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Would like to place my first order and have some questions!

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A friend just got her order, was telling me about Rocket Fuel which inspired me to come here and check everything out...


Theres *a lot* here though, and since last night I have been reading through the descriptions and the board to try and make a decision! First Id like to say, I only have a budget for 1 full size and 2 trial sizes.


So, I was so sure I would get the Rocket Fuel, but after reading about Sexpionage, Im now torn between getting Compromising Positions instead. Im looking for something I can wear when Im with someone and want to drive him wild :) I already have kind of a sexy vibe, but its like innocent sexy. I dont want to cross over into crazed nympho vibe if you know what I mean? lol Just want something to give me an edge, to amp up and heat up a private moment.


Im looking at Lumina or Cuddle Bunny... I like to be able to give off the soft, feminine vibe...I like my guy feeling protective and snuggly..both of these seem to be a good idea, not sure which I should try first though.


And then for a general feel good ,good to be around vibe, Im looking at either Open Windows or Heart & Soul...both of them sound great....torn!!


And now looking again through the trial sizes, I see that Sexpionage is actually offered (though I would rather have it already scented in Compromising Positions....hrmm) and also Blatant Invitation would be the vs here...sounds like the vibe I want too. Jeez, might have to up it to 3 trial sizes maybe?


Okay, so quick rundown lol Torn between

RocketFuel or Compromising Positions full size

Lumina or Cuddle Bunny

Open Windows or Heart & Soul

Sexpionage or Blatant Invitation


Im still reading reviews and checking out the info here too :)

Thank you *so* much for any insight you can give!!!

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Honestly, if it were me, I'd get as any trial sizes as I could, and then choose a full bottle after I was able to give them a couple tries. Mostly because you never how things are going to work on YOU, and it's going to take a couple tries to get a feel for it. The trial sizes are big enough to give you several uses.

I think the stuff you've got on your list are great choices... I love Compromising Positions, Rocket Fuel, and LAM.

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Welcome, Dilly! :)


I was going to say the same thing as Molls! Skip the full sized bottle for now, spend your budget on a good collection of trial vials and then once you've found some things you love, get the bottles. Depending on how much you slather, a trial vial should get you through 3-7 uses.


Some of the items on your list are pheromone enhanced fragrances, and some are UNscented phero blends that you are meant to layer with your own perfumes. If you're a newcomer to pheromones, I would start with the phero enhanced perfumes.


Rocket Fuel and Cuddle Bunny - the perfume version, are both excellent places to start.


Have fun! :)

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Yeah,what they said :D ...Not knowing what kind of scents you like,it is hard to recommend,but for me,if I was just starting out I would order the 8 samples instead,for the same price :) ...And they would be, Compromising Positions,Red Lace,Sexolgy 3,Cougar Potion<or Eternal Appeal w/Cougar> Rocket Fuel,Unisexy,Odalisque,All Hallow's Eve and Velvet Kisses ...well ok that is nine,but hey I stopped :lol: ...welcome to our home,welcome to the adventure!!!

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Oooh, would i be able to get Rocket Fuel and Compromising Positions in trail sizes though?

For the trials, it says any of the blends are available, but those two werent listed as choices, so I was thinking they are only avail full size?


If I can get those in trial, then oh shoot, I wont have to choose and will just get all the ones on my list hehe!!!


For scents I like, Im huge on vanilla and musk, or anything crispy and fresh (but not citrusy). Not too much into fruity scents, Ive found some that I like recently, but unlike my other scents, when I wear something fruity no one comments that they like my perfume, so Im guessing they do nothing for my body chemistry. Really deep and heavy scents are out..esp since I live in FL, its too warm here for that.


Ive used pheros in the past, but have never tried anything with copulins, so kinda stoked to try it out!


Please let me know about the Rocket Fuel and Compromising Positions, if Ill really be able to get them in trial, Ill try them both lol

Thank you *so* much ladies!!!!

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Ok, I just checked the cart (under samples page) and Comp P is still available in trial size...but Rocket fuel did not come up as an available sample. If this is wrong...someone correct me, I don't want to steer Dlilly wrong!




eta: Oh, and as far as that soft fem vibe to make your guy feel protective...CUDDLE BUNNY FO SHO!!!!!!!!

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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LOL,just checked too,only it takes me longer :lol: Yep Comp P is there in trial size,but do not see Rocket Fuel 3 ...you could always check the trading post.

hmmm I believe you might be looking at the November/December trial size sprays for $15.00

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Oooh youre right...I was looking at the $15 Nov/Dec sprays but I put trial into search and all these $5 trials showed up!

Oh lord....at that rate I will try every single one of them :lol: This is getting more dangerous by the minute!!!


Soooo...okay now its looking like, Ill get the ones Im really interested in as sprays from the Nov/Dec list

And the rest plus some more to try in the smaller trial sizes.... Only thing Im holding up on is the word on Rocket Fuel.


Whether or not I can get that in trial, or full size will affect how many trails I can try out...

and I dont want to get my hopes up and start filling up my list with more trials quite yet hehe!

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uh oh, we DO have Rocket Fuel samples available. I wonder if the cart altered itself again. Grrr...


If the cart is defeating you, Dlily, send me an email with a list of what you want and I will send you a PayPal invoice, and then you can avoid the cart and I can help you get what you want.


Our email is: CataLunaLPMP@yahoo.com

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You seriously just made my day!!!


Okay, I need to read up on reviews to find some more stuff I want to add to my list now hehehe!!!!

I havnt been this excited in awhile! Okay, putting together my list here...


Should i still send you an email, or just send my order through the store?


And *Thank You!!!*

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Awe! Thanks so much for the warm welcomes!!!!


It took me a minute lol But Ive finally narrowed down what I would like to get:




Trial sized sprays-

Cuddle Bunny


Open Windows


Trial sized vials-

Compromising Positions

Fuzzy Wuzzy w/ Gotcha

Rocket Fuel

Phero Girl

Sneaky Clean

Odalisque w/ Blatant Invitation

Sugared Honeycomb


...and then um...another 16 of them that I had to put on my to do list,

I did some majorly serious paring down...!!! lol Between the descriptions and reviews it was so hard to choose!!


I do have a question though, is the Magnet Formula in the Nov/Dec sample list the same as Like a Magnet?

Id like to try Like a Magnet, but couldnt find that one, and this was the closest thing to it...

Once I find out, the order is going in!

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Omg! LoL see what I get for being impatient?! I just returned to update that I went ahead and placed my order, and decided to add Sexpionage instead thinking hrm, maybe its not Like A Magnet afterall...lol! Oooh, I really want to try that one.... Okay, Im going to place another order. Ill clip some coupons this month to make myself feel better LoL


Im soooo glad im not married, theres no way I could explain what Ive just done to anyone. hahahahaha!

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there are samples of the Like A Magnet pheros in cover scents, but they're only available as a set for 34.95 (it's about halfway down, on the samples page).. When you can, it's definitely worth getting! but for now, I'd just get the trial spray


ETA: Sexpionage is awesome too!

Edited by Molls
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Ooh I see what you mean... the Magnet Formula is whats in Like A Magnet...and Like a Magnet is the one with a cover scent.

Excellent :) I emailed to see about adding it to my order. Im not too heartbroken, Im glad that this means Ill have both that one and Sexpionage...I was so on the fence because I only really wanted to get 3 of the spray trial sizes...decided to get one more, and as fate would have it....ending up trying 5 of them lol I guess it was meant to be :D


Thanks Hearts! I tried...Ive been pouring over the forum all day..since last night reading reviews to choose what to get!

Sooo excited already...is it 2 weeks yet? Can I start checking my mailbox tomorrow? hehehe!

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Im soooo glad im not married, theres no way I could explain what Ive just done to anyone. hahahahaha!


I know, it does become quite alarming. I'm glad you got Fuzzy Wuzzy with the new Gotcha phero...haven't tried it obviously as it just came out but it seems like something you are looking for. Looks like you have a great well rounded selection of samples! What a perfect month for you to start here with the samples and all. Have fun and be sure to report back on everything!!!!!

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Welcome Dilly It is exciting isn't it??? You've picked a great month to discover LP! in November and through next month (I think) you can order trial sizes of the Phero sprays. Your first order looks great. I think you'll like Rocket Fuel. It's one of my faves.

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Awe thanks so much! Addiction is right though!

Barely placed my first order and already a second LoL

But I really really wanted to try the Magnet!!!


Ooh yes, I feel like I picked a really good time to try these out!!

Ill have some time to play with these, and still be able to place another order

before end of Dec with the stuff I didnt get this time around.


I will most definitely come back with a full report, and write my reviews...

Super excited to see how they work out for me and how they affect others/myself

esp curious about the copulins since this will be my first time trying it!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

My order arrived today!!! Im so excited!!!! And I was so surprised to get the free gift sampler too! I read about the holiday scents,but didnt realize Id get one too hehe! So we sat here and smelled them all, kiddo is actually *really* good at it...was picking out stuff she could smell in it, and it would be something in the description. Me...not so much....Im like, oh this is sweet, and shes all, yeah, like creamy frosting or something, and cream cheese was in the list. She blows me away lol


BUT heres here Im worried! I hear how copes smell so bad, and Im bracing myself, but I dont get the cheese smell, and kiddo didnt either. Im testing Phero Girl out now, since that one has the strongest smell of what I have from what I read here, and Im not getting it, kiddo says I just has an incense shop kind of smell but its not bad. I told her if I start making paths in crowds like Moses and the red sea, then we must just be missing the gene to smell the copulins lol


Okay well...to be fair, I also swiped honey comb on one wrist, enchanted wonderland on my arm, nekomusume on my other arm and have phero girl on my other wrist. At least its just one phero!!! But a scent bath all the same LoL the neomusume is *strong* btw...kiddo said it smells like gummy bears...if it doesnt dry down into something a bit softer, I might have to give her this one to add to her collection, cause she loves it.


Oh boy, Im going to be busy for awhile! Ooh, and I have a date tonite, so Im going to do my first test of something, probably cuddle bunny :) Will head to reviews with my findings :D

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My date cancelled :(


Probably a good thing though. I ended up trying out more stuff and probably would have driven him nuts.


I sprayed on Cuddle Bunny, and Magnet Formula, and tried Rocket Fuel (I love the smell of that one!!)

No self effects from anything, but also, no smell at all from the copes or anything from the cuddle bunny or magnet


Anyway, my date rescheduled to Thurs.....I cant wait that long lol So...Im going to at least try out a social tomorrow, maybe Open Windows or Lumina?

Im so sad about tonites date though...I was looking forward to it, not just for the pheros test, but just cause.

I will probably start a journal, to chronical my adventures in testing this stuff out :D


Thanks so much everyone!

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My date cancelled :(


Probably a good thing though. I ended up trying out more stuff and probably would have driven him nuts.


I sprayed on Cuddle Bunny, and Magnet Formula, and tried Rocket Fuel (I love the smell of that one!!)

No self effects from anything, but also, no smell at all from the copes or anything from the cuddle bunny or magnet


Anyway, my date rescheduled to Thurs.....I cant wait that long lol So...Im going to at least try out a social tomorrow, maybe Open Windows or Lumina?

Im so sad about tonites date though...I was looking forward to it, not just for the pheros test, but just cause.

I will probably start a journal, to chronical my adventures in testing this stuff out :D


Thanks so much everyone!

Slow down with the unscented samples, chica! I know it's tempting to slather all of the scented samples on (with or without pheromones in them), but I am curious to know why you would double up on the unscented samples sweety? Idk, have fun testing, but I strongly advise not to mix the pheromones until you know how each one works for you all on its own. I have had the fun of an unexpected reaction before that wasn't fun, lol.

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Well, it was mainly because I was not getting any copulin smell from any of them...and from what I read here, it def has a smell to it so I kept trying to see.. Then a friend of mine was like..well did you shake them first? I did not...so maybe thats why? I was just home with no one to affect so, I didnt subject anyone to anything... lol


I didnt go on my date Thurs nite, I was too annoyed with him over a few things and just didnt feel like seeing him, but I will be trying out the more social pheros, and hopefully it wont be too long before I warm up to see him again, cause I do still wanna.. :)


Now the perfume scents...I need to sit down and start writing reviews on those, because kiddo and I both have been using and enjoying those a lot. She wore Candle in the Wind to school the past two days, and today she came home saying one of her friends was pressuring her to spill the beans on what boy she has a crush on, cause her perfume smelled so nice she has to be trying to impress someone lol

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It's so nice to have someone share your smellies as well as compare notes. My daughter gets excited whenever I receive a new order and she will ask for whatever catches her fancy. Although she already owns more than 30 bottles, she's still anxiously waiting for a couple of bottles to arrive from an order I made in late September. Today, she asked me for her Purple Pitch sample!! She forgot that she returned it to me a while back and thus I traded it away.

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It's so nice to have someone share your smellies as well as compare notes. My daughter gets excited whenever I receive a new order and she will ask for whatever catches her fancy. Although she already owns more than 30 bottles, she's still anxiously waiting for a couple of bottles to arrive from an order I made in late September. Today, she asked me for her Purple Pitch sample!! She forgot that she returned it to me a while back and thus I traded it away.

Oh your daughter already has 30 bottles!!! That is so funny...imagine her collection as she grows up with LP's...holy moly!

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Oh your daughter already has 30 bottles!!! That is so funny...imagine her collection as she grows up with LP's...holy moly!


Keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be like the cupboard-full of perfume that Raq On posted in one of the recent birthday thread!! If it happens, it's my fault!


Btw, she's waiting for the Orchid Musk and Caramel Musk in that package. She's probably taking over my bottle of Pink Musk while my spare goes to my sis. My daughter doesn't know about the bottles of Bodacious Musk yet .......

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Well, it was mainly because I was not getting any copulin smell from any of them...and from what I read here, it def has a smell to it so I kept trying to see.. Then a friend of mine was like..well did you shake them first? I did not...so maybe thats why? I was just home with no one to affect so, I didnt subject anyone to anything... lol


I didnt go on my date Thurs nite, I was too annoyed with him over a few things and just didnt feel like seeing him, but I will be trying out the more social pheros, and hopefully it wont be too long before I warm up to see him again, cause I do still wanna.. :)


Now the perfume scents...I need to sit down and start writing reviews on those, because kiddo and I both have been using and enjoying those a lot. She wore Candle in the Wind to school the past two days, and today she came home saying one of her friends was pressuring her to spill the beans on what boy she has a crush on, cause her perfume smelled so nice she has to be trying to impress someone lol


I could never smell the cops in Phero Girl or Beth's Blushing Milkmaid...but when I ordered OCCO White, Pink and Blue, I could smell them big time! Of course, the cheese smell fades within 20-30 mins, but boy do they smell cheesy at first. Funny thing is, my teen sons couldn't smell the cheese!! They both said "we don't smell cheese, it smells good to us". All they could smell was the actual scent. Pretty awesome, huh?

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Would the stronger cheese smell mean more copulins / more effective? Or is it really just that Mara covers the smell really good in PheroGirl?


Cause yeah, last night someone was asking me to describe the scent of Sugared Honeycomb, and to do that I had to put a little on...of course LOL and then I read on here that PheroGirl was really similiar, so I had t put a little of that on too..of course (Im hopeless...Ill stop that one day I promise LoL) But I remembered to shake it up this time and both just smelled really good. Assuring to hear though that your sons couldnt smell the cheese at all in the stronger smelling ones. Awesome indeed!


And yup, its really awesome that kiddo is into it...it was fun to sit here with her and smell all of them, and Im so happy that I got that sample pack with fragrances too, cause I was able to divvy up some for her to have so that shes not left out :)

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