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Mixing UN Balm Bomb with LPs

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What would be a good ratio if I wanted to mix UNscented Balm Bomb with LP scents I already have? (in a bottle, not on my skin)

Edited by perfumesniffer
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Is your unBalm Bomb in alcohol or oil? If in 100% alcohol base, I don't see any issues, if it's in oil I can't help.

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I considered mixing Balm Bomb with a different perfume as well, but it started to get too hard for me lol. I think if I were going to mix perfumes and pheros I would probably just get Mara to do it, at least that way I know it will be done right. :) But then you have a lot more experience than I do!

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I do not have Un-Balm Bomb but I do mix other un-phero sprays with perfume oil as follows: I use the small spray bottle and mix phero spray and perfume oil at a ratio of 2:1 if I want a strong perfume. If I need a light scented spray (to spritz on my hair for instance), then I experiment with just a few drops of perfume oil per (small) spray bottle. In that way, if you start light-scented, you can always add more drops of perfume if you want a stronger scent.

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