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Sexpionage is the phero blend. All phero blends are listed under the page: http://lovepotionperfume.com/store/Pheromone_Blends.html


You can see exactly what is current in the catalog of phero-laced scents. I don't see that blend in any currently offered scent, but you can do an add-in if you buy UN-Sexpionage - the very first listing on the Pheromone_Blends page.

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Just went to the trail size page and found compromising positions in the full 1/3 oz size brew2 edition.Placed order earlier as it has that blend.I hope i have the same success as some of you all mentioned.I was also looking at the occo slf but decided to try this instead.I asked for a sample of the occo slf and btw I am SOOO LOVING the lp red/lace combo.

Edited by jlynn
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Doesn't Compromising Positions have sexpionage in it? I should know this, it's one of my top three faves haha. But check that one,,,


Damn, Raq, you're right! How could I forget? Last time I wore it poor sweetie was all DIHL, and then well... very affected! :) This is good stuff!

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Question?I want a pretty pic like many of you have. How do I get one?

You mean the avatar (or icon or user picture) like my red riding hood? Click on your name and it should take you to your profile page. Dig around for the option to change your picture then upload your own picture file. Sorry I can't be more specific, but my browser really limits what I can access here. Good luck!

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click on your icon (or where there's just a shadow person)

in upper right, click "edit profile"

On left column it's the first option, click, "edit profile picture"

Two options will show up with the third option of a "gravitar" but I've never used that one

The two options are:


"choose custom" this is from your own photos on your own computer or


"upload url" which is a picture from the web. to get the url you need to pull up your selected picture from the web, right click it and hit "properties" (if you have a PC) then a long web address will show up, usually ending with "jpg" or something like that. Highlight that address and paste it to the "upload url" box on your profile page. It should show right up, then click "crop" to adjust it and then "done"


If it doesn't load, that's because it's too big, I think it can't exceed 200 pixels. You can also save a web pic to your computer then resized it to fit. You'd then have to pick the "choose custom" option in your profile page. Hope that helps, It took me forever to figure it out.

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So, I used some Sexpionage to turn SOs lack of interest into a request for sex Saturday night. I appreciate that he's been losing weight & less aggressive, but he is also less interested in sex. Sexpionage fixes that! Now, it's like I can get sex when I ​want it, without the harassment when I don't. I save this one just for this purpose, as I can't imagine unleashing this blend on unsuspecting males victims (I have no sexual interest in) within my vicinity. Bacchanalia covered it perfectly & also feels very congruent with this blend. I used about 2 sprays of teh full strength blend, after Comp P failed to get the results I was seeking ;)

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Bacchanalia covered it perfectly & also feels very congruent with this blend.


Yeah I bet...and the best part is that you already smell like the aftermath!

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The comp p has the Sexpionage in it.I just ordered it off the trial size page and they have it in the 1/3 oz bottle in case anyone wants to grab one.I cant wait to try this one out.


Ok,is it just my virtual browser or is anyone else NOT seeing this on the sample page ?


Beccah,you go girl :) ...that touch of 'none will do it every time :001_302:


JOC, do not have Un Sexpionage yet,but a few back up bottles of Comp P,another one of my favs that gets pushed back from use because of all the new beauties coming along :lol:

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I see it !! :) ...ok that is not the sample page but it shows plenty in stock :) :) thank you

Only the trial size shows up with search,for me anyway...think there was only a few there.

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Hi Cali,

I cant see how many are in stock?Also I may have clicked on the Gift shop instead and then trial sizes then it says click here for more info and I did and that how I got to the page I pasted above.I am using internet Explorer.This confuses me.I keep seeing people posting how they see that there are only so many left but I NEVER see that.Also I noticed that some of the new ladies and even a regular have posted that we have not been able to find items in the search.I know how to use the search function but there are time when I get a message that I am not allowed to use that funtion.Many of the ladies even told me I should simply search and have also told another newbie to do the same in the threads.I really LOVE this forum and the ladies here are really helpful so maybe someone can advice on this issue?BTW, sometimes I CAN use the search and other times I get an error message.If its a browser issue I can switch to another one while on this forum.

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When you search, you have to have more than three characters in a word. That may be why you are getting an error. Also, when you search, it defaults to "this topic" and will come up with few to no results. Be sure to click where it says "this topic" and change to "forum" in order to search the whole forum.

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