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What did I just get myself into?


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Hey everyone!


I just wanted stop lurking and pop in here to say Hello and introduce myself.


You may know me from a certain other forum which I frequent and post very often.


I'm no stranger when it comes to experimenting with pheromones and copulin. I've been on a break and having good time without them (for now).

Seeing the summer sale threw my resolve in saving money (I'm traveling in a month), out the damn window.


This is may strike some odd but one of my favorite scents to smell is the lead paint from the pre-war buildings in New York. Every time I smell it in the elevator or hallway, It brings back the memories of being young and the experiences in grade school. :)


My scent collection goes as followed, Xeryus Rouge, Creed Aventus, Cool Water, Bijan Nude, and a whole collection of Attar Oil (Oud). I like to be that unique snowflake with scents. Just looking for that scent that screams "Me!" but also packing the monster-sillage. :D


I ordered:


Bodice Ripper

Night of Delight





Eanie, Meany, Miney!

Hunter and the Woodland Nymph

North Pole for Men

Tarot: Wheel of Fortune

Lap of Luxury


Sinful Indulgence

LP SK: Mojo Oil

LP SK: Persuasion Potion

Ghost of Christmas Past


Un for men - Used it at work today

Love potion # 9


I'm not sure if it was Mapacho or Ghost of Christmas past but the top note of one of them made me remember this candy of my childhood. :D


Don't worry. You'll all be be hearing a review from me again very soon. Nice to meet you all!

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Oh and I think Bodice Ripper is one schmexxxxy man scent.


And I will second (and third) that! It blooms beautifully on my man.....makes me want to eat him alive......

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WELCOME ABOARD!! We look forward to hearing lots from you! :hearts18:

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Welcome to our home,welcome to the adventure,I can promise it will be a unique one! No one does scent with intent as our bewitching Potion Master...no one! :) I am not familar with commercial scents,but LPMP favs on my man are Voracious and Dirty Old Man,not necessarily at the same time,but :001_302:

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Halo, Merienda, and a few names I recognize! It's nice to see some familiar faces! Thank you all for your the warm welcome. I'm on the train heading to work slathered with bodice ripper and I can already tell, this will be the closest expensive hobby that I'll have next to collecting pheromones. #scentjunkie

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:BananaRow:HI THAR, Zero-6! Welcome to the Family Addiction ummm, Family!!! :BananaRow:

Are you a he, I may ask? I wear Boddice Ripper myself, and I'm a she...got it for my ManThing, and *I'm* the one who uses it. It's beautiful. And you are not alone in your love of the scent of old buildings! There's a certain use of violet, and sometimes lilac, and a few other notes, that gives me the smell of old wood and stone buildings. So very YUM. Your first batch-o-smellies is a good mix of things! Looking forward to your reviews! :)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Thanks Liz! I Iz indeed a He. The day I received them, I was trying to use every possible space on my skin to see how they would work on me. I love most of the scents I've received so far. I think Love Potion # 9 smells a little "Mainstream" for my taste. Bodice Ripper's scent is intoxicating and I'm looking forward to Autumn for socials outings and dates with it on. Currently wearing Night of Delight and just feeling a tad bit dissapointed that the summer is over otherwise this is also another amazing scent.

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Hey Syn, Hey JOC! If you're asking where I am located, I live in New York City. If you meant nationality, I'm an exotic mix of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Chinese. Yourself? It wasn't until I got into pheromones and fragrance that I learned my oily Asian skin gives me such a huge advantage for pheromone/fragrance diffusion! I love how intelligent and spiritual this community comes across. I am looking forward to learning much more and having a female perspective on attractive scents :)

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What have you gotten yourself into - well, I will let you figure that one out for yourself.



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My mom was from Malaysia and my dad was from Singapore but not of an exotic mix like yourself as both of them belong to the "Chinese" ethnic group. I'm from Singapore and live in Shanghai.



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In Malaysia & Singapore (and most Asian countries), there are generally four groups of people, the Chinese, the Malays, the Indians and the Eurasians. My ancestors came from China but that's a couple of generations so I identify myself as a Singsporean (my citizenship) Chinese.


Within the group of "chinese", we belong to different dialects groups and that is deoendent on which part of China our ancestors came from and the inter-dialect or even inter-cultural marriages before our time.


I'll have to run now but will write more later.

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  • 1 year later...

The home field experience of traffic,
the reckless driving,
the diverse crowds,
the zest of the cold air massaging your face, accompanied with the lingering scent of sea salt, driving down the BQE past DUMBO,
the smog,
the noise,
the assorted mix of language and cultures,
the clattering steel of the passing trains,
the sight of concrete buildings.
The lack of space,
the disbelief that the claustrophobia is actually welcoming.
the feeling of working, building, and living with pragmatic optimism.
To know that you didn't waste your time.

It’s at that very moment, you've experienced a subtle shift.
As if all the privileges, prejudices, and social dynamics,

assimilated from one unified point of consciousness of reality, to another.

You’re anchored. Welcome home tiger

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Welcome back!! Just in time for new releases!! :)

Edited by TheBirkeys
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I'll go on record here to say that living Midwest was eye opening. To view the world on another polar end. "Holy, Sh*t. Am I really back in Oz?", I've asked plenty upon arrival back.



It has been 2 years since I've signed up. I'm sincerely glad I never gave up scent as a hobby.



Welcome back! I gather the potions have reverberating you well? :)


Well, that depends which potions we're talking about now. :V Of course, I respect them, cross my fingers and hope they'd do the same for me.

Edited by ListenToMinh
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