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Are all COPS created equal?

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I am just now getting in to purchasing cops solo rather than in a blend. And I'm still a little weary about wearing them! But, I wonder, do the cented cops have the same percentage of cops? I currently have a few blends from different manufacturers, but most of my solo cops are from LP and they ALL smell divine! No COPS scent at all. I currently own Cops&Robbers, Beths Blushing Milkmaid, Tail, Nakai Nectar, OCCO Green, OCCO Pink, and OCCO Purple from LP, Desire Me from massage XS (I definitely smell the cops, and the amber rose scent isn't my fave), and Alpha D's new cop spray. Can someone at least tell me which is/are the strongest LP cops?


Also, I know everything is person specific, but how many of you ladies where cops to work and experience positive hits?

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Since Mara is answering the questions I'll just take my answer out.


As for wearing cops to work, I haven't done so to engender sexual attention - it would be inappropriate plus I have no desire to even flirt with any of the guys I work with. However, just in terms of bringing about a positive perception it has helped on occasion.

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Our OCCO collection has the strongest amount of cops in any of our products, other than the straight Essence Oil. The scent in these is extra concentrated - I do not use as much carrier oil in these because I really want the perfume to cover the smell of copulins.


From speaking to the other vendors you've mentioned, I'm quite sure that our blends have the highest copulin content, but remember, that is not always a good thing. Just a few drops of cops can often do a better job than drowning yourself in the stuff. I always use our copulin products sparingly because they are so strong.


Does that help at all?

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To continue with this question; I only have OCCO: Purple but others are on their way to me.


I have worn OCCO: Purple by itself, is this the correct way to wear it or any of the OCCO's?





Hope Mara doesn't get upset with me, but I thought I would chime in.....you can wear the OCCOs either by themselves or layered with another phero or phero-containing perfumes. I guess that answers your question? Cops can be worn alone, or as an extra boost to sexual phero blends.....there is no right or wrong way to wear them, really.

Edited by Dolly
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I second the OCCO luuuurve. PM, please don't ever retire the OCCO line!!!


:yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat:




-----and don't ever retire Leather, Dominance, Open Windows,.....or......or...... or LAM !!!!

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  1. Ohhh… I used a heavy hand applying the Occo; Purple. I rolled behind each ear, down my chest, rolled on my arms up to my elbow and then placed a roll of it right between my breasts….
    The men thus far in my office this morning have been much more chatty and friendly to me, not sure if it’s the scent or not but I like the effect none the less..

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In general, I apply LPs with a heavy hand as my nose gets immune to the scent.


I usually apply OCCO from between my breasts, down to my belly button and back up plus two strips close to my collar bone and this is followed by cover scents which I will apply some at the back of my neck. I think I am overdoing it. G.O.T...... T..O.... C...U...T.... D...O...W........N.....

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I will say that I was given a sample of Desire Me as a freebie to try and I have never been able to wear it. No offense to anyone, but... to me, and unlike the stuff Mara brews, it smells like dirty cat butt. I simply can't bring myself to hardly open the bottle. The first time I did, I actually gagged. I didn't dare put it on because I was afraid I'd smell like I'd had a bout of the runs and hadn't cleaned up after. I still have it but I don't know what to do with it.


I usually layer OCCO...but not always. *EG*

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In general, I apply LPs with a heavy hand as my nose gets immune to the scent.


I usually apply OCCO from between my breasts, down to my belly button and back up plus two strips close to my collar bone and this is followed by cover scents which I will apply some at the back of my neck. I think I am overdoing it. G.O.T...... T..O.... C...U...T.... D...O...W........N.....


What's wrong with that? That's how I apply mine too. I know I asked this on the sexpionage/Sexology thread but didn't get an answer:


Is it okay to apply sexpionage in oil and then a oil based cover scent right over the top THEN dry down? It's hard to apply sexology then leave it to dry down b/c husband's office is right by my room and the smell will carry as I'm drying down.


I apply Sexology in oil one strip from middle of cleavage to top of underwear, a quick dot on each inner thigh, the a small strip or dot on inner arm, then a mild swoosh across collar bone. not really on neck b/c it gets in my hair. I follow this same pattern with a cover scent then "smooosh" and wait while I dry down..... usually put on makeup while drying down.

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I think wearing a little cops is okay, because remember we produce them naturally. So the older you are the less you are producing, therefore it's okay to wear some, you just read younger. But that said, it has to be small amounts not a huge slather.


Yep, I definitely wore too much then...ugh

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Right, I realize I made an incorrect assumption, sorry!


LV: I think it's more difficult to wear EoW neat than pre-blended because that's the thing, you can't just wear it with any scent.

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@Raq On: sometimes I feel that I use too much cops as the amount I use probably translate to many of times a regular healthy woman produces.


In addition, I have mentioned in other threads that I feel "immune" to the self effects and thus I'm using more and more to make sure I feel it. In other words, it's like a drug, I need more to make me feel "good".


As for scents, I recall when I first started with LP, all I needed was a dot or to swipe the dip stick on my wrists. Now, I have the bottle running along my body, sometimes on my hair and sometimes convert it into a body lotion....... I just can't smell it as well as I used to and I'm heavy handed so I can smell myself without thinking of the people around me.


@LV, I love my EoW even though I don't use it as often as th white, pink, ambrosia and BBM. Perhaps it's the way it turns out on my skin, my preference for fruit and floral scents and I tend to use less, I don't have much problem covering it. I do however let EoW dry completely before applying a cover scent.

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  • 2 months later...

@Raq On: sometimes I feel that I use too much cops as the amount I use probably translate to many of times a regular healthy woman produces.


In addition, I have mentioned in other threads that I feel "immune" to the self effects and thus I'm using more and more to make sure I feel it. In other words, it's like a drug, I need more to make me feel "good".


As for scents, I recall when I first started with LP, all I needed was a dot or to swipe the dip stick on my wrists. Now, I have the bottle running along my body, sometimes on my hair and sometimes convert it into a body lotion....... I just can't smell it as well as I used to and I'm heavy handed so I can smell myself without thinking of the people around me.


@LV, I love my EoW even though I don't use it as often as th white, pink, ambrosia and BBM. Perhaps it's the way it turns out on my skin, my preference for fruit and floral scents and I tend to use less, I don't have much problem covering it. I do however let EoW dry completely before applying a cover scent.


Do you ever take a break for a day or two?


I definitely want to get some EoW by itself too.

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I have worn cops from Massage XS and [now] ones from here. Honestly, my results (as far as cops go) are pretty similar. The difference is that the cop products from LPMP smell A LOT better. I haven't touched the other stuff since finding LPMP.

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LPs scents & pheromones are my favorite, but to be fair the Desire Me oil in Amber Rose scent was the only product from MassageX that I've tried & liked. Still it barely gets any play, lol. I can't gauge if Desir eMe had any effect on it's own either, because I was layering with LP scents.

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Do you ever take a break for a day or two?


I definitely want to get some EoW by itself too.


Yes, I do. Particularly now that it's getting colder. I don't want to stay naked for 20 mins for the cops to dry down. Sometimes I dab some on the back of my hands to make it up.

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