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Super for Men... OMFG!

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It's official!


Here's my funny story about this one.

I ordered a bottle but I kept it for myself and gave my OTP one of the full-size samples, in that he doesn't wear fragrance on his own very much and I thought What could it hurt, he's practically a hermit! He has his own business and lives in a very small town, so he doesn't have a lot of face-to-face social contact. But one day he put on a few dabs of Super and did his normal rounds: post office, grocery store, gas station, and when he got home he called me immediately and said, "Why did you give me this one? It makes people want to talk to me!" And I asked, "What one?" He replied (in a rather grumpy tone), "You know, the Superman one!" (Mara, I bet your laughing to hear it described like that.) And after I stopped laughing I said, "Well that's how it's supposed to work!" Poor baby, he didn't like that at all, although he does like that effect when we're socializing with friends and everybody wants his opinion on things...it's interesting that Super has that extra component, as it were.



Yeah, my darlin' said he noticed that about it as well.....of course, the ONLY times I have let him wear it when I have not been present is a couple of times when he wore it to work....

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Yeah...my Quince is VERY shy, so I know I don't have to worry about him wearing it any other time. And he usually doesn't think to wear anything on his own, so when we do spend time together I'm always the one making him smelly. :lol:

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I just want to put my two cents in about this one. I highly recommned this one for women. :smilies-23596: It leads to some amazing dreams. Hehe!! I think my new night time routine will consist of adding this phero under Nox. Wow!! We should have a separate thread for dreams on Super Sexy for men. ;)


This is obviously the unscented Super I'm referring to not the historic Super scented.


*I wonder how this phero would work in bath water* :lol:


Edited for clarity!

Edited by Jo Anna
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I just want to put my two cents in about this one. I highly recommned this one for women. ^_^ It leads to some amazing dreams. Hehe!! I think my new night time routine will consist of adding this phero under Nox. Wow!! We should have a separate thread for dreams on Super Sexy for men. ^_^


This is obviously the unscented Super I'm referring to not the historic Super scented.


*I wonder how this phero would work in bath water* :lol:


Edited for clarity!



I wear it to bed sometimes when my sweetie isn't sleeping over......but I wear the scented, just because I like it sooooooo much!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dolly I am laughing about you sneaking SUPER on your man!


My DH is a non-stop flirt and chatterbox, but he doesn't like the smell of SUPER (thinks it's too strong - HAHA as if it could be too strong!). He uses it judiciously when he wants to influence a group of women...he wears it if he is meeting with female clients or underwriters.


His office is also an estrogen swamp, so really he should wear it all the time, but he says it makes him self conscious.


Women will literally just flock around him. He says it gets a little tiring after a while. Poor baby...

Hmmmm....just thinking about it I should dig out his bottle when I get home and slather him in it tonight. Wednesday is hump day after all...

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Hmmmm....just thinking about it I should dig out his bottle when I get home and slather him in it tonight. Wednesday is hump day after all...


OOOOH, my darlin' is coming to visit tonight.....I may have to slather him down in it tonight too.....and I am wearing Carpe Noctum with Blatant Invitation.....uhoh....we'll need to be careful or we may do some more damage to the furniture!

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  • 2 months later...

Since scented 'Super for Men' is sold out, we can mix unscented 'Super Sexy' and scented 'UN' and get basically the same result. I know it'll likely smell a titch different, but the overall effect should be similar. Right?

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Since scented 'Super for Men' is sold out, we can mix unscented 'Super Sexy' and scented 'UN' and get basically the same result. I know it'll likely smell a titch different, but the overall effect should be similar. Right?



Yes, I would think that the effect would be pretty much the same.....

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Interesting. I dabbed it on before bed last night and dreamed I was a body guard to a rich old lady, and I spotted a sniper in one of her mansions and saved the family.


Woohoo! Welcome to Super for Men, here is your cape! :666:

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks to Dolly for making this available for me! I am going to give this a go tomorrow after work. I do have someone specific in mind to wear this around. Can't wait to give it a whirl! :lol:

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I've had this on for about half an hour now and wow, it smells really nice. Gonna go find out how the rest of the world reacts. should be interesting. I took this out of its original bottle and transferred it to a eurodropper bottle and have 2 drops on. Once more, it does smell great!

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Thanks to Dolly for making this available for me! I am going to give this a go tomorrow after work. I do have someone specific in mind to wear this around. Can't wait to give it a whirl! :)



Enjoy hun! Thanks for your purchase.....I did have to keep one bottle for my man.....after all, that is some killer stuff!

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  • 2 months later...


What did you think about the Super Sexy for Men phero?

It has gotten rave reviews from the ladies, the same formula is now back in stock and I was wondering what your opinion was from the bottle Dolly sent you?


I've had this on for about half an hour now and wow, it smells really nice. Gonna go find out how the rest of the world reacts. should be interesting. I took this out of its original bottle and transferred it to a eurodropper bottle and have 2 drops on. Once more, it does smell great!
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What did you think about the Super Sexy for Men phero?

It has gotten rave reviews from the ladies, the same formula is now back in stock and I was wondering what your opinion was from the bottle Dolly sent you?


Truth be told, I've never really given it much of a test run (I'm hooked on FTL and All That Jazz from another place). I wore it once to run arrends and I did have a LOT of Deer In Headlights from women as well as all of them being extra responsive to any request. It was funny. I'll have to wear it when I visit a friend for her birthday.

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  • 1 month later...
Truth be told, I've never really given it much of a test run (I'm hooked on FTL and All That Jazz from another place). I wore it once to run arrends and I did have a LOT of Deer In Headlights from women as well as all of them being extra responsive to any request. It was funny. I'll have to wear it when I visit a friend for her birthday.



This is WAY overdue but I did have to comment that I wore this scent when I took a friend out for her b'day. Lets just say that a good time was had by both of us. :) All through dinner she was MUCH more affectionate (she has her touchy moments but isn't the most consistent- especially in public). She went gaga over the scent (which I think is okay but not my favorite) and the pheros seemed to really rev her up. (Didn't hurt that I also gave her an LP potion that she loved the smell of). It was a pretty intense evening. :)

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