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Our olfactory interpretation of this pious observance features traditional ingredients which when combined create a unique scent only experienced one day of the year, symbolizing its mysteries and its blessings…spicy geranium and crisp sage mingle with the resinous depth of myrrh and Mexican copal and a waft of sacramental smoke.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

GERANIUM ~ Cleansing, hex-breaking, protection, peace of mind, stability of emotions; love, healing, fertility.
COPAL ~ Love, purification, cleansing.
MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil.
SAGE ~ Healing, prosperity, cleansing. Wisdom, longevity, protection,
wishes granted.
SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration,
and celebration.

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Cannot wait till I get this one in my hands and on my skin, VERY excited about trying this !

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I'm really curious about this one. I wonder if my ancestors will show up.


They've been over here, coaching me to get it RIGHT! I'll send them over with your package.


My assistant Jessica chose the name for this one, she's from El Salvador. Jessica was flat out shocked at how perfectly it matches her sense memory of the ritual smoke blessing ceremony they attend every year. (OMG, how you do that?! Bruja, bruja! :lol: ) It's the geranium I think...I used one that has a smokey cast to it and fuses with the other incensey notes just gorgeously.

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They've been over here, coaching me to get it RIGHT! I'll send them over with your package.


My assistant Jessica chose the name for this one, she's from El Salvador. Jessica was flat out shocked at how perfectly it matches her sense memory of the ritual smoke blessing ceremony they attend every year. (OMG, how you do that?! Bruja, bruja! :lol: ) It's the geranium I think...I used one that has a smokey cast to it and fuses with the other incensey notes just gorgeously.



Love it! Maria is the biggest bruja I know and she hates Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos. She claims every year " they " try and take her.

When I ask her who ' they ' are- she says.. ' pues los ghosts ' I cannot wait to show her this label so she can yell at me about los ghosts.

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Love it! Maria is the biggest bruja I know and she hates Halloween and Dia De Los Muertos. She claims every year " they " try and take her.

When I ask her who ' they ' are- she says.. ' pues los ghosts ' I cannot wait to show her this label so she can yell at me about los ghosts.

*wiping tears!

Lady V is a naughty little girl, I'm sure we should have come up with a Halloween descript letting Maria give her the proper come-uppance :lol:

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My assistant Jessica chose the name for this one, she's from El Salvador. Jessica was flat out shocked at how perfectly it matches her sense memory of the ritual smoke blessing ceremony they attend every year. (OMG, how you do that?! Bruja, bruja! :lol: ) It's the geranium I think...I used one that has a smokey cast to it and fuses with the other incensey notes just gorgeously.


sounds VERY PROMISING Mara !! SO glad I got a FB unsniffed...YAY !!

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wet...the geranium punched me in the nose, ouch ! don't think I shook it well enough (too eager in sampling :blink: )

but as it blends with my chemistry, geranium starts to play nice and I get the copal (like in Cocamama ?) and the sage, and a light smokiness in the background

Dia de los Muertos captured in a bottle !

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Dia de los Muertos captured in a bottle !

This sounds Awesome...I have a good friend who is heavily involved with this holiday,cannot wait to wear it !!!

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I was really unfamiliar with how most of the notes in this smell, but i do recognize sage and smoke, and they smell fabulous in this!! The geranium makes this a very green scent on me. I like the intent of the ingredients and found this blend to be calming to me. I don't know that I will get a bottle, but I will definitely enjoy the heck out of my sample.

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Is the smoke very strong in this one? I like geranium very much but I'm a bit afraid of smokey scents, if the smoke is very prominent.


I didn't find it to be too smokey, but my skin can really handle a smoke. It blends in well. Very smooth.

Edited by BlueBear
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This is amazing, not what I expected at all! On me, there's about 20-30 minutes where it's VERY astringent! I almost didn't give it a chance, I thought I'd have to wash it off. But, I'm glad I waited because now it's beautiful, and actually getting a tiny bit sweet on my skin. The smoke is more of a feel than an actually scent. If money were no object, I'd try this in a spray. It might speed the dry-down for me.

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Ok this is mostly geranium on me which I like! It is a very clean feeling because I think I've had geranium cleanser before. I don't get ANY smoke at all. I guess it is copal and sage that is buffering the geranium a little. I'm not sure in what circumstances I will wear this, but I am enjoying it a lot so I know I will. Maybe just when I am home alone on a dark scary night. I like the intent. I love protection potions.


Yes, I keep liking this more and more. Another beautiful October release!

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  • 10 months later...

Like Lynne, this is not at all what I was expecting!

I figured this would be very dark, heavy,resiny & smoky, but it isn't! It has a gorgeous BRIGHTNESS to it that I am lovin!

It's green at first all right, but more of chartreuse, almost yellow green. Very vivid. It must be the geranium and sage. The sage doesn't smell dry like a smudge stick either, it's ALIVE!!!( :D ) it really is.

And the drydown is where it smooths out and you get little puffs of lemony copal and incense smoke. This is quite a morpher and a very well crafted one.

Wet, the very first thing I thought of was "New School Books". Weird,right? But it totally smells that way to me at first! Like shiny new textbooks and contact paper. Strange. But the rest of it develops pretty quickly on me and I enjoy the whole ride textbooks and all.

My boyfriend is asleep right now, but he's South American. He's from Paraguay. He was adopted and brought to the US when he was five. Tomorrow I'll have to dab some of this on again and see if it brings back any memories for him! He's been studying his home country alot lately, and is taking a spanish class. Hope he likes it as much as I do!

Ok I'm babbling now. It's past my bedtime!! But this one is great, and underrated, IMO. It also lasts forever! I want more now!

Edited by cheeseburger79
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  • 9 months later...

Thank you Mara for the sample of this!

First of it hits you with a sense of positivity and good energy, and a blast of what comes off like tangerine peel. I assumed, not knowing the notes, that maybe it was a very bright and lovely frankincense. I guess it's the copal. It smells much nice than the copal I have for burning.

I really really like this. The smoky myrrh sits underneath. It's really a me kind of scent!! Perfect for when you need uplifting.

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  • 2 months later...

Very multidimensional. If I apply too much (more than 4 swipes with the roller bottle) it goes very soapy on me. One of those scents where my nose can't really pick out what's in there. I'm surprised to read it contains smoke. I do LOVE me sage scents, so that may be what has me coming back for more. I have worn many scents in my car....but my car smells overwhelmingly of this. Which is pretty awesome when you think bout the intent of this (protection).

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  • 3 months later...

This is a beautifully clean and pure scent to me. The geranium is the note that stands out for me, the others seem to blend together in the background to create a smooth, grounding base of soft incense-y earthiness. It feels very intent laden- almost like I put it on and it's immediately reaching out with invisible tendrils towards the spirit world. My mind became significantly clearer, calmer and more peaceful within minutes of wearing this. It also feels very protective to me. I've heard that spirits respond really well to perfume, and have definitely noticed that offerings of incense seem to please them, so I imagine this one would call to them very clearly.


I'm now wearing this with some Blessing Oil, and the two go together perfectly, both scent and intent-wise.

Edited by vladmyra
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  • 1 month later...

I wore this yesterday. I was unsure about the scent at first, but it quickly grew on me. Sometimes scents with smoke as a note give me a headache, but this one didn't. I like it! It smells mysterious and spooky, somehow. To me, it's more of a "fall" scent. Maybe. I don't know; it's just really different and cool. It started out smelling rather masculine on my skin, but then it just went to that mysterious place and stayed there.


Now what's this about ancestors? Should my deceased ancestors have been hanging around yesterday when I wore this? Dangit, I didn't realize, so I don't know if they visited me or not!

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