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Eggers...while I have not tried this yet,the description sounds like that is exactly what it is supposed to do...good luck,you need to be heard!! :abfx:


This blend was crafted to create empathy between people. It is designed so that those who are exposed to it become more deeply communicative and open, more sympathetic, more emotionally attuned to each other.


We crafted this blend with pheros that inspire caring and nurturing feelings, trust, deep communication, and emotional bonding.


You will find that people will likely be more open to hearing what you have to say, and make more of an effort to understand your position or situation. The wearer will likely experience the same thing - a deeper appreciation for the viewpoint of the other person.


Expected Responses:

* Feelings of empathy and sympathy for others.

* Heightened emotion.

* Deeper, more honest communication and trust.

* Nurturing behavior.

* Bonding feelings, increased intimacy.

* Calmer interaction with people you usually have a hard time communicating with.

* Reduction of frustration on the part of the wearer toward other people or irritating situations.



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Thanks Calii. XOX!!! I guess my reason for using it just seems so prosaic. I mean, household chores? What could be a more unromantic use for a pheromone blend intended to inspire empathy between people? But seriously, I am going insane with all the extra work, the cleaning up of messes that aren't mine, the upkeep of the house, the paying of the bills, the care of 3 cats, (that's A LOT of litter-scooping), the shopping, the cooking, the laundry, the cleaning, the cleaning, the cleaning etc... And I'm tired of all the apologies for his not helping, and I'm tired of the, "I know, I need to help you more. I'm sorry...". I mean, blah, blah, blah! I really need for him to see what a drain this is, not only on our relationship, (which it is; who wants to have sex or even snuggle with someone who is so purely LAZY - especially when there's so much shit that needs doing?), but on me as a person. I have better things to do than to play momma and maid, you know? And I'm so down-trodden and irritated with all the stupid work around here - and no help - that I can't even begin to think about doing anything interesting for myself these days. Aside from my amusement with this website, and the perfumes and the pheros, I have no time to do, or inclination to do anything else. My time is eaten up with chores that are either being done, or waiting to be done because I'm procrastinating because I'm so annoyed that I have to do them all myself. Hmm... I think I will throw this on today, just to see what kind of reaction I get. (I don't know why, but I'm nervous).

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Write down from *but seriously* ,ummm edit out this website,pheros etc...give it to him.

Well,that is my thought,but the truth is,only You know how much you will give up for him,and for how long :Hug_emoticon: I am sorry,I know you love him,even if you do not like him much right now.

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I am sorry,I know you love him,even if you do not like him much right now.


Bang-on, sister!


I was thinking I should write that stuff down, actually, even in point form for myself, so that I have it straight in my head when I talk to him, and don't wind up railing at him. Smooches, Calii ;)

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I like the unisex scent of this. When I smelled it in the vial I thought it might be a bit too much on the masculine side. On first application, it does seem a bit masculine, but after wearing it a while, the mannishness of it softens - not too much - and it actually begins to smell "unisex". It has great throw, I noticed. I had only applied a quarter-sized dot on the back of my hand, but I could smell it very clearly above the other perfumes I'd tested on my other hand and arm, (of course, this is the day the sampler arrived! Lol!).


I haven't had a chance to try the mix for the phero yet, though I'm considering trying it today. I need to talk to BF about his role in helping around the house, (which, aside from mowing the lawn when the mood strikes him, he generally does not). I have begun to feel completely snowed-under by the mountain of everyday things that need to be taken care of, and I cannot do it all alone, nor should I have to, since the last time I checked, he was a grown-up. I need to talk to him about this, and I'm wondering if it's a good idea to test Empathy Potion out in this situation, so that perhaps he will be more likely to understand how hurt I am by his non-involvement, and how resentful I am beginning to feel toward him because of his profound laziness. Will Empathy Potion help him get a "glimpse" of how completely and utterly frustrated I feel about all this? I mean, is that what it's supposed to do?


Oh... sorry but I read this and something in my head screams "No!!" :lol: Please understand, I mean this in the friendliest way and only trying to help... I'm not a relationship expert and certainly not an expert on your relationship, so please ignore me if I'm way off the mark here, but somehow I feel that trying to make him feel/understand that you are hurt and resentful is only going to make him feel either guilty or defensive or both. We all want our emotions to be validated, that's only natural, but trying to force your annoyance onto him may come across only as you being insistent on making him admit that he is substandard in some way... something none of us like to do. Men can be very proud and their egos easily damaged, and often this brings out the opposite outcome to what you're going for. If it were me I would focus on the behaviour itself and ways to solve the problem, not risk sending the message that you feel less attracted to him and find him less of a man because he is flawed as a person, as that is how it may be interpreted. (Then again, given my history of screwing up relationships, perhaps I'm not the best person to be giving advice on this... :P )


Edit: To clarify. I'm not suggesting you shouldn't express your emotions to him... just try to make it about "his behaviour" not "him". Take away the blame/forcing him to admit wrong part of the wording. "I feel snowed under because there is a lot of work to do and I feel I'm not getting enough help" rather than "you're lazy and don't help me enough".

Edited by Synergist
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Thanks Syn. Words of wisdom! We didn't end up talking at all. Of course, I was all geared up to talk, (as evidenced by my mini rant above, lol!), but he came home and actually just did some stuff. I was too shocked to talk to him after that. And aside from his odd behaviour, (helping), I think I was more affected by the EP than he was! Or maybe he began helping me because he somehow intuited (because of the EP) that I was feeling frustrated about the housework? I dunno. Nothing has been said as of yet.


And now, reading your post while I have a cooler head, I think you're right, and need to rephrase and redirect my anger and frustration about the whole thing. We will talk. But I need to be calmer than I was prepared to be yesterday. When I got up and saw that he had failed to do the one job I had asked him to do, (scoop the litter), and the effect it had, (Eggers peed *AND* pooped on the wood floor in living room, 'cause he's EXTREMELY fussy about litter box being spotless), I felt so effing angry and deflated I didn't know which end was up. Because it meant that not only could I not feed the hungry cats until the litter box was clean, which meant I had to clean it - along with the Eggers mess on the living room floor - of course, it all fell to me. And that's infuriating, because shit like that happens all the time. It was not the right time to talk to him - at least I was in my right mind enough to know that!


I was so mad, I actually sent a sarcastic text thanking him for not scooping the litter, which prompted Eggers to make a mess on the living room floor. And I also thanked him for adding more chores to my already chore-filled day. He telephoned immediately from work, and apologized, and suggested I re-post the little chore chart I'd made a long time ago, and had had posted on the fridge, and which I'd eventually taken down because while it was a really nice decoration, it didn't prompt him to do any more housework than he already does.


Anyway, the upshot is that I have a feeling the Empathy Potion affected me more than him. But he is aware that I'm not impressed with him right now. And my sarcastic text (childish as it was) kind of tipped him off to that, which normally wouldn't prompt him do do any chores when he got home, which is why I kind of wonder if the EP did have a slight effect on him.


Ugh. It's an on-going issue that will require on-going treatment. For. The. Rest. Of. My. Life. Good thing we don't have kids, or I'd go mad.

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Thanks Syn. Words of wisdom! We didn't end up talking at all. Of course, I was all geared up to talk, (as evidenced by my mini rant above, lol!), but he came home and actually just did some stuff. I was too shocked to talk to him after that. And aside from his odd behaviour, (helping), I think I was more affected by the EP than he was! Or maybe he began helping me because he somehow intuited (because of the EP) that I was feeling frustrated about the housework? I dunno. Nothing has been said as of yet.


And now, reading your post while I have a cooler head, I think you're right, and need to rephrase and redirect my anger and frustration about the whole thing. We will talk. But I need to be calmer than I was prepared to be yesterday. When I got up and saw that he had failed to do the one job I had asked him to do, (scoop the litter), and the effect it had, (Eggers peed *AND* pooped on the wood floor in living room, 'cause he's EXTREMELY fussy about litter box being spotless), I felt so effing angry and deflated I didn't know which end was up. Because it meant that not only could I not feed the hungry cats until the litter box was clean, which meant I had to clean it - along with the Eggers mess on the living room floor - of course, it all fell to me. And that's infuriating, because shit like that happens all the time. It was not the right time to talk to him - at least I was in my right mind enough to know that!


I was so mad, I actually sent a sarcastic text thanking him for not scooping the litter, which prompted Eggers to make a mess on the living room floor. And I also thanked him for adding more chores to my already chore-filled day. He telephoned immediately from work, and apologized, and suggested I re-post the little chore chart I'd made a long time ago, and had had posted on the fridge, and which I'd eventually taken down because while it was a really nice decoration, it didn't prompt him to do any more housework than he already does.


Anyway, the upshot is that I have a feeling the Empathy Potion affected me more than him. But he is aware that I'm not impressed with him right now. And my sarcastic text (childish as it was) kind of tipped him off to that, which normally wouldn't prompt him do do any chores when he got home, which is why I kind of wonder if the EP did have a slight effect on him.


Ugh. It's an on-going issue that will require on-going treatment. For. The. Rest. Of. My. Life. Good thing we don't have kids, or I'd go mad.


EWWW. My flatmate used to do that with her cat and I HATED it. It was just like... there is a litter tray right there, ok it's been used already but come on, you couldn't just reuse it?! Cats are funny that way.


But it sounds as though he is willing to try, with the telephoning and making a suggestion to fix things (reposting the chore chart), which is a good sign. Now it's just a case of harnessing that desire in the best possible way.... and rewarding him when he gets it right :D

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For some reason the scent of this is just too heavy on me, it's probably the ylang that's doing it. But even so I can appreciate the citrus-resin drydown.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I did not think I would like this scent but I had a really bad night yesterday and I needed something to calm me down so I gave this a try. This scent is so clean and green (I normally do not like green scents). This scent is very light on me and gives off the feeling of something that is very expensive and alluring on. I like that it gave me a sense of peace when I inhaled a big wiff off my arm. It had this amazing feeling of calm on me after I put it on and I love the oak moss on me after dry down...


All in all this one is bottle worthy for me...

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I tried this today. In the vial and the first few minutes on my skin it was a light floral scent of which I could not really make out the different notes. After some time, the scent changed on my skin, it became very intense. Unfortunately I do not get the ylang ylang, which I was hoping for, but the carnation is qite strong. Well, I need some more time to test the phero effects.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm setting here trying to find a good reason not to buy the full bottle set for the phero month, and I have the warmth of my chest making this scent waft up to my nose and it has helped me to rationalise that heck there is no reason for resisting. So I shall not.


Anyway, back to this scent, I haven't really been able to experience the effects of this on other people yet. I know for myself I find the self affects really relax me and mellow me out. I wouldn't say that I find this green in any way, more spicy and resin-y. I love it, and it everything feels much better with this on. I am so pleased I got a big spray bottle of this unsniffed, I would have been gutted if I'd missed out. You can't go wrong with oak moss, and the frankincense is prominent in this, with the sweetness of ylang ylang behind it. The basil and carnation work together to tend this a touch of non-sweet creaminess that is to die for.


When the hubbs is back home I will try this out on him.

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I Wanted to love this but the phero didn't suit me I don't think. I need to retest though in case I was just moody, weepy and angry anyway. Totally not what I expected to happen. I know heightened emotion is an effect, I just didn't expect total mood change or reduced tolerance!

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I didn't expect to get the warm fuzzies when I put this on, but that's essentially what I got. I was so annoyed the first time I tried it out - before I applied - I was sure I was going to have a complete and total meltdown, (helped along by the H2H phero), but it never happened. This is definitely on my full bottle list. I liked the phero fuzzies and the scent is very pretty and light.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(EDIT to clarify: I mean, when you wear this around bad listeners, it makes them better listeners).


Just purchased EH and I wore it to work... I work with 18 men and usually they pay attention to me only in a business kind of way (I'm "taken" and they know that) but with the potion on, they flocked around and were all so chatty. One took a double take when I stood next to him as if something gave him a little shock and he looked at me as if I had just pinched him on the butt (LOL).


And then I went to the mall to buy a necklace. When I went into the jewelry store one (older) gentleman started to help me but another younger one rushed in and took over. He was VERY attentive and helped me pick out a neclace but all the while talking to me about everything on his mind ( his dogs and his co-worker) as if we'd known each other before. Instant friends.


Boyfriend was more attentive than usual and he definately seemed more relaxed and listened more, and talked more.


EH seemed a bit heavy for me at first..almost felt tired/sleepy and headache-y ( I only put a TOUCH to several points, not a roll ) but afterwards it mellowed to a creamy sweetness. I would like this formula in unscented form.... or more "innocent"(i.e. Maybe with Tasty Tease as the base).

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I would like this formula in unscented form.... or more "innocent"(i.e. Maybe with Tasty Tease as the base).

That's what Empathy Potion is, the unscented version of the pheromone mix.

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Luna, I was under the impression that Mara had "softened" the Empathy Potion that she used for Empathy & Harmony. I remember her saying she did it so that the effect would be more like a soft hug, (or something like that), rather than an emotional punch in the gut. Does that mean the entire batch of Empathy Potion has been softened? Or is the UN that's for sale right now still the punch-in-the-gut stuff? I've been wondering that, 'cause I really loved the effects of it in E&H. It's lovely.

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Okay. Thank you. I'd be interested in it as an UN scented if it weren't the hard-hitting stuff. I do not like being reduced to a ball of goo, (I'm far too reserved to feel comfortable with letting my insides out! Lol!). But whatever is in Empathy and Harmony produces a sweet, gentle reaction - in myself and in others - that I really enjoyed. :)


ETA a preposition correction. <_<

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  • 1 month later...

I Wanted to love this but the phero didn't suit me I don't think. I need to retest though in case I was just moody, weepy and angry anyway. Totally not what I expected to happen. I know heightened emotion is an effect, I just didn't expect total mood change or reduced tolerance!


Same for me last night. It also softened MrC towards me a little where he was speaking calmly and sweetly even but he wouldn't/couldn't listen to our 16 year old and was condescending towards him which then made me angry and weepy and THEN Mr C would listen to our youngest. Weird. I had hoped this would make him chill all the way around. I'll try it again another time when PMS isn't a factor.

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Thank goodness I had my sample of this with me recently- was in a situation in which my tolerance was pushed to the limit but I had had HAD to keep it under control, and this interestingly didn't make me think more tolerantly toward the person but did make me able to stfu so as not to make things WORSE. I was very aware of its "muting" effect- I was still *mentally* annoyed, but could feel it almost physical suppress my feelings and speech. I think it made me a teeny bit crabby - I prob put too much on.


The scent read very masculine on me, a very sophisticated well dressed European man, but masculine nonetheless. Very smooth and powdery, the only thing I could detect was the oak moss and the rest was a smooth silky pillowy veil.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm probably just going to have to buy the unscented version of this sooner or later. The scent isn't awful or overwhelming or sets me off, but it dries down as a natural licorice and mint mouthwash on my skin, which is also a big clash with the other types of fragrances I normally wear. I've been tempted to try out H2H after reading the reviews, but unfortunately it will have to be some other time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I applied this potion at work, while I was on a flight that was delayed for a long time, due to weather & out of my personal control. Usually passengers bite my head off at that point, but most targeted my co-workers instead, sparing me their wrath. Phew! This stuff seemed to smooth over agitated feelings caused by the flight delay. The scent is a bit gender neutral but pleaseant, so it could go either way for males or females. I'd just layer with other scents to make it more feminine or masculine, depending on your preference.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I think I'm the kind of girl that can really rock a unisex, or even a mens scent. This stuff smells,amazing on me. I love it!

It was a total no brainer for me when I saw that Frankincense was the first ingredient. I get lots of that and also the Oakmoss, fern and twist of tangerine. The tangerine really lends a brightness too this one that I didn't expect. Its the perfect amount, it doesn't translate as "orange", it just adds a spark to the rest of the composition.

Everything else melds together. I can't pick out the carnation(probably good cause it can smell like a funeral parlor to me,not nessecarily a bad thing I guess but not what I'd be after here), and I can't pick out the ylang(bad, cause I love it!).

All in all, smooth smooooooooth,resiny goodness with a twist of green and a sparkle of citrus. Definitely unisex, definitely my kind of scent. Very very unique! :)

As for the phero? I dunno yet. It did do the vision thing to me too, but I'm pmsing and so I don't trust my reactions to it beyond the visual sharpness yet. I'll have to give it a better run soon,around some other people! It smells great though, so I'm lookin forward to that!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to admit I'm not too keen on this scent. It smelt a bit too masculine on me, I was afraid people would think I was wearing men's cologne or something.


Tried this one today, and this is exactly how I felt about the scent! I personally kind of like it - weirdly enough, it reminds me of a cat I used to have, who stayed outdoors in the woods alot, I guess that's the oakmoss? Idk, but every time I got a whiff of it today it seemed so masculine. I'd like to play with it some more for the phero effects, but I guess I'll have to find something more girly to layer with. I didn't notice alot of reactions from it, but then Wednesday is a super-busy day for me. My boss ate dinner with me and she was nice, but then she can be nice at times and definitely NOT nice at others. So who knows with her. I DID definitely find that it makes me more emotional, which is pretty impressive considering that I rarely get self-effects from any of the pheros I've tried so far. So maybe there were more results from others that I just didn't notice. Looks like more testing!

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I have to admit I'm not too keen on this scent. It smelt a bit too masculine on me, I was afraid people would think I was wearing men's cologne or something. After a few hours it dried down and I just got the subtle oakmoss, which I wasn't too keen on either. I think I will wear this sample for intent rather than scent, and rethink my planned purchase of a full bottle.

I had to end up trading this one away as I felt the same way...

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I usually love Oakmoss... maybe I need a trial here. Though I have not wanted to be much of an empath lately, and by lately I mean the last couple of years.

Maybe I need the phero.. :666:

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I think I'm the kind of girl that can really rock a unisex, or even a mens scent. This stuff smells,amazing on me. I love it!

It was a total no brainer for me when I saw that Frankincense was the first ingredient. I get lots of that and also the Oakmoss, fern and twist of tangerine. The tangerine really lends a brightness too this one that I didn't expect. Its the perfect amount, it doesn't translate as "orange", it just adds a spark to the rest of the composition.

Everything else melds together. I can't pick out the carnation(probably good cause it can smell like a funeral parlor to me,not nessecarily a bad thing I guess but not what I'd be after here), and I can't pick out the ylang(bad, cause I love it!).

All in all, smooth smooooooooth,resiny goodness with a twist of green and a sparkle of citrus. Definitely unisex, definitely my kind of scent. Very very unique! :)

As for the phero? I dunno yet. It did do the vision thing to me too, but I'm pmsing and so I don't trust my reactions to it beyond the visual sharpness yet. I'll have to give it a better run soon,around some other people! It smells great though, so I'm lookin forward to that!

What vision thing...CB can you elaborate?

Never mind I think I found it up thread.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 year later...

Mom and I got in a big ol fight last night. She says she doesn't want me to feel bad about living with her, but then she complains constantly about everything. for example, she bought Elena a new outfit last week, mind you I didn't ask her to do this, nor did I even know she was doing it. She just did it. Then she yells at me about her bank account being drained and how its all my fault because she's spending all her money on clothes for my daughter...Elena in no way needed an outfit, and most of her clothes has come from my sister in law. Things like that. Holding things over my head that I have no control over. She wants to be seen as a martyr SO BADLY, and when I point out that perhaps her bank account is also drained because she just bought a bunch of new crap for her house (most of which she already owned but wasn't the right "color ", she flew into a fury at me. There's more, ah so much more, but I'll spare you. Suffice to say, I don't know why she offered us to stay with her if this is how she wants to be. I do all I can for her, and this is temporary. And I really appreciate the help! I scrub her house top to bottom every week. Laundry is done, grass it cut, everything I can possibly do, I do.Point being, we are still at odds, and I hate being that way with her. I'm going to wear this tonight and try to mend this whole thing. Alot of it has to do with her still seeing me as a 14 year old kid...I have lived two hours away from her for 23 years . We didn't HAVE to stay here, I had other places to go. She WANTED us to stay here, and she actually loves it, especially getting to see her granddaughter. But if anyone points out her flaws, or doesn't acknowledge her martyrdom, she's all pissed. Three husbands later, and she still thinks it's everyone else that's wrong. I didn't say that though. She was speaking ill of my deceased father though and I said, say what you want about dad, at least when he helped a person it didn't come at a price.

I'm wearing this and some Ambre amour tonight. I really hope we can resolve this stuff. I love her, very much, but she can't see how she's acting.

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Guest cutie.pie

How about Treasured Hearts? That always helps me with my mom!


And maybe Peaceful Home instead of Ambre Amour?


If your mom is anything like my mom, she really didn't mean it. She just needed to blow some steam (did I say it right?) and Elena's outfit was the first thing that came to her mind... When she cools down, just have a nice and peaceful talk and ask her if it's a problem that you two are staying with her.



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Thanks CP, yes you said it right! :)

I think your right about Peaceful Home, but I don't have any Treasured Hearts...well, maybe in my samples, I'll have to check. she was still being so icy this morning. I'm going to Peaceful Home wash the floors and smudge the place today too(she would have another fit about that if she knew because she thinks that kind of stuff goes against God..so I'm not telling her. It will smell nice in here and she can think it's me. This place needs it anyway. There have been nightmares and contention left and right. What she don't know won't hurt her. We need an energy shift around here.

If I do end up going with Empathy, I'll come back and report the effects!

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Thanks CP, yes you said it right! :)

I think your right about Peaceful Home, but I don't have any Treasured Hearts...well, maybe in my samples, I'll have to check. she was still being so icy this morning. I'm going to Peaceful Home wash the floors and smudge the place today too(she would have another fit about that if she knew because she thinks that kind of stuff goes against God..so I'm not telling her. It will smell nice in here and she can think it's me. This place needs it anyway. There have been nightmares and contention left and right. What she don't know won't hurt her. We need an energy shift around here.

If I do end up going with Empathy, I'll come back and report the effects!

Yes PH the heck out of the place. Also yes to TH.I hope I'm not over stepping but I call it "the old bitch phero" that's how I describe it to my friends when I suggest it to them. Works well in my experience especially with older women.


I like to anoint a couple of scented candles with PH and maybe rub a bit on the doorways.


Also you might want to try one of Maras wax melts boosted with TH but do it away from your baby girl.

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I apologize for thread jacking, but yeah, I five pointed all the rooms ,wiped down everything and washed the floors with PH. Oh, dabbed a bit on light bulbs and doorknobs too. Just a smidgen. I think she stole my sage and incense because they aren't where I left them(I have to hide a lot of my oils in a special bag, so she doesn't think I'm a devil worshiper--see what I'm dealing with here?)so, no Stacy, I don't think you are out of line. I love her, and I'm very grateful for alot of what she does, but sometimes I just wish I would have went somewhere else. But hey, everything for a reason right?

What kills me is, she used to be very cool and open minded. Then she got sick, recovered, and became a religious nut(imo), and extreme conservative. I don't get it. I'm grateful she's still here, but it didn't change her for the better at all.

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