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One ALWAYS has to qualify their wishes to be safe...


When I say I want to lose weight, I add, "in a healthy way, not by losing a limb or anything."




I always add "to cause no harm nor return on me, as I will so mote it be." I need my shiz to rhyme.

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One ALWAYS has to qualify their wishes to be safe...


When I say I want to lose weight, I add, "in a healthy way, not by losing a limb or anything."



Exactly!! I remember reading a story once called The Monkey's Paw, about a couple wishing for money, and they ended up getting it, but definitely not the way they would have liked to... Ugh. Still freaks me out.

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I think it's going to be a rebrew month--if not this month, than next month. My spidey senses are tingling.

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I wonder what goodies PM has cooked up for us for June? I wonder if it will be a summer collection of scents?


It's going to be mostly guy stuff with only one or two unisex scents haha!! :P Actually a rebrew month of highly requested items would be cool.

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I wonder what goodies PM has cooked up for us for June? I wonder if it will be a summer collection of scents?

I hope so! I heart summer scents!

I think it's going to be a rebrew month--if not this month, than next month. My spidey senses are tingling.

I will be broke if that happens! LOL

It's going to be mostly guy stuff with only one or two unisex scents haha!! :P Actually a rebrew month of highly requested items would be cool.

That would be super cool too! Except I'd need a bigger boy-smell box, lol

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I think it's going to be a rebrew month--if not this month, than next month. My spidey senses are tingling.


I would have to go into debt if that happened. Oh nos that would be so bad for my wallet but oh so good for my scents of yummy.

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Okay, maybe I'll prognosticate July, just to make it easier on everyone. Lol.


But seriously, my spidey senses say levitation is coming back for one more go round.

None of those in the know have responded to my questions about if it may ever come back again and typically Mara or Luna or Halo jump on and say such and such thing cannot be rebrewed because of xyz reason. But strangely, no such thing this time!


However, I did hedge my bets and ordered Open Windows plus DHEAS unscented spray just in case I'm wrong.

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I haven't said anything because I have absolutely no idea. Then again, just because something sells out very quickly (two weeks or less) doesn't mean it can or will be recreated, so various factors have to be considered. Plus, those of us on the board only represent a small fraction of the overall customer base, so I never assume that just because we clamor for something to be rebrewed means that everyone wants it.

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Oh, I know Luna. I have a hope and a feeling but that's why I hedged my bet too.

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WOOT! I do not have to report for jury duty tomorrow. :D 2 days down, 2 to go. Whew!


I just checked my ingredients, and I do have enough to make another batch of Levitation Potion if people want it. I only have enough ingredients to make like 20 bottles though. Let me know who wants and I will make for you.


The phero blend is easy, and I can make that for whomever wants it as a Mad Science blend.

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And I still want my mad scientist blend as well since it seems like a winner for me so far.

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One ALWAYS has to qualify their wishes to be safe...


When I say I want to lose weight, I add, "in a healthy way, not by losing a limb or anything."



HA! I learned the hard way--Mr. Matt helped me do a pretty *ahem* intense ritual years ago for more business...and I nearly worked myself to death doing all the projects that suddenly came at me! Hee!!!! I put in caveats now. B)



WOOT! I do not have to report for jury duty tomorrow. :D 2 days down, 2 to go. Whew!


I just checked my ingredients, and I do have enough to make another batch of Levitation Potion if people want it. I only have enough ingredients to make like 20 bottles though. Let me know who wants and I will make for you.


The phero blend is easy, and I can make that for whomever wants it as a Mad Science blend.

Firstly: :w00t: CONGRATS!!! Good wishes for further Jury excusements! :w00t:


Secondly: AAAAAH!!! SQUEEE!!!!!!! :heart::heart::heart: Me to me too me too!!! May I please order (in addition to the stuff you're holding for me, of course...and THANKS AGAIN!)...may I please order a spray bottle of Levitation AND a Mad Scientist spray of the phero mix? That blend is KILLER! :dreadlocksnaner::BananaRow::bananajoy:

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Man, I feel glad I'm not the only one who loves the blend (I love the perfume but Open Windows and DHEAS? Sign me up!) I was actually just complaining to a couple of friends that I've had ZERO luck with a-nol, despite trying it in a wax blend and straight. So I'm happy to finally (I think anyway, need more testing) to have a woo-hoo selfies phero blend. Plus, it smells like a rich woman's fancy fruit punch. I be all "la-de-dah" and "oo la la" and "OH YEAH!"



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Add me to the list for a bottle, please!

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WOOT! I do not have to report for jury duty tomorrow. :D 2 days down, 2 to go. Whew!


I just checked my ingredients, and I do have enough to make another batch of Levitation Potion if people want it. I only have enough ingredients to make like 20 bottles though. Let me know who wants and I will make for you.


The phero blend is easy, and I can make that for whomever wants it as a Mad Science blend.

Oh Boy!!!!!


I definitely want one if you have it. If it can be a spray, that'd be my first choice but I will take either version. How will we know?


Thanks :-)


I'd like the phero/fragrance just to be clear.

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she can take a bottle and then just add the perfumer's alcohol to it and pop it in one of her nice big spray perfume bottles-- though, I guess the question is with silicone versus oil....she must make the scent and then add to however many "normal" bottles of oil and then have some scent left over sometimes for those that want to do silicone instead of oil.

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I'm cool with whatever anyone else wants.

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Ultimately I'm good with what you all want too.

That said.. if I were to order on my own .. I'd leave out the glitter. just IMO tho. I did not get the first round of Levitation so I'll defer to those that know.

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It's just itty bitty pieces. It's not full. Just a little bit. I thought it was cool in that and, Radium had it too, right?


You don't actually see hardly any on your skin.

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WOOT! I do not have to report for jury duty tomorrow. :D 2 days down, 2 to go. Whew!


I just checked my ingredients, and I do have enough to make another batch of Levitation Potion if people want it. I only have enough ingredients to make like 20 bottles though. Let me know who wants and I will make for you.


The phero blend is easy, and I can make that for whomever wants it as a Mad Science blend.


Mara, I would like a spray in Levitation Potion please... Just add it to my BP order, thanks

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No problem with making sprays.


Shall I change the color of the glitter so you know it's the rebrew? Should I leave it out?


I'm brewing it up now. Will be ready for bottling tomorrow.


I love the glitter, (any color works for me)....please put it in mine, thanks


I know this might sound weird but the glitter in this is what makes me most happy, just seeing it swirl in the bottle and its pure bliss... I'm so happy you can make some of these into sprays for us, thanks

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It's just itty bitty pieces. It's not full. Just a little bit. I thought it was cool in that and, Radium had it too, right?

All the fragrances for The Golden Age of Magic had glitter in them.

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Ok.. now you guys are selling me on the glitter!! Lol ..weak resistance :-)

Reframe: it is just as likely that your strong and agile mind is quick to imagine possibilities, skilled at weighing the options, and open to new experiences ;)

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Maybe Gold or Silver glitter? ooooo! or Purple!


Stacy-- I tested my Levitation sampler yesterday, shook it up really well and applied it from wrist to elbow twice on each arm and I didn't see any glitter at all on my skin even though I saw it in the bottle, so don't be nervous!


I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as too much glitter (or if so, I haven't hit it yet,) but I know other people do not share that love.

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Reframe: it is just as likely that your strong and agile mind is quick to imagine possibilities, skilled at weighing the options, and open to new experiences ;)


...well played ;)

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Reframe: it is just as likely that your strong and agile mind is quick to imagine possibilities, skilled at weighing the options, and open to new experiences ;)

...well played ;)

Exactly!!! :)



Maybe Gold or Silver glitter? ooooo! or Purple!


Stacy-- I tested my Levitation sampler yesterday, shook it up really well and applied it from wrist to elbow twice on each arm and I didn't see any glitter at all on my skin even though I saw it in the bottle, so don't be nervous!


I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as too much glitter (or if so, I haven't hit it yet,) but I know other people do not share that love.

I have Bedeviled and Levitation in roll-ons and I don't think I've picked up glitter on my arm but once: One piece of black from Bedeviled, which perplexed me until I remembered that I'd been playing with the glitter in the bottle! B)

Easily distracted...simple pleasures...

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Reframe: it is just as likely that your strong and agile mind is quick to imagine possibilities, skilled at weighing the options, and open to new experiences ;)


YEA, that's it!! :-)



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Hubs and I took a drive last night between thunderstorms. I had the window down and it smelled like fresh rain, ozone, wet earth and honeysuckle. I would love a summer potion like that.


If rebrews of PE's are happening, I'd love to see Tyvey's Mango-ish come back. I've been worrying about my bottle, which is getting low, and has become possibly my new favorite scent.

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Hubs and I took a drive last night between thunderstorms. I had the window down and it smelled like fresh rain, ozone, wet earth and honeysuckle. I would love a summer potion like that.


If rebrews of PE's are happening, I'd love to see Tyvey's Mango-ish come back. I've been worrying about my bottle, which is getting low, and has become possibly my new favorite scent.


I second both of these. Your summer potion sounds amazing. And I'm with you on the Mango-ish. It's one of the first bottles I bought here, and it's still one of my top 5. Love it. Need moar.

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