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Here's to smelling good all the time!!


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Hello to everyone!! I am thrilled to have found LPMP! I decided that it was time I joined the party. I have been lurking, or "researching" as I like to think of it for about a month. I have placed two orders (one is on the way) and feel like I have stumbled onto something exciting and special. :in-love:


I am sooo scent-oriented. I swear if anyone wanted to know what type of mood I am in they would just have to come smell me. I am the same way with music. Scents and music either can start my mood or emanate what I am feeling. My tastes are all over the place and can listen to classical, hard core rap, indie rock, 80's pop, motown, reggae, world music, sexy blues, techno... just about anything but country. It just depends on my mood. My tastes for scents are kind of the same. Some days I wake up and feel warm and snuggly and will go for vanilla, coconut type of scents. If I feel badass I'll head towards more amber resiny ones. Or if I feel light and skippy I will go citrus, ginger, or slight floral. Then there are the seasonal types such as pumpkin and spicy apples, or the green Christmasy ones. The only ones I have a hard time feeling the love for are heavy florals such as rose or violet and I still need my patchouli to be a very, very light backdrop if included.


This is kind of shameful to admit, but my very favorite scents are fresh clean manly scents that I smell/detect on passing by males. I have been known to follow behind a man in a grocery store for instance just to inhale his aroma. (It sounds creepier than it actually is and I do give the fellow some room.) Something about it just makes me weak in the knees. Kind of funny side note to this, when I received my first package recently and was having fun sniffing everything, the one that I smelled and thought "Oh yeah, this is gooood!" was a Sudden Impact sniffie. I looked it up and quelle surprise, it is for men!! I guess I am more predictable than I thought. :rolleyes:


My first order was all samples


Purple Puff

Darling Catalina

Pouncing Potion

Love Potion Red Lace

Cougar Potion

Far, Far Away

Rocket Fuel III


I have had fun experimenting with them, how my body responds to them, what others responses are, and how much to use. I am tending to use too much because I want to be able to smell it too, even after several hours. I'll try to tone it down and see how that works. I think the ones I have seen the most obvious hits are Purple Puff, Cougar Potion, and Rocket Fuel.


My next order I got to take part in the sale! :thumbup: This time I went for some un-pheros because I already have lots of scents from other companies that I would like to use up. (Haus of Gloi, Haunt, Moonalisa, CocoaPink). Here's what's coming:

La Femme Mystere - Spray 90%/10%

Open Windows - Spray 100% (Can I really spray this on my clothes and hair?)

Super Sexy - Spray 60%/40% (I feel like I should have just got this one in oil, but I'll see how it works)

FBs of Ali's Voluptuous Vanilla, Mellonia's Secret, Empress of Persica

Samples of Celebutante, Torrid Sorcery, and Passion in Pink.


Well, sorry this was long, but that's what happens when you stalk, lurk, research, and bottle it all up! Oh yeah, I'm from Washington State (a wee little town 45 mins south of Seattle), have two children (boy 22, girl 16), an Australian Shepherd named Flynn and 2 lovely kitties (Puma and Chloe). I've been single for a long time so I could concentrate on raising my children and career stuff, but am now ready to hop back in the game. And since I have LPMP in my arsenal, it is going to be an interesting ride! :smiley-angelic008:

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Hi greenergal! Welcome! Sounds like you've got all kinds of goodies in your clutches, and on the way! Nice. You are going to have SO much fun here, especially being so open to different scents. It's awesome having so many to choose from, and new ones every month. Planning my own orders has become an almost full-time job! :lol:


Yes, you can really spray Open Windows on your clothes and hair. Your Super Sexy spray can be used the same way. Those are two of my very favourite blends. Open Windows seems to make everyone in your immediate vicinity so darned happy, and really lends quite a lot of 'natural' charm to the wearer. And Super Sexy is, well... Super Sexy. It makes me feel fantastic and slinky, and the responses I've had to it are wide - men seem to love it, and in my experience, it makes women want to become best buds with me - an unexpected but welcome side-effect! I think you'll really enjoy both blends.


Umm... and we're going to want pictures of any furry friends, and lots of stories about kids, 'cause we like that kind of stuff 'round here!


Looking forward to your reviews! :D



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Thank you for the welcome and the info Eggers! I hear you on planning an order, phew! It is like I am studying for an exam (which is what I should be doing instead of lurking on the boards but this is sooo much more fun!) And as soon as I can figure out how to upload a pic or two I'll definitely share.

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Welcome!!! Sounds like you have got some good stuff!!! Can't wait to read your reviews! Btw, SS4W and open windows are some of my faves :) have fun!!



Thanks hearts! I am eagerly awaiting my package and will review how they work out.


I did have a interesting experience when wearing Rocket Fuel, which I think has SS4W in it. I wore it to work and everyone telling me they loved what I did with my hair (same ol' hair style/color I have everyday), and did I want to walk with them at lunch, and one guy said that he wanted to talk just because I was his mentor a few years back and wanted to catch up. When I did sit down to talk with him, it was in a room with a closed door and he could barely look me in the eye. I think he was actually sweating! I realized I'd better tone it down for work or no one will get anything done. B)

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Welcome to the forum!


I have been known to follow behind a man in a grocery store for instance just to inhale his aroma. (It sounds creepier than it actually is and I do give the fellow some room.)


Haha - so it was you! I was beginng to get nervous ...

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LOL! Not to worry, QG -- she said her bark is worse than her bite!


Welcome, greenergal!! You have definitely landed in the right place here! :jumpforjoy:

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Hello and welcome. Smelling guys in shops is fine! I once leaned in and sniffed the neck of a boy who passed me on the very crowded bus. I actually couldn't believe what I had done. I'm embarrassed to even write that. I hope he didn't notice.


Purple Puff gets crazy hits!

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Welcome to our home...welcome to the addiction :lol: ...and oh boy you truly sound like one of our kind :001_302: Yes you most certainly can spray OW &SS4W,La Femme etc in your hair,I do it often!...anything without a lot of cops.

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Awww, shucks...Thank you all for the generous welcome! :D


Now I'm off to spend the next two hours plotting my next order. I keep reading though about how awesome the Halloween scents are. It will be a miracle if I can wait that long to order again.


Who am I kidding?? I can place two orders. Or even more! I've got the LPMP bug bad. At least I'm in good company!

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Hi There, greenergal! Welcome to the Family!!! I agree on the guy smells. YUM! I wear some of them myself! You're collecting a great arsenal of LPMP goodness! And so glad you got to get stuff from the sale. I joined during the sale two years ago I think, and I've never looked back. Hee! Cheers!!!


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Hi Greenergal, welcome to the forum! You have already choosen a great LP arsenal. As for the un-pheros: it's a good idea to get them in spray. I always buy those pheros in spray for better diffusion and you can easily spray them on top of the LP perfume oils.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello and welcome! Your research has served you well! I just love Purple Puff! I'm thinking of getting SS4W in a 60/40% spray myself...let us know how it goes.

You sound like me in terms of music and scents! I listen to as much variety as possible, except for country/bluegrass. I make an exception for Johnny Cash :D And my favorite scents are usually "guy" scents. I loooooove Old Spice and my boy toy has a cologne that I die for every time :D To wear on myself, I like more feminine scents, just nothing too flowery or foody. Something with some light musk is usually my choice. I tend to stick to a signature scent though. When I deviated from my usual perfume it made my boy sad, haha!

This place is so much fun, see you around!

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