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Stalk Talk!


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Oh my goodness - how did I miss all of this? I'm so sorry ladies. I am too late? Have I missed the wedding?


If not I'll get the stables ready in a jiffy and have the pirate ship come collect any who aren't travelling by blimp to the Island.


Ooh pirate ship please!

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Pirate ship it is for you then Hearts, I am afraid there may be a few cheeky young sailor types on board, but a quick slap on the wrist should keep those straying hands to themselves...


Although I will get the stables ready it is only so you can ride in comfort to where you will be staying....




Got to keep you ladies in the comfort and style you deserve, plus there is plenty of room to park the blimp.

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I also thought Mels was from the US, she didn't sound English at all to me. In fact she sounds a bit like she's a raunchy dirty girl from the South. Like she runs a bordello of wind chimes in New Orleans.

Kind of bums me out that she's from England, because I was really enjoying my fantasy of her running that bordello..

Not that I don't love England. I love all you English gals!


Love you too Lady V :Hug_emoticon:

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I also thought Mels was from the US, she didn't sound English at all to me. In fact she sounds a bit like she's a raunchy dirty girl from the South. Like she runs a bordello of wind chimes in New Orleans.

Kind of bums me out that she's from England, because I was really enjoying my fantasy of her running that bordello..

Not that I don't love England. I love all you English gals!


C'mon, havent' you read Mel uses words like, Mum, Coppers, etc. ? I luuuuurve English accents. Almost any accent come to think of it.

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Pirate ship it is for you then Hearts, I am afraid there may be a few cheeky young sailor types on board, but a quick slap on the wrist should keep those straying hands to themselves...


Although I will get the stables ready it is only so you can ride in comfort to where you will be staying....




Got to keep you ladies in the comfort and style you deserve, plus there is plenty of room to park the blimp.


Yay, we don't have to stay in the hayloft after all! Are you sure you can trust us Americans not to shoot up the joint and ride our horses into the house? (we know what you think of us over there!) :lol: I knew someone who told her father that she wanted to move to America, and he said, "What do you want to live THERE for? The place is filled with cowboys all shooting at each other!"

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@ Mara: If you can keep the shootings to a minimum and fit your horses with slippers I really don't think it would be a problem. : )


@ Mel: Queen Victoria isn't using it anymore, so if you can wrestle it off of English Heritage it's yours! Maybe a LPMP posey headed by Mara is just what we need to ensure a smooth takeover. Ladies, bring your guns.

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Waaall now, y'all...if yew wanna tawlk Suthun, Ah reckon Ah kin manage that, jus' f'r a few minutes. Ah have t' go powdeh down mah dewy complexion in a bit, but Ah kin tawlk f'r a little while. Whatchew all wanna tawlk about? Ah just ADORE English accents, y'all. Ah was on an intuhview with a Briyut th' othuh day an' Ah coulda just listened tew him f'revah! It was positiveleh delahtful!


Mizz Mara, DEW yew reckon we could have us a special thread jus' t' tawlk abowt accents? Ah think that'd be wunnerful. Ah'll make th' sweet tea an' some mint juleps. Ellie an' Mel c'n make th' hot tea - Ah dew love me a cuppa hot tea on a chilly day - an' Quince c'n bring th' shortbread. We'll all sit down an' have a nice aft'rnoon snack. What y'all think?

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It's even a running joke on Dr Who to portray Americans as trigger happy and wearing cowboy hats.


"Stetsons are cooool."




Haaaa, I know! Also, having family in Greece I can attest to the fact that most of Europe jokes around with that stereotype. :lol: Except, of course, the Greeks who think they invented just about everything like to refer to Americans as illiterate cowboys.

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He doesn't have just one kind of target, heh.


oh come on. Gimmee more than that!


Waaall now, y'all...if yew wanna tawlk Suthun, Ah reckon Ah kin manage that, jus' f'r a few minutes. Ah have t' go powdeh down mah dewy complexion in a bit, but Ah kin tawlk f'r a little while. Whatchew all wanna tawlk about? Ah just ADORE English accents, y'all. Ah was on an intuhview with a Briyut th' othuh day an' Ah coulda just listened tew him f'revah! It was positiveleh delahtful!


Mizz Mara, DEW yew reckon we could have us a special thread jus' t' tawlk abowt accents? Ah think that'd be wunnerful. Ah'll make th' sweet tea an' some mint juleps. Ellie an' Mel c'n make th' hot tea - Ah dew love me a cuppa hot tea on a chilly day - an' Quince c'n bring th' shortbread. We'll all sit down an' have a nice aft'rnoon snack. What y'all think?


AC start a thread! I'll do a WISCONSIN


Haaaa, I know! Also, having family in Greece I can attest to the fact that most of Europe jokes around with that stereotype. :lol: Except, of course, the Greeks who think they invented just about everything like to refer to Americans as illiterate cowboys.



Like Mr. P.in MBFGW: "Kimono is a Greek Word..."

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Waaall now, y'all...if yew wanna tawlk Suthun, Ah reckon Ah kin manage that, jus' f'r a few minutes. Ah have t' go powdeh down mah dewy complexion in a bit, but Ah kin tawlk f'r a little while. Whatchew all wanna tawlk about? Ah just ADORE English accents, y'all. Ah was on an intuhview with a Briyut th' othuh day an' Ah coulda just listened tew him f'revah! It was positiveleh delahtful!


Mizz Mara, DEW yew reckon we could have us a special thread jus' t' tawlk abowt accents? Ah think that'd be wunnerful. Ah'll make th' sweet tea an' some mint juleps. Ellie an' Mel c'n make th' hot tea - Ah dew love me a cuppa hot tea on a chilly day - an' Quince c'n bring th' shortbread. We'll all sit down an' have a nice aft'rnoon snack. What y'all think?


Ha fantastic! I love the southern twist that helps me get all of the pronunciations correct.


Afternoon tea you say? Capital! I'll get a pot of Earl Grey on the go and knock up some clotted cream scones and homemade strawberry jam. Id do cucumber sandwiches and various afternoon tea fancies but that would just take up valuable scone space....


I say 'scone' as in 'bone' and not 'gone' by the way.

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Ha fantastic! I love the southern twist that helps me get all of the pronunciations correct.


Afternoon tea you say? Capital! I'll get a pot of Earl Grey on the go and knock up some clotted cream scones and homemade strawberry jam. Id do cucumber sandwiches and various afternoon tea fancies but that would just take up valuable scone space....


I say 'scone' as in 'bone' and not 'gone' by the way.


Clotted cream *swoon*... When we went to Ireland I ordered the scone/bread basket every night and they served it with lemon curd, rasberry jam, and CLOTTED CREAM!! Let's just say, the lemon and rasberry were lonely!


And from England I miss these smoothie drinks by honest or honesty? So flipping yummy, wish they sold them in the US!


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bone scone all the way! And any of you are welcome to come move in with me, dream house or no! We can have a billion cats and a special perfume library, and a book library too! Fresh baking every day, and lots of yummy teas and coffees!


My female friends and I indulge in this fantasy all the time. Our food would be prettty looking too. Girl food. And NO sports on t.v.

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I'd start a thread but dunno where to start it...


I love scones and lemon curd. Earl Grey, hot, with cream - delightful. Often how I wind down my evenings.


And as someone truly descended of Scots...did I mention I love haggis? I also like Vegemite (there used to be an Aussie restaurant in town, it was yummy) but have not had opportunity to try Marmite. Bangers & mash. Scotch eggs. Whisky (scotch or Irish, makes no never mind as long as it's the good stuff)...


I have English, Irish, Welsh, Scots, Norse Viking, French, Spanish, Italian and Cherokee in my ancestry that my mom has found so far.



ETA: Do you just wanna put it in my journal area for the time being?

Edited by AlienChangeling
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I'd start a thread but dunno where to start it...


I love scones and lemon curd. Earl Grey, hot, with cream - delightful. Often how I wind down my evenings.


And as someone truly descended of Scots...did I mention I love haggis? I also like Vegemite (there used to be an Aussie restaurant in town, it was yummy) but have not had opportunity to try Marmite. Bangers & mash. Scotch eggs. Whisky (scotch or Irish, makes no never mind as long as it's the good stuff)...


I have English, Irish, Welsh, Scots, Norse Viking, French, Spanish, Italian and Cherokee in my ancestry that my mom has found so far.



ETA: Do you just wanna put it in my journal area for the time being?



I adore scones, and I adore lemon curd. I had a raspberry scone from Starbucks the other day, so buttery and bad for you but so, SO good. And I always wind down with tea. However, your connection of food with ancestry brings up an interesting point AC--I'm descended from the polar opposite side of Europe!


My family is from Greece, and I think many people are misinformed as to what is truly Greek food vs. what was brought there by the Turks during their long invasion. Real Greek food is not gyros or shish kebab or falafels; those, along with quite a few other things, were all brought in by the Turks. Real Greek food in a nutshell is chop the head off something on your farm and roast it, or throw what you catch in the sea on the grill. Sardines fried to a crisp. A special type of homemade pasta (! not all pasta is Italian) in a caramelized onion sauce. Lightly spiced cookies. Mastic gum on a spoon stirred in a cup of water. And more types of bread than there are fish in the Aegean.


Funny how my grandparents actually came from the Greek-owned territory of Pontia, which was actually between the Ukraine and Georgia before the communists cleared it out and they fled to the mainland. They had a different language and everything, not just local colloquialisms but an almost entirely different tongue that sounds more Russian than Greek, knowing bits and pieces of it. I don't really know what kinds of things exactly are in my blood. There has been strong evidence of Rus Viking blood around the Black Sea, but I'm probably some sort of eastern European mutt. :lol:

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(! not all pasta is Italian).

I would be surprised if people really still believe so, considering that most cultures throughout history have some kind of pasta in their cuisine;

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I'll do the decorating!!! LEOPARD AND BLACK LACE EVERYWHERE!


But with punches of color right?


I'd start a thread but dunno where to start it...


I love scones and lemon curd. Earl Grey, hot, with cream - delightful. Often how I wind down my evenings.


And as someone truly descended of Scots...did I mention I love haggis? I also like Vegemite (there used to be an Aussie restaurant in town, it was yummy) but have not had opportunity to try Marmite. Bangers & mash. Scotch eggs. Whisky (scotch or Irish, makes no never mind as long as it's the good stuff)...


I have English, Irish, Welsh, Scots, Norse Viking, French, Spanish, Italian and Cherokee in my ancestry that my mom has found so far.



ETA: Do you just wanna put it in my journal area for the time being?


SURE! Go for it...I'm feeling creative

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maybe some pink here and there

we would also have to have some ice cream, coconut, peanut butter and chocolate and pizza with pineapples for EL Wiz who is going to be like our Charlie from Charlies Angels. Le Wiz's Angels., and he will speak to us from behind a HUGE perfume atomizer



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