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I have a little sniffee of something that is just called "Garland". Is this supposed to be Garland & Lace? If so I'm happy to move this to the appropriate thread, but if it is indeed a non-pheroed scent as the label seems to indicate then I guess it belongs here - but I couldn't find the review thread for it!


I smelled this one blind first of all, and got a bit fruity, fresh and subtle. It's foody and buttery and tangy vanilla to my nose as well. Is it pumpkin I get from this, or just spices? It's like a gentler version of Unreasonable Pumpkin.


Not the sort of scent I normally go for, but it's quite nice, and would be great for adding another dimension to some scents with some clever layering.

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  • 6 years later...

No.  There might not have been a separate thread for V5, but you can always use the main G&L review thread if you want to review that version.


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