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If we order a regular perfume in the 1/3 oz and want to spike it with cops how much would we add?Would we simply apply the perfume on one part of our body and keep the cops seperate?

Edited by Potion Master
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If you want to add EoW to your LPMP perfume oils, the range you add depends upon how sheer the perfume is and your personal preference.


For very light/sheer perfumes, try adding around 10 drops.


For heavier perfumes you can add an entire 1ml which with our pipette droppers is around 20-24 drops.

I would not generally go any higher than that unless you want to be very daring.


The more you add, the more dry down time you may have to allow.

Again, the heavier perfumes will allow a shorter dry-down period - around 5 minutes. The lighter perfumes may require 15 minutes of dry down depending upon how much you use.

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Thanks for moving this.Is a heavy scent one that is spicy like your LP red is said to be? The lighter scents would they be the foody type scents?Thanks for the info.Also the new occo that is listed as a new release what is the difference between that and say sexlogy?There are so MANY different combos I am trying to figure it all out.

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jlynn, I'd consider the some of the lighter floral scents or perhaps ones described as 'aquatic' to be lighter too. Most foody scents tend to be heavier...buttery notes, spice notes seem to cover cops pretty well. I'd call LP Red a heavier/spicy scent for sure. Occo's mean that JUST cops have been added. Sexology is a whole different phero mix.

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Jlynn, you just have to read the descriptions to find out the differences.


No, foody does not equal light. Many foody scents are quite dense and fruity/honey/vanilla scents are great covers for EoW.


When I refer to light scents, I mean sheer florals, sheer greens, sheer citrus.


Yes, LP Red would be a heavier scent.

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Ok,cant wait to get the LP red.LOVE spicy scents and the orential scents.I also enjoy D&G light blue and Sensual Amber and Pink Sugar,chocolovers.I also love the scent of lavender but alot of the lavenders smell like rust on me.Go figure its insane.

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  • 3 years later...

OK I thought I did the "correct" application of EoW... I showered, then applied just a selective bit - cleavage, torso, small of back. None near face or hair or clothes. Walked around naked for the better part of an hour (TMI), no oil "sheen" left on skin. Applied virgin LP scent (Fraise Citron I think), got dressed, but I was really bugged b/c IMO I still had that 'ripe' smell that goes with EoW (and I can't imagine that my SO would find that attractive - unless there's a subliminal olfactory connection that the Y chromos make, regardless)


On the flipside, Sheer essence and Occo's I get little or any lingering cop aroma. Even Sexpionage I handle just fine after the 15-25m drydown. Should I just forego the direct application and just use it as a stash to boost some LPs with EoW. rather than attempting to layer? Then I can go by Mara's instructions above (# of drops, etc.) I just thought having it in RB offers the flexibility to wear more of my LP favs without permanently altering them.


Any advice is appreciated. :blow-kiss:

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Even after dry down the scent can linger for a bit but in my experience it always fades. I usually use a scent that covers or something the cops can blend into. I have definitely found that some scents are much better with EOW than others. Not just in terms of coverage but compatibility (meaning I have some LPs that the EOW is just very complementary with)


FC is not one I wear so I can't speak to that scent.


Also, when you apply EOW to your upper torso and cleavage you will constantly get wafts of it. I'd say skip the cleavage &/or less on the torso. try it with various scents. I'd bet you will find scents you like with it, some more than others.


Sheer Essence is far more diluted than EOW and the fragrances of the OCCos are made to compliment EOW by design.


There are standard recommendations but your chemistry and personal preferences will play into it too.


A couple of strategic EOW application points..

A swipe behind each knee or just above that spot. This is nice when you are wearing a skirt, dress or shorts.

Spilt just a dab between your wrists, as opposed to smoothing it on your torso with your arms.



"...SO would find that attractive - unless there's a subliminal olfactory connection that the Y chromos make, regardless) " Yes that's a fact. It's a strong subliminal signal. Sometimes not so subliminal :lol:

Edited by StacyK
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