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Many different artisan/etailers have done "Xmas Eve/Xmas in a bottle" kind of scents, they are really nice in their way. For me, Gothic Xmas has that kind of vibe although more on the foody side as opposed to just the greenery-meets-holiday-pomander thingie.


I think LV is being a little demandingoverly optomistic. Remember y'all: Mara is still just one woman coming back from vacation. :P

BUT I will say there is one scent that will make a lot of you collectively lose your shit and run around in circles squeeing and flailing wildly.


Omg I cannot wait to lose my shit!

I'm totally constipated right now!




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there is one scent that will make a lot of you collectively lose your shit and run around in circles squeeing and flailing wildly.


If we're anal retentive, can we just run around in circles squeeing and flailing wildly?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank GOODNESS no one has started stalking for January yet!!! Thank you thank you! I have zero -- zilch -- nada energy for it! Too much food sugar family wine hassle et cetera. Can we call a three-day moratorium on January stalking to give everyone a chance to recuperate??! :Goingtobed-1:

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why is this a big month?

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Mara is combining January and February's new releases this year. Dunno why. It's a secret! :P

Actually, I think she said it was because she wants us to have our Valentine's Day stuff in time for Valentine's Day... ;)

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Huh. So that could also mean that she'll make enough supplies so that if we order samples at the beginning of january then maybe they'll still be available to buy in February?

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Mara is combining January and February's new releases this year. Dunno why. It's a secret! :P

Actually, I think she said it was because she wants us to have our Valentine's Day stuff in time for Valentine's Day... ;)

Ooooh Eggers! I'd forgotten about that! :heart: Thank you for the reminder!!! :heart:





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Mara is combining January and February's new releases this year. Dunno why. It's a secret! :P

Actually, I think she said it was because she wants us to have our Valentine's Day stuff in time for Valentine's Day... ;)


And I believe Mara said she's doing something DIFFERENT with the January releases!

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The January and February collections are coming out at the same time this year, around January 15th, but they are two distinctly different sets.


The January set is a whole new "thing", and will take a little extra time, while the Feb sets need to be out early so you can all have them in hand to slather on yourselves by Valentine's Day!


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The January and February collections are coming out at the same time this year, around January 15th, but they are two distinctly different sets.


The January set is a whole new "thing", and will take a little extra time, while the Feb sets need to be out early so you can all have them in hand to slather on yourselves by Valentine's Day!




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Im way behind! I havent even tried Nov and Dec'mbers yet. I wish I had at least 3-$400 to spend.

I am right there with you.... I am so behind, I need at least $700-$800 to just get caught up to Dec... And then more for the new releases!

So looking forward to fulfilling out my wish list! And, yes, I am aware I qualify as a LPMP addict!


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The January and February collections are coming out at the same time this year, around January 15th, but they are two distinctly different sets.


The January set is a whole new "thing", and will take a little extra time, while the Feb sets need to be out early so you can all have them in hand to slather on yourselves by Valentine's Day!


So, if I were to place an order in the next few days, is it possible to proactively purchase the new release sample set? It's okay with me to 1) hold the whole order and ship with the new releases or 2) add-on whatever shipping would be for just the new releases. I'm just wishing to ensure I get some GGG scents before they sell-out & I am experiencing some nervousness on a few of them as they are indeed GGGQuickly! I already missed out on Odalisque! :( And, when G-d has been so kind as to respond with financial abundance (ahem, put a "Bowl Job" special out there and people will buy! Handy extra cash influx just when we needed it to meet not just one but two circumstances: (1) the unexpected blessing of a New Bear in the home and all of the material needs which accompany that blessing & 2) a significant portion of my LPMP wishlist (admittedly far-less than a need/more of an addiction but at least its a healthy one), one really should be grateful and follow through on those purchases....


And, if the above pre-purchase of Jan/Feb NRs is possible, is it the same monthly sample price or is this a double-pack since it is Jan-Feb combined?


Thank you in advance for considering this request! Wishing you a splendid day :)

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And, if the above pre-purchase of Jan/Feb NRs is possible, is it the same monthly sample price or is this a double-pack since it is Jan-Feb combined?

To my knowledge, each monthly sampler will be seperate, it's just that they're being released at the same time.

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Yes, that's correct.

They are being offered separately, and they are the same price as usual per set.


So, if I just add 2 of the monthly samplers to my order I am currently compiling, and then add in the little memo of January and February that should work?

Yay! Thank you!

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Sure JD! How about we all meet back here on Saturday?


Yes! Rob a bank, and get some for me too! Don't worry, I'll drive the get away car ;)


Well, so much for waiting a week ... Honey, please tell me you did not tell JD to come back next Saturday just to get her out of the way ... (You know I am just kidding!!). And I promise I will send you LPs in jail if they catch you ... :lol:

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