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Dr Suki's Break-Up Balm


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Dr Suki's Break-Up Balm; the ultimate comfort scent for the disappointed in love. Fluffy frosted cupcakes (for a soft place to land), creamy vanilla icecream (to cool the temper), raw cookie dough (to fill the cracks in a broken heart), darkest, meanest chocolate (for bitter-sweet memories), and a mug of English breakfast tea (to soothe the aching cold).


Squee! I got two bottles of this, one blank and one boosted with Mother's Little Helper.


For such an unashamedly foodie blend, it's actually a very subtle blend. If you sit and think about it you can get all of the notes, but if you don't it's a sweet, somewhat gourmand, comforting scent. This is a scent of snuggling on the couch with a bowl of icecream, watching sappy movies. It's also the kind of scent you could wear day-to-day, because it's a very... non-threatening scent. In no way does it say "POW! LOOK AT ME!" It's lovely.


Thank you, so very much, for making this perfume so wonderful :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ohhh nom nom nom! This is *deliciously evil*! I could not bear to open the Kitteh Kollection today, so I dived into this. So very good! Vanilla chocolate creamy fluffy gooey... yeah.

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It is very subtle on me as well, the main impression I got after a while was a sweet creamy tea which I very much liked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wore this again the other day and I still get the tea primarily, although I think some of the other sweetness is starting to emerge. If nothing else this will be a nice addition to my next teas(e) theme.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Somehow this manages to be both soothing and delicious and absolutely perfect for one thing in particular: that certain time of the month when I crave foody scents but can't wear them because my skin will either gobble them up. The vanilla here is that rare kind I can wear even when I'm PMSing out my ears--and I'm saying this because I'm getting high on it as I'm PMSing now--a cool vanilla ice cream note and another fluffy vanilla in the cupcake note, neither of which go sour on me like many vanillas do around that time. I am also loving the cookie dough note, which is a cousin to that in Mummy Chunks. There is just the tiniest bit of a light, airy Earl Grey undercurrant which puts the whole scent adrift on feathery clouds. This is going to be Invi's PMS Balm from now on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

I don't know what it is about this blend...sometimes I hate it. The tea and the cookies confuse me. It goes straight over my head....

But when I need it, I NEED IT. It's like this rollerball actually senses when I'm feeling vulnerable or need a boost. I can't wear this scent for the olfactory satisfaction; this blooms with intent.

It's probably the strangest perfume I own, and definitely the most comforting, but only when I truly need the comforting. The bottle will probably last forever and be my most cherished underdog scent.

Edited by mcreepers
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