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Pele's Peace Potion


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How beautiful! This is completely different from what I had initially invisioned, but I think it's MORE of what I wanted if that makes any sense. My skin chemistry is wonked out right now, but I'm still slathering with wild abandon.....the first try I got mostly floral, the frangipani I think (can't pick out the Iris by itself) with a sprinkling of the grapefruit. Today I got more of a balanced citrus-floral-muskiness that was really gorgeous. I can't pick out the frankincense, but I know it's in there....Ima keep on sniffin.

The really awesome thing about this is that it REALLY has a Hawaiian vibe to it, which completely took me by surprise and I can't really elaborate on why it feels that way. AND I keep having this image of a lovely woman with a garland of flowers napping peacefully in a grassy Hawaiian nook. A great power at peace indeed!

Thank you Mara! :020105~21:

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Sounds lovely and unique with the grapefruit in it. Coincidentally, I wrote to Mara if she has fragipani oil to make a flora musky PE and she mentioned that she has used her favourite one in your PE.

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I would love to try this! I have fond memories of living in Hilo on the Big Island.


Oh Yes! I lived on Oahu as a child and I have recently developed a VERY strong desire to return. I have family on big island and want to take my 6 year old ASAP!

Sounds lovely and unique with the grapefruit in it. Coincidentally, I wrote to Mara if she has fragipani oil to make a flora musky PE and she mentioned that she has used her favourite one in your PE.


Mara is really something else.....I swear she is SO intuitive and magical. She just ...knows.

I would love to try this. I've never been to Hawaii but I'd love to experience some Hawaiian vibe.


You know, I don't know if anyone else would get the Hawaiian vibe or not. It's just how it feels to me and that part of it was quite surprising!

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  • 5 months later...

I've just received a sniffie of this wonderful PE. To me, it's a very comfortable scent, light and fresh. I get some citrus and musk, some flowers, can't make out which kind of flowers, frangipani? I don't know if the name of this perfume(Peace Potion) suggests a calming effect, but to me it's a beautiful summer scent, comfortable yet uplifting. :) Well done, Mara and Pele!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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