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How often should you re apply pheros/cops?

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Im sure this has been asked/discussed before so sorry if I'm bringing this up again. How long do pheros usually last after you apply? Roll on oils, oil/alcohol mix? And how long for roll on occos/cops? I live in a warm climate (Arizona) so Im sure I get good diffusion... Just not sure when to re apply or I'd I even need to. Help please. And thank you :)

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Hi Hearts! I live on the border city with Texas, so it is hot as hell can be....To be honest I don´t re-apply complex phero blends often because I tend to OD easily, but if I have to I always make sure at least 6-8 hours have passed. I've read on the forum that some molecules are more 'sticky' than others and that you may even get hits a day after applying, but I honestly haven't experienced this. I do re-apply Cops, no OD danger there, but only when my body heat burns them away and after more than 8-10 hours of application.

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I think cops last a lot longer than other pheros. I generally apply cops each morning (in perfume oil blends) and don't reapply. Other pheros, maybe 1 reapplication per day.

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6 hours minimum wait time to re apply for me. And then only just a dot to "freshen them up". Don't really reapply cops that often unless they are in an undetectable blend. Drydown can take too long and i'm usually waiting to get out the door!

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Now an alcohol based blend, I'd reapply a little more often, because of the volatility, especially in the heat. Alabama here, so yeah. Oils, yup, 1x morning, 1x midafternoon. Cops, 1x morning. Alcohol sprays, 1x morning, 1x lunch, 1x dinner (if going out or summat). If late night party or such, I might postpone the dinner one until right before the party.

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If I wre to wear pheros to work, I will not refresh unless I was heading out after work. If I were out weekends without kids, I will refresh 5 hours after application. Refreshing means running the bottle on my hair, back of hands and probably my neck.

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I know I have def ODed before. I would have some great hits after 1st application until I reapplied and then nothing. I guess less really is more sometimes.


Interesting. I have noticed I was ODing a few times when I realised I was getting hits at the end of a day, when the pheroblend had sort of died down a bit.

This happend to me with Lace unscented. I am much luckier with a blend that has one third of the quantity, like in Garland & Lace. :)

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Yes, wearing too much may make people think, "I don't know what it is, but there's something wrong with that person", and cause them to avoid you.


Pheros work as a subconscious chemical signal to the brain of the people around you. If they get a "does not compute" kind of signal, they avoid. Wearing ridiculously high amounts so that it could not possibly be a natural emanation will cause this, as well as a badly balanced or ill-conceived blend.

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I am much luckier with a blend that has one third of the quantity, like in Garland & Lace. :)

:yeahthat: mmmm and especially Garland & Lace :hearts09793:

...and of course everything what Da Mawa said :D



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I still struggle constantly with how much to apply. I think people can't possibly detect if I wear only a dab of something. It seems hard to believe a tiny drop of oil can disperse to reach people several metres around me. Hence I find myself slathering. And as soon as I can no longer smell something on myself, I feel tempted to add more of it.

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