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Somebody to Love


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Somebody to Love

Capturing a waft of the fading memory of that historical event as it dissipates in time…come with us back to the garden, back to Woodstock. This unisex blend is the scent of sun-warmed musky skin on a field of flower-strewn greenery, with classic patchouli over vanilla extract and a suggestion of hard liquor and clove cigarettes. But this fragrance is far from dirty hippy, it’s perfect for any time you’re feeling a little retro.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
AGED PATCHOULI ~ Soothes and uplifts; sensual, sexually stimulating, lust, fertility, money. Meditative and transforming.
VANILLA EXTRACT ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
GREEN MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
GRASS ~ Wishes granted, enhances psychic powers, protection.
DAISY ~ Gentleness, innocence, loyalty and romance. Love, reunion, luck.
CUBAN TOBACCO ~ Healing, purification, spiritualism. An ode to the Gods.
CLOVE ~ Money attracting, deflects negative and hostile energies.
BOURBON ~ Intoxicants are used as an offering or appeasement for Gods, used in love spells, and celebratory spells.




I was fishing around in the samples when this caught my eye - waitaminnit - did anyone review this yet?

I didn't read the notes right off the bat, but remembered the ref to Woodstock, 60's ...etc. Was curious how that might be interpreted...well, just wow, it's pretty wild! Playful is what I'm 'feeling'. I got a blast of what I *thought* was cherry, but must be the bourbon and clove mixing with vanilla... Patchouli is the dark, chewy sort that I love. I'm waiting for the daisy and grass to come out to play...this feels like a scent that will be a 'fun morpher'! DO LIKE.

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This reminds me so much of a wittier, sharper version of LP OG. Like if LP OG did some time, and saw some things.. not time like in jail more like time on the road in a band, partying.. Like a cool older version. This is Matthew McConaugHEEYYY in Dazed and Confused meets Robin Wright Penn in Forrest Gump, they hooked up and produced a love child in the form of Penny Lane from Almost Famous.


This one is a big PLUS.

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This one was a HUGE surprise as my favorite of the Musical Perfumicals. When I pored over the descriptions I didn't

even pay too much attention to this one as it didn't seem like "me" at all.


My oh my was I wrong!!!


I think this one is VERY SEXY!!!!! At first it's all deep dark vanilla and bourbon on me but then I can totally smell the grass and something else sweet...maybe that is the clove. Green musk must be a musk I can handle because there is nothing in this scent that is "piercing" at all like in some scents with musk.

The longer I wear it the sweeter it gets. I am starting to smell faint wafts of the tobacco too WHICH I LOVE!!!!

This one is awesome.

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In the vial oooh this is MAJOR LOVE, OMG! So delicious and sexy; the patchouli reminds me of the type Mara used for Sugared Patchouli (my all-time favorite LPMP).


But on me it's rather another story...*sigh*

The green aspect really amps on me, I think daisy is just one of those accords that my chemistry loves to turn up to 11. After a while it drifts away and then the patchouli and the vanilla come back but I'm thinking the booze notes (the bourbon and the boozy aspect of the vanilla extract) are making it smell "off" just the slightest bit. Sadly I get none of the clove tobacco (which I love, I have two other scents which smell like kretek), such a bummer, man!


Hopefully with aging it will evolve a bit to play nicer with my chemistry.

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In the vial oooh this is MAJOR LOVE, OMG! So delicious and sexy; the patchouli reminds me of the type Mara used for Sugared Patchouli (my all-time favorite LPMP).


But on me it's rather another story...*sigh*

The green aspect really amps on me, I think daisy is just one of those accords that my chemistry loves to turn up to 11. After a while it drifts away and then the patchouli and the vanilla come back but I'm thinking the booze notes (the bourbon and the boozy aspect of the vanilla extract) are making it smell "off" just the slightest bit. Sadly I get none of the clove tobacco (which I love, I have two other scents which smell like kretek), such a bummer, man!


Hopefully with aging it will evolve a bit to play nicer with my chemistry.



HMMM, In vial, I smelled the patchouli and couldn't wait to get it on my skin!! but I don't smell it or the spicy notes on me. I get a very "green" scent. Grass and Daisy amp on me. (wearing it for 20 minutes now)


It's nice and light. There's another smell my skin is amping but I can't put my finger on it yet. I'm not getting any vanilla, clove, tobacco (but don't like tobacco much anyway) . On me it reminds me of Love Blossom (which I do have and like) only less floral and more grassy. It's got more dimension than just a GRASS smell though. Will write more after it sits on me a couple hours...


I also like to start off my new scents very light, in case they are strong on me (only the resinous ones usually are) so on my next app I will apply more liberally and take another stab at describing it.

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  • 1 month later...

Yet another unexpected love from the PERFUMICALS month... the green musk of course makes me go CHRISTINE'S TROPICAL MUSK!!! but more overtly sexy, also brought to mind Saturday Night Special and Groupie -- not because of the smell but because of the atmospheric evocation. Rock n roll, not hippy. Angelenas: this gave me an instant POW!! flashback to the Viper Room c.1995...KWIM?

Edited by tyvey
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  • 1 month later...

I am a DOOFUS for not reviewing this YUMMAGE. 'Til now. I absolutely LOVE this.


This reminds me so much of a wittier, sharper version of LP OG. Like if LP OG did some time, and saw some things.. not time like in jail more like time on the road in a band, partying.. Like a cool older version........


LadyV said it so well! All I need add is that it feels like a warm hug from that cool older version. This is a major put-me-in-a-better-mood-and-make-everyone-around-me-happy-too kind of scent. Makes me feel good. Makes me feel...supported, too, if that makes sense.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i have no idea what i was on about in my earlier review- maybe changing chemistry? aging of sample?- but this is now very sweet-green-grasses-and-vanilla, with that green musk that lpmp does so nommily. it is making me VERY sentimental for some reason - not for woodstock which i know of only through movies etc but for lying around under trees in grassy fields as a kid. i get no tobacco and the slight patch i got when it was wet is totally gone...reminds me more of lp#7 than anything else. siggggh may be another bottle need...

Edited by tyvey
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  • 9 months later...

It's greener than I expected, but not too green. The Patchouli adds some creamy notes. Or may be it's the vanilla? I get Grass, Tobacco, even traces of Bourbon, yet I can't get the Daisy. I'm not even sure what daisy flowers would smell like. I've seen so many daisy flowers but I've never smelled them.

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Ok, so I wasn't real fond of this in the beginning, but it's had a time to rest & age & I gotta tell you. I'm liking it now! I have had the week from hell, stress up the yin yang, and a relationship that just ended because an ex of the guy I was dating came into the picture & "he was confused" . I told him I'm gone and so is his confusion. Seriously, after " I'm falling for you"? Apparently not enough. Any way, I found this to be an extremely comforting scent after the crappola of this week. I'm glad, as I liked the notes.

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