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Sugared Honeycomb


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Yup just when I thought french vanilla couldn't get any better. I think sugared honeycomb mixes nicely with most things, today I tried it with lp red and I'm so happy.



Sugared Honeycomb is an absolute must for my perfume shelf.....by layering with it, I can completely change the character of any scent. I love that versatility.....

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I havent been the hugest Sugared honeycomb fan cuz honeys are just not a good mix with my chemistry, HOWEVER I just cant seem to give up my last bottle. AND I think it will be tragic if this one ever disapears forever! :thumbup::lol:

This is definetly a forum favorite, id say :thumbup:

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CC, I know just what you mean. I love the honey smell, but it just isn't "me". I tend to go with the bright scents like you, as I have pointed out before. This said, I do have two full bottles of Sugared Honeycomb, as there is a certain time of the month that this smells SO good on me to sleep in. I am going to get the courage to wear this out of my home soon. I am amassing a phero and perfume library that is going to be of epic proportion for when my divorce is final and I can finally go outside!

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CC, I know just what you mean. I love the honey smell, but it just isn't "me". I tend to go with the bright scents like you, as I have pointed out before. This said, I do have two full bottles of Sugared Honeycomb, as there is a certain time of the month that this smells SO good on me to sleep in. I am going to get the courage to wear this out of my home soon. I am amassing a phero and perfume library that is going to be of epic proportion for when my divorce is final and I can finally go outside!


I keep it around especially because there is one time of the month I love wearing it (when my lady time comes to visit) :o

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My experience with sugar'd honeycomb today!


*I love this scent like shit! (this one is my most fav't and pink sugar by aquolina is my second!) and decided to use it as a bath oil*


so laa-dee-daa, I'm in the bath tub, and use some of that precious oil, and my whole bathroom smells like honey galore!


Okay people remember this, I live on the first/ground floor! and my bathroom window is open...


I finally finish my bath, and decide to take a soft shower, when I stood up and looked at the window, there's a bunch of guys leaning under my bathroom window!!! Sniffing and talking in french (all I could understand was "c'est bon!!" !!! Aaaahhh!!! I had to close my window before they jump and sneak at my window!!!! When I came out of the bathroom, my dad had to ask me what I used since it smelled amazing!!! Guys, if you haven't tried this you must give it a go!


omg! I love this one, I'm so glad this one is not a limited ed! or else I would have cried! lol!

Edited by esmeralda
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  • 2 weeks later...

Has Sugared Honeycomb been rebrewed recently? I got a sample many months ago and it was thick and rich and to die for... but in my latest order I got a full sized bottle, and the scent is nowhere near as strongly honey, but had more sugar to it. To make matters worse, while the sample stays glorious on my skin, the bottled version turns to ash when it dries down.




A lot of perfume oils turn on my skin like this, so if there was any difference between the two versions it might give me a clue as to what to avoid. Any ideas?

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Has Sugared Honeycomb been rebrewed recently? I got a sample many months ago and it was thick and rich and to die for... but in my latest order I got a full sized bottle, and the scent is nowhere near as strongly honey, but had more sugar to it. To make matters worse, while the sample stays glorious on my skin, the bottled version turns to ash when it dries down.




A lot of perfume oils turn on my skin like this, so if there was any difference between the two versions it might give me a clue as to what to avoid. Any ideas?





Your post made me curious, so I just went and put on some of this fragrance. I have both a sample and a full-size bottle, and I've received both of them within the past couple of months. I can't detect any difference between the two, and I get a definite honey scent -- I would say more honey than sugar on me. As it dries, I still detect honey.


As a rule, before I apply any of these scents, I shake the bottle or the tester a bit or just roll them between my hands. If you're not already doing this, perhaps it would help. Since both my tester and bottle are fairly recent purchases, I can't speak to the denser honey notes from your sample, but I've read that the potions will mature in the bottle a bit over time.


Mara or one of the other ladies can speak more knowledgeably about how the potions mature. I just wanted to throw out some thoughts for you. Hope it helps!

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I've told this ancedote a few times now, but it's my opinion that some of the Sugared scents need to mature before you wear them, or least that's my experience. I ordered a sample of Sugared Honeycomb back when it first debuted and when I received it, it smelled like nothing on me. No discernable scent at all. I had to let it age several months before I could smell it (and love it). So, as stkatz noted, it might just need some aging, but the shaking idea is a good one too. Since a lot of artisan blends (including LPMP) don't have any stabilizers, they may seperate and need to be blended again before you apply.

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Just wanted to say that the two little dabs of this that I put on last night made me feel like I was enveloped in this scent -- it doesn't take much of this one at all! And I could still smell it this morning when I woke up.


It took me a long time to break down and try this one, but I am extremely glad that I did It is definitely becoming one of my favorites!

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  • 1 month later...

I got a sample of this today, which was like a little foreshadow of a treat since I ordered it after I placed the order I got today.


Let me just say this is everything I imagined it would be. It dries down to a subtle and softly sweet honey. Not overly sweet where sugar just fills up your nose and you get your fill off that whiff and will sniff it again later. This is a magical kind of seductive honey, just sweet enough where you rest your nose against your skin and keep breathing it in and be perfectly content to never move away.


I layered it over golden amber oil that I have and it morphed into pure sex. I had tried O over at BPAL as it was said to do this. But on me it's just a lovely powder scent that I adore. However, my golden amber coupled with LP's sugared honeycomb is exactly the scent I hoped O would be.


I have no doubt that this one would layer fantastically with vanilla, musk, and any amber. As a stand alone, it also works well, but if you like to have scents that are a little more complex, this would be the perfect one to use as a layer. I think it would also top off pure cops or any unscented pheros with cops in them very well.

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I got a sample of this today, which was like a little foreshadow of a treat since I ordered it after I placed the order I got today.


Let me just say this is everything I imagined it would be. It dries down to a subtle and softly sweet honey. Not overly sweet where sugar just fills up your nose and you get your fill off that whiff and will sniff it again later. This is a magical kind of seductive honey, just sweet enough where you rest your nose against your skin and keep breathing it in and be perfectly content to never move away.


I layered it over golden amber oil that I have and it morphed into pure sex. I had tried O over at BPAL as it was said to do this. But on me it's just a lovely powder scent that I adore. However, my golden amber coupled with LP's sugared honeycomb is exactly the scent I hoped O would be.


I have no doubt that this one would layer fantastically with vanilla, musk, and any amber. As a stand alone, it also works well, but if you like to have scents that are a little more complex, this would be the perfect one to use as a layer. I think it would also top off pure cops or any unscented pheros with cops in them very well.



Sugared Honeycomb is the main base note in PheroGirl, which has a TON of cops in it.....it also has bee pollen and other notes, but the honeycomb is the base.....you can't detect the cops at all......in fact, it covers all pheros very well, and I have never had any stinky bleed-through.....


I layer Sugared Honeycomb with anything and everything.....you will find that many of the scents here at LP are layerable......very very versatile!

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Sugared Honeycomb is the main base note in PheroGirl, which has a TON of cops in it.....it also has bee pollen and other notes, but the honeycomb is the base.....you can't detect the cops at all......in fact, it covers all pheros very well, and I have never had any stinky bleed-through.....


I layer Sugared Honeycomb with anything and everything.....you will find that many of the scents here at LP are layerable......very very versatile!


I just bought Phero Girl last night. I'd been looking at it for a bit since it was recommended to me by so many. Now I'm super excited to get it. The cops will add so much fun!

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I just bought Phero Girl last night. I'd been looking at it for a bit since it was recommended to me by so many. Now I'm super excited to get it. The cops will add so much fun!


Oh yes, they definitely crank things up a notch, for sure!!

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I've got samples on the way but think I'll place an order for a full sized bottle of Sugared Honeycomb RIGHT NOW. :smilies-23596:


I LOVE this. It might be my most favorite scent ever. It's a terrific layer for so many things and it really works well with cops for some reason. I use it with amber and it's delicious.


I got lucky and got a sample of it with my first order. I'm still waiting for the order I made for a bottle of it a few weeks ago. Lots of sugared goodies in that order. ;)

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I've heard really good things about sugared honeycomb. Any scent that works well with copulins is a must have in my book.


OMG, Countess.....you haven't tried it????? You MUST get some!! NOW!! It is fabulous!

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Every TRUE addict NEEDS Sugared Honeycomb!! Mere words cannot describe this scent. :smilies-23596: You shall see, Countesszero.


We expect a full report upon application. ;)

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You got it. I'm definitely going to pair it up with some EOW and I might even throw some Pre-Release Dirty (Androtics) in for good measure.



Thata girl! You make us proud! :smilies-23596:

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Now that you can get sugared blends custom done, there really isn't a need to keep all the other ones in stock, so yes, Luna's list are the most popular, and are in the permanent collection, but if there was one you wanted to try that has sold out, chances are you can still order it. (There's a chance some ingredients are no longer available, but most in the sugared line, still are.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, it usually softens into something sweeter and warmer, but the first couple minutes is kind of tough. I wonder if aging will improve this--my sample vial didn't have this problem, or as much of one, maybe.


I'm glad I'm not the only one, though. =) Solidarity in finicky skin chemistry!

Edited by cinderfallen
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Does anyone else have the problem of Sugared Honeycomb going on kind of weird and plastic-y?


This newest rebrew of SH has a weird smell, to me. It's much more plasticy/sugary than the previous batch. I've had the new bottle of this last rebrew curing for a month or so, and the scent has not really changed. I hope it does soon, because I LOVED the previous SH.

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This newest rebrew of SH has a weird smell, to me. It's much more plasticy/sugary than the previous batch. I've had the new bottle of this last rebrew curing for a month or so, and the scent has not really changed. I hope it does soon, because I LOVED the previous SH.



I'm just the opposite......my most recent bottle smells better on me.....richer, thicker, sexier (if that's even POSSIBLE) than the original.....I LOVED the original, but my most recent bottle is even better......

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I've only started wearing it yesterday. I will say this Sugared Honeycomb has really got staying power. Even after showering last night (with the hubby, how fun) as well as this morning I can still detect a faint smell. It is really intoxicating.


Upon first application I get a very strong pungent smell but it soon dies down to something really sweet and long lasting. I actually havent worn it anywhere else but home thus far. The hubby really didnt comment much on it. I do love the scent but on me I think It'll fair better mixed with something like Sugared Honeysuckle or Amber. We shall see.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

rich and thick late-summer honeycomb, mixed with our delicious blend of 5 sugars


I think someone mentioned this was sex on a stick and it certainly is! This is the sweet, dirty, thick, sensual, sexy honey blend I've been looking for. I think this could be one of the best perfume blends I have ever had the pleasure of trying. The longer I wear it the better it smells, I smell like a sex goddess. hee hee, this is gonna be fun to wear around cute boys. :magicstick:

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