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Mistress of Fate


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Mistress of Fate

The winds of circumstance and misfortune frequently attempt to blow us off course. If we leave our destiny to these elements, not only will we not achieve our goals but we’ll flounder off the very edge of our world. Mistress of Fate contains a base of pistachio for dispelling negative energies, along with rosehips and jasmine to give you the self-confidence you need to grab the helm with both hands. A judicious elixir of hazelnut and marshmallow root sharpens your intuitive powers, because having the brass to seize the wheel is one thing. Knowing the proper course to set is quite another. Be the captain of your ship, the mistress of your fate. Destiny lies just beyond the horizon.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
ROSEHIPS ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance.
PISTACHIO ~ Breaking of love spells. Antidote to spells and curses.
MARSHMALLOW ROOT ~ Fertility, happiness, creativity, increase in psychic awareness, intuition, love, protection, exorcism. Gently commanding and persuading.
HAZELNUT ~ Intuition, wisdom, protection, fertility.
JASMINE ~ Self-confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity; powerful love attractant, spiritual love.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.




This is another one which fascinates me...when I first smelled it I got primarily the base notes and it had a warm and cozy impression to me. The next time it made me think of Love Potion #3 in that it's got a soft sweet base with a tangy/tart heart, and the two elements mingle in a really interesting way. But it's not as subtle as the other, this stands out more in its evolution. The tangy quality of the rosehips eventually backs off and there's a powdery finish which is lovely, I really enjoy it (and I'm not usually a fan of that sort of thing). It's a wholly intriguing combination I encourage everyone to try!

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So good to hear this! I ordered a full bottle simply because the notes sounded so perfect. Not to mention that adorable (heh heh) label!!

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I don't get anything sharp, just soft and sweet. I think the jasmin might be contributing a very subtle "clean" element underneath. Given the scent and intent, I will definitely try this one at work!


eta: now, an hour and a half later, the jasmine is coming out more, but it's soft and clean. Normally I amp jasmine to unbearable levels, but this is nice and sweet. still very work-friendly!!

Edited by goddesslynne
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This is gorgeous! In the vial and first on my skin, i get a lot of vanilla and hazelnut, and it smells deliciously foody. Just a hint of jasmine. It comes out more and more during the dry down, and it smells so clean and soapy in a good way. The nuts are just fabulous in here. I agree with the others; this is a cozy scent, only for me, it's because this combo reminds me of something from my childhood. The scent plus the intent is sending this one to my wishlist!!

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This one is also part of my recent order. Vanilla, hazelnut, jasmin, rosehips - sounds wonderful. I was hoping that the postman would bring my box today so that I can enjoy the new perfumes over the weekend, but it seems I have to wait until next week.

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Okay, the label on this one kind of freaks me out, lol... but I LOVE the intent in it so much, I had to try it! And it is awesome! I was so scared of the nuttiness, in the vial, it seemed very strong. But when I put it on, it's hardly there. It's mostly a sweet floral. I will definitely be wearing this! (may even need to get a bottle)

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Okay, you can all call me crazy, but this one brought me right back to my high school. WTH? It smells like my eleventh grade home room!

:lol: I'm not sure what the heck that's about! But I feel like I'm really, really late handing in my paper! I kind of like the smell. It's pretty and soft - and is there something fruity in it? Maybe that's how my nose is interpreting the jasmine or the rosehips, or the combo of the two. This is one of those weird ones for me. I kind of like it, I can't stop smelling it because I'm fascinated by it, but at the same time, I'm not real crazy about it because it reminds me of school, which I hated with a passion. Huh... This might turn out to be one of those surprise hits for me, because I literally cannot get my nose off my arm for more than a second. I don't know what to make of Mistress of Fate. Is that ironic?


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I get hazelnut, vanilla, quite strong, a bit of jasmin and rosehips. Great scent with an interesting intent. The scent reminds of something ... may be Dream Lover? But the ingredients in Dream Lover are different. Anyway, the scent reminds me of another LP perfume.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lovely scent, jasmin and rosehips seem to come out . I really have had a great deal of success with this scent intent

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  • 2 weeks later...

Initially, I get the pistachio & hazelnut, with something boozy. 5 minutes later, the booziness is going away and I'm getting more tanginess with a light rose in the background, probably the rose hips. It's making me smile, giving me a lift. Could be the rosehips, or rosehips & jasmine. I love happy, bright roses. To me rosehips are the gift of roses, an edible source of vit C/bioflavanoids after the flower is gone.


One hour later, is now a soft smooth floral w a tangy rose, and some foody sweetness Very nice.

Edited by perfumesniffer
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  • 5 weeks later...

Let us know Ivy.......

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So this is really nice. The rose doesn't knock me out and it melds nicely with the pistachio. I think I notice the vanilla more in the dry down. I might also smell the hazelnut but I'm getting more of a powdery yet slightly tart pistachio rosehip thing. Well either way, I also got it for the intent, I shall see how it works...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got around to test driving my sample of this yesterday... The hazelnut just amps like crazy on my skin (I really am starting to hate my skin chemistry) but then after about an hour it calms down and goes to a nice vanilla soft and cozy scent... I just wish I did not have to go thru the hazelnut stage to get to the yummy stage...

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  • 9 months later...

My nose is not up to par from my sinus cold, but from what I can tell about the smell, it really is soft, warm and cozy. I can smell the nutty vanilla, and it makes me think of some kind of almond spread or peanut butter...not one in particular, but just something like that.


More than the scent, however, is the intent in this thing...can I say WOW???


I used to use Road Opener as my "getting things done" blend, but I think Mistress of Fate actually does a better job at it.


So recently I'm headed back to University avenue after a long hiatus. I've been working on the dolphin boat in the meantime. Unfortunately, the job reeeeaaally did NOT want me to go, and school kept getting delayed and delayed. I actually got threatened with getting fired if I quit. WTF??


The school's been giving me a lot of shit as well. Oh, well you can't register because you have to take an English placement test...WTF? I, uhh, grew up in 'Murica, and I'm half white??


Then my health clearance form wasn't up to date because my chest x-ray was one day past one year ago, which is the acceptable date for tuberculosis clearance.


Then I needed to show proof of the negative results, because my doctor signing the form wasn't enough proof.


Well anyways, enough bitching... I put this baby on today, and everything just went so smoothly in one day. I removed all my holds on registration, picked and registered for classes in one motion (which is a miracle that the classes I needed still had openings), caught up with everything I needed to for 2 out of 5 classes (I've already missed a week of school thanks to my job), and managed to start my court case mojo ritual for my traffic thingy. All in all, I feel incredibly accomplished and relieved today.


I felt calm and truly in control while getting everything done today, and I'm still amazed at how smoothly it went. Fate just seemed to take the path of least resistance in my favor all day. Seriously, if you need an alternative to Road Opener, try the Mistress of Fate.

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Coming back to say this one truly is a kickass blend. Literally, it kicks me off of my procrastinating ass and makes me WORK.


I haven't gone back to University for years now, and now that I AM back in, I feel like I'm dragging through with all these reading assignments and homework. I guess graduating uni is part of the big plan for my dream career though, because as soon as I put on the Mistress of Fate, I'm suddenly in high gear about it.


Whenever I smudge a little of this on, I ask for the safest and most direct route to my dream career. This must be it.

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  • 7 months later...

This is a very, very juicy scent that has a foody lean to it.


Im not too sure on the notes and im too lazy to look them up. The (baby?)rose comes off like it was dipped in something tangy and sweet n it has a sour-dust property to it that kind of makes me want to recoil but i cant because its to magnetizing D:


once melded its kind of sour with a bitter BITE to it. This comes off as "innocent: the tale of not actually being innocent" kind of scent.

Oh! it smells reminiscent of dry rose wine! Boom, theres what it smells like to me.

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