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Spring Fever


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Spring Fever

Our very own Le Wizard has an Easter basket just for you, full of beautiful Spring flowers: Lily of the Valley, China Lily, Jonquil, Tulip, and a dash of White Rose is freshened with watery aloe and green grass, framed with dried grass and made perfumely pretty with a hint of musk.




CHINA LILY ~ Purity, modesty. Wards away evil, protects, and breaks enchantments.

Prosperity, happiness, wealth, excitement.
LILY OF THE VALLEY ~ Soothing and calming on the nerves. Sweetness, mental prowess, happiness.
JONQUIL ~ Love, affection returned, desire, sympathy.
TULIP ~ Love, perfection, protection, prosperity. Renewal of warmth, love, and hope.
ROSE ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance.
GRASSES ~ Wishes granted, enhances psychic powers, protection.
ALOE ~ Protection, luck, healing, success.
MUSK ~ Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.



Gotta hand it to Le Wiz...he *knows* how to make a happy scent! I tried this out tonight on clean skin... it's a lovely, youthful feeling sheer floral. Nothing "pointy" about it. It's soft and gentle. I love the note of grasses in here, it gives it a subtle depth.

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This started off really strong on me. A little like nail polish remover- most florals do that though, they get all weird on me, there was a nice bright note in there towards the middle though, then it went skydiving into a very grassy green mixed with aloe gel. I'm really bummed because I really wanted an Easter Basket.

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Mmmmm, spring in a bottle!! It seems a shame to have even opened this bottle on such a gray day. It needs sunlight. It's a very classy floral, but youthful. Not old ladyish at all. The musk helps ground it. I can tell this is going to wear wonderfully!


ETA: So last night I spilled half the vial on my sofa. :cry: But the good news is that it didn't stain, and my sofa smells so good, I haven't been able to get off of it!!

Edited by BlueBear
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  • 2 weeks later...

This one has quite a zing to it! It is very grassy on me. Fresh! I like it and the rose isn't overwhelming, it blends well with the other flowers.


I'll wear it a few more times for my final desicion but I think I prefer Butterfly Kisses for a Le Wiz spring concoction. Probably because BK has pear and I am quite a hussy for a pinch of pear!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I keep getting slightly different results with Spring Fever, but I like ALL of 'em! Either my chemistry is jumping around, or the different oils I use after I shower are affecting it. Either/or/all.


So! Definitely happy in a bottle, and green, and floral, and springy. When I snoof the vial, it's all green and floral perfume. The first two times I wore this, I got a definite hit of green grass when it first hit my skin. The first of those two times, it was like I'd sat down in some nice, damp, tall grass and squooshed some; the second time it was sweeter, and reminded me of (Jovan's???) Grass Oil that I used to wear back when we lit our caves with torches. Then today, the green didn't hit me as much at first, and on long drydown I'm getting--WTF???--amber. There isn't amber in here. Maybe it's a dried grass accord??? But whatever it is, I like it. It's adding roundness to the scent. And on *all* wearings, I get pretty, bright, sweet flowers that are happy and wonderful! The way it's smelling on me today with that ambery bit is doing the: "Oh! What's that great scent?!?" ...and it's me.


I think I am a Le Wiz fan. :) You GO, Dude!!!

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Oh and you know what else? This Fever is not dissipating! It was hanging in there and I refreshed anyway 'CAuS I WANTED TO (!) over five hours ago. It's still with me and it's still gorgeous. I'll bet it's going to still be wafting around a bit in the morning!


ETA: YES. Yes, it did. I still had it with me in the morning. WOW!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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This is a beautiful floral. I don't get the grassiness, just light, fresh flowers and sunshine. It's raining today so it's the perfect day to wear this gorgous bouquet. It's also quite tenacious on me which is lovely as well.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I received a small sample with my order and I have to say this is a pretty floral. Not pointy on me but more like the smell f a flower garden after a spring rain. That fresh air floral scent that begins when the sun hits the wet flowers. I think I will have to add it to my FB list.....my ever growing FB list. Beautiful scent and will be perfect for hot weather.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I love this grassy, springy scent!

Put it in a scent locket when I was feeling a bit blue, so I could get a pick-me-up every now and then.....the smell of spring always cheers me up...

Worked like a charm!


The grass, the flowers, the brightness....it's all there.

I have a little bitty sample, but am seriously contemplating a bigger size, it's *that* good.

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