use a 2oz shot glass for mixing), and I apply it before I've towelled off. I let it sink in for 15 to 20 minutes, (usually), and then towel off. When I do this though, I either use a specific towel, (which never goes into the dryer because I've set fire to my dryer before!), or I use paper towel to blot it off. There's not usually a lot of oil left on my skin to blot though. (For this purpose I use sweet almond oil blended with a little jojoba).


To use in facial preparations, I sometimes use a carrier oil in place of a regular moisturizer, (usually jojoba oil because it has a real affinity with the oils the skin secretes on its own), and add 1 drop of EO, if I'm mixing on the spot. If I've made a mixture beforehand, I'll usually add 2 drops to the oil. When I'm adding it to skin cream, I add 1 drop per application.


I make all kinds of skin preparations for myself - toner, body oils, scrubs, masques etc... I used to make everything according to a recipe, but in the last few years I've just started throwing things together on the fly, and I'm not necessarily using concentrations that most aromatherapists would advise, either. I just know what works for my skin after many, many years of trial and error. (remind me to tell you the full basil oil story sometime!).


There are two really great books about EOs which I use most often, one is called The Fragrant Pharmacy, the other is called... hrm... the other one I can't find at the moment, and I can't remember what it's called either, so I'll have to get back to you on that one.


Of course, being the overly cautious nerd that I am, I started using EOs very slowly, and kind of built up over time. I don't use anything except Lavender or Tea Tree neat. And if you have sensitive skin, I would really advise starting slowly. But it is easy enough to look up the uses of various essential oils online, to find ones that will benefit your skin-type. I've found them almost miraculous in my skin care regimen. It takes a while to notice results, but not as long as what most skin cream companies would have you believe it takes to see a change in your skin. I think the main reason that they work so well and so quickly is that they penetrate your skin - they've been found in the urine of people who use them, so they really do absorb! - and help to oxygenate your blood, which helps other nutrients do what they're supposed to.


Hope that helps! I could go on, because apparently when there's a keyboard beneath my fingertips, I have *a lot* to say! (Honestly, I *do not* talk this much in 'real life'!). So if you have any other questions, I'd be happy to answer.

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There's this dude here at the office.. OMG he smells so bad, like a dozen possums left on the side of the road after the being urinated on by 500 cats...

And when they do have to move boxes around... omg let's just say I have knowledge of the end of the Mayan Calendar- cause that shit will make a blind man see


Chalk one up for the fan page

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The Full Basil Story:

When I first started using EOs, I read somewhere that basil oil will give a beautiful, healthy glow to one's complexion if used in the bath. I had a date or something that night, so I figured, 'rosy cheeks? why not?' The directions were simple enough: 'float 10 drops in bath water'.


So I got in the tub, and immediatly started itching. I tried to relax, but it was absolutely unbearable. The water moving on my skin felt like steel wool. Every fatty bit on my body, (tummy, thighs, butt etc...), tingled, and the more I scratched, the more convinced I became that I was *probably* going to burst into flames. It was terrible!


So I got out of the tub and got into some comfy pj's, to let the itching continue, because a sensation like that cannot stop, just because you get out of the water! No! Something that irritating has to go on and on... It felt like a cold, itchy fire creeping over my skin. And obviously, pink cheeks or not, I couldn't go out while I was furiously scratching my butt cheeks and thighs and stomach. Somehow I don't think that would have impressed my date...


Anyway, I settled in on the sofa, tried to ignore the itchiness, and watch tv.


Then, about an hour or so after I got out of the tub, I started coughing uncontrollably, and all of this phlem started literally flying out of me. I mean *copious* amounts. It was like that pea-soup scene from The Exorcist. I wouldn't have been surprised if my head had started spinning. And it went on for hours! It wasn't even like a cough, it was like a muscle spasm - there was no stopping it. I got kind of worried after a while, 'cause people don't normally just start spewing phlem like that unless they're really, really sick.


Somewhere along the line I had an 'aha!' moment, and flipped back to the basil write-up in my aromatherapy book. Sure enough, one of the primary functions of basil is as an extremely effective expectorant! And the directions for use: "float 1 drop on bath water'! One drop.


On the upside, I *did* have nice, rosy cheeks. And my lungs were super-clean.

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Just an update on this thread. Since I posted this, I've been having my regular essential oil baths again, and Mara must have been onto something with the essential oils being natural deoderizers or whatever, because I'm back to normal again. I knew these things were powerful, but sheesh! I guess I've been using them so long that I forgot how effective they are. I've been using them in the tub simply because it's a sweet, sweet luxury to have beautiful smelling bathwater - my own, personal spa. I suppose I've been taking that l'il perk for granted. I won't anymore. It's essential oil baths for me all the way now.


I should add that the scent left on my skin after the bath is not interfering with my perfume the way I thought it would, (which was why I stopped taking my essential oil baths to begin with). So I'm a happy girl.

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I took a bath the other night, I was so cranky and tired, and the bf suggested I take a bath. So I poured this bath almond milk thing I had and filled the tub with steaming hot water... ahhhh dreamy.

I just realized that I have no bathing products like fizz bombs, bath bubbles etc.. I have tons of scrubs and shower gels but no bathing stuff. I want to be like Cleopatra and have luxurious baths with emeralds and gold

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MissDC, you can still enjoy essential oils. If you use an unscented body lotion you can put some oils in that. (Or in your face creams). Or you can give yourself an invigorating rub in the shower with a washcloth that has a few drops of essential oil on it - just wet the washcloth, put your oil on it, and give yourself a good rub-down. It's not quite the same as having a bath in it, but it works.


Plus, essential oils are kind of weird in that when you apply them to your skin, they're absorbed into your bloodstream, and spread the goodness from inside. For example, when some people apply strong EOs to their feet, (in a base oil), a little while later they can taste the oil in their breath). So they *do* do their job outside of the tub.


If you're interested in using them, I'd recommend picking up a few good books and going from there. I'd recommend anything by Valerie Ann Worwood - The Fragrant Pharmacy is awesome, as is Scents and Scentuality - and the one that I couldn't remember the title of the other day, Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health and Beauty, by Roberta Wilson.


Although I do have one very serious caveat in terms of getting EOs on washcloths and towels and such. When I first started using EOs I put oil on my body when I was still wet from the shower, and then 20 minutes later would towel dry, leaving both essential oils and my carrier oil on the towel. Then one night I took my freshly laundered towels out of the dryer, threw them in a basket and put them in my bedroom. I was about to head out for the evening when I noticed this horrible, acrid smell. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from, but finally realized it was my laundry basket giving off the stench, and when I pulled the towels out of it, they were all SMOULDERING in the center of the pile!!!

I was so upset! I'd very nearly set my house, my cats and 5 other apartments on fire! I was lucky I noticed it on my way out the door.


So, obviously I don't recommend getting them on your clothes, or on your towels, which is why I recommended using a paper towel if you do the body-oil-after-shower thing. There's not usually a lot of oil left on your skin afterward anyway, so it doesn't require a lot of paper towel to blot your skin.


Anyway... you CAN still use them to great effect. You just have to find other methods of delivery/application.


Lady V, you should see my tub. No gold and pearl bubbles, but I've got A LOT of scrummy bath stuff. I am an addict. I love my skin care crap.

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Oooh... I used to have a clawfoot bathtub! Damn I miss that thing! It was so comfy, I never wanted to get out.

Lady V, I'd take a pic if I could, but my Android, (simple though it's supposed to be), doesn't like to cooperate where uploading/sending pictures is concerned. If I figure it out, I'll post. Promise. ;-)


PS - you forgot: room for books!


ETA that I'm really starting to wish I hadn't called this thread 'Stinky'. It's so out of place with the dreamy names that keep popping up, like Far, Far Away, and Heart Throb... lol...

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Lady V - you can add a few drops of any of your sample vials to your tub. That's what a lot of people do when they like a scent, but not enough to wear it during the day. The heat of the bath amplifies the scent, it's very nice.


You mean I can literally bathe in SPECIAL DDDDD?????


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Why not?


You can either add a vial to a whole bunch of bath oil, if you want a more oily bath, or just spill half a sample into the tub directly. It will leave your skin lightly scented afterward - the oil droplets stay on the top of the water. Wave your arms around in the bath to break up the droplets and spread the scent. That's what I do.

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Omg I am going to secrete special D!!! I am soo excited about this!!!! I already know what samples are going in!. Halo's Angelique and Special D!!! I have a sample of Le Fleur Cremese that sweet Rosebud sent me.. and La Fleur Cremese Bath salts that darling JoAnna sent me that I have been hoarding I'm so gonna use those too!

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Catching up to this thread...The Full Basil :rofl222:


...ok,not so funny at the time I know,good grief where did the 10 drop advice come from :w00t:


Calii, I just misread it! I double check all of the recipes now, 'cause yeah, that was one miserable night. It wasn't funny until I figured out exactly what I'd done - and then it was HILARIOUS, even in the moment. What a bone-headed move!


So, we can use our sample vials in the tub, too? How cool is that??? AND we can use them as simmer oils in a pinch? I'm loving this stuff more and more and more every day!

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