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Which pheros do you prefer in spray vs oil und warum? (and why?)

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I have read on this forum many times that many of you lovelies prefer to utilise your social pheromones in sprays and your sexy pheros in DPG oil or silicone.


I recently ordered LFM in oil but owned it previously in spray. The LFM is the only spray I own since I do love the oils and the way they linger on my skin. However from testing LFM oil vs LFM spray I find LFM spray to be significantly more effective in spray, consistently producing better results.


I wondered whether I should consider looking at other pheros in sprays.


Which specific phero blends do you prefer in spray?


How does the sexy vs social apply to blends that are both sexy and social such as Cougar, Super Sexy or Lace?

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All of my phero's are in a spray except those with heavy cops. I do have Bang UN in a silicone/alcohol spray, but it's really tricky to apply since spray sort of drifts and it has ended up in my hair. I combat this by just using the atomizer rod as sort of a wand to apply the phero. Problem solved.


Sexpionage is def. an oil for me. It's soooo heavy with cops that I couldn't imagine spraying it anywhere.


SS4W is in an alcohol spray but has no smell so it's great

Lumina and Cougar also are in spray alcohol form for me and they are fine to spray and then get dressed right away.


My OCCO black is pretty strong scent wise so it's an oil.


So I guess given our cool, damp climate here, I'd opt mostly for sprays to get the diffusion I want and if it's got a fair amount of cops, then a roll on is best. Does that help?


PS What does "WARUM" mean in your thread title?

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I like my socials in spray and my sexies in oil. I made half my SS4W into spray, and i do like that one. Do try Leather in spray. It gets your point accross very quickly. I could also see the wisdom of having Swimming with the Sharks in spray. I do have samples of Cuddle Bunny and Bang in spray and Raq is right; the cops can get away from you, so be careful with them!

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That's a good question. My rule of thumb: I'm using almost all phero blends (especially the social ones) in alcohol because the diffusion is much better, but I prefer the sexual blends (especially with lots of cops) in oil, because I like wearing them close to skin.


The oil lasts longer on the skin, so no need to re-apply. As for the social sprays: I can always carry a small spray bottle in my purse for refreshing during the day.

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I'm ok with the sexy ones in alcohol, because I hate waiting for the dry down that comes with oil & I don't like feeling like I'm covered in oil. I don't spray them, though. I take my Sexpionage & use the siphon tubing as an applicator wand. Wit 10 minutes, then I apply an oil over the top. The only thing is that oil/silicone bases don't evaporate like alcohol does.

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I used to get everything in DPG & silicone and a few in 60/40. I invested sprays for social pheros such as SS4W, PP & SWS last year. I intend to use them together with my oils. I would love to have Cougar in spray but It'll take me a while to finish my bottles of SF while I get no self effects from OW. I also bought a bottle of Topper and Est. Sprays are expensive and as they might evaporate so I don't keep extra bottles in my vault.


Pheros with cops are all in oil as I don't want it to land on my waist-length hair when I'm applying my scents as I can be quite clumsy in this department.

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