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Hungry Heart

A mouthwatering Autumnal scent for inspiring insatiable cravings...a swirl of thick maple into luscious vanilla buttercream, further sweetened with a sprinkle of muscovado sugar and a drizzle of sweet dark amber syrup.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
MAPLE SYRUP ~ Love attraction, longevity; money attractant.
BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
MUSCOVADO SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
AMBER ~ Fertility, creativity, love, luck, riches.
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Whoa! When I saw all the threads started by Beccah on all the new releases I wondered how you got them so fast! LOL I'm glad you started off each thread with picture and description. Very helpful.


All of these nommy maple/spice scents seem to have amber lately. A note that smells like pee on me. I will wait to read reviews on these.

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I thought that this pic looked like our Rosebud & Axl Rose. LOL!


But there's a bunch of other shots from the session and they are both brunette and look nothing like those people in real life...it's just the one angle.


So we've got Rosebud, Beccah and Lady V on this month's labels. :lol:

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I thought that this pic looked like our Rosebud & Axl Rose. LOL!


But there's a bunch of other shots from the session and they are both brunette and look nothing like those people in real life...it's just the one angle.


So we've got Rosebud, Beccah and Lady V on this month's labels. :lol:


Wow, I'm so impressed, I did not realize that you create your own labels via shoots/ sessions. I really love your labels so much, the creativity and the way they pop off the bottle really shows off your talent....

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Every single time I read this LP- I hear.. Hungry Eyes from Dirty Dancing, you know when it's raining and they practice at his place..

The pic even looks like it's from that one scene



LOL, I keep hearing the Bruce Springsteen song.


This is what I heard as soon as I read the label....I hated that album though. Now I have something with better imagery when I hear the phrase 'hungry hear' :-D

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Wow, I'm so impressed, I did not realize that you create your own labels via shoots/ sessions. I really love your labels so much, the creativity and the way they pop off the bottle really shows off your talent....

No not like that (she uses licensed images), but Mara is a master with Photoshop!

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I thought that this pic looked like our Rosebud & Axl Rose. LOL!


But there's a bunch of other shots from the session and they are both brunette and look nothing like those people in real life...it's just the one angle.


So we've got Rosebud, Beccah and Lady V on this month's labels. :lol:

Giggle snort. Seriously, that does look like Rosebud & Axl, now I'm jealous! I want to be making out with late 80s Axl (not really, I can't take a punch). This description is making me hungry, I want to trash my diet all to hell right now :Emoticons0086:

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No not like that (she uses licensed images), but Mara is a master with Photoshop!

THAT is an understatement :) ...Mara's thread somewhere on her PIXEL by PIXEL manipulations still boggles my mind...yeah I AM shouting :lol:

I know imagers with "the eye" but none like our PM.

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It's a very dark brown sugar that is a bitch to bake with if it hasn't been stored absolutely air tight, as it turns ROCK hard and you have to bash it to bits to try and measure it in a measuring cone! That said, it is YUMMY.


Awesome answer. If you stick a slice or two of fresh sliced apple in the container & seal it overnight, it should soften the sugar so you don't damage your countertop trying to smash it. :D I learned the hard way. And it *is* delicious.

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I thought that this pic looked like our Rosebud & Axl Rose. LOL!


I wish LOL!!! I used to be mad about Guns n Roses when I was younger, but I lost interest after The Spaghetti Incident... They just didn't have that same GnR feel after that album

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Awesome answer. If you stick a slice or two of fresh sliced apple in the container & seal it overnight, it should soften the sugar so you don't damage your countertop trying to smash it. :D I learned the hard way. And it *is* delicious.


well duh. I did not know this. I have broken mixer blades on it even!


Skye - demarara is much paler in colour, it is really dark and harder than diamonds lol.

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Hey Mel - if you soak a piece of terra cotta in arm water for half an hour or so, and then tuck that into the softened sugar, it should *keep* it soft. And when you notice it's hardening again, just re-soak the terra cotta & toss it back in. Works like a charm. (Mom bakes. A lot).

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OK,Halo nailed it,except not just a baby,oh my no, a true Love Child with Dolce Far Niente in the immediate family tree! :w00t: ...this is awesome,a Calii scent to the Max,totally drool worthy! Even though I have most of the new releases on,and my nose is timing out,I am drawn back to this one,mmmm,delicous,delickable :icecream:

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My scentability is not refined as your is,you would think after all these years it would be,but no :lol: I get a yummy creamed brown sugar,maybe that is how Maple is to me? ... you said it best with Lick of Cream & MRF,and I get some of Dolce far Niente in Lick of Cream :D

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OK,Halo nailed it,except not just a baby,oh my no, a true Love Child with Dolce Far Niente in the immediate family tree! :w00t: ...this is awesome,a Calii scent to the Max,totally drool worthy! Even though I have most of the new releases on,and my nose is timing out,I am drawn back to this one,mmmm,delicous,delickable :icecream:


*pees pants waiting* I am so pumped for this. Also b/c I'd been wanting to revisit Empathy Potion. I got my email informing that my order will be shipped out soon but still nada. Can't wait :cat690:

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This doesn't make me think of MRF simply because there's no spice in it. And A Lick of Cream has more body to it than this one, IMO. I'm trying to think of what it does remind me of, but it's doing that weird thing which buttercream accords tend to do on me. I would characterize it as Fall Frosting. Hmm, maybe Pot Of Gold, but with maple instead of citrus?

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