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Hello :) Layering Perfect Match + BAM?

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Hello all, I'm a newbie, first post! :)


I just joined a week ago and have already placed my second order + spent way too much devouring the message board :)... I think I'm among friends though when I say this stuff is addicting.


Sooo, in my first order I got Perfect Match and BAM, and of course only the BAM has copulins in it. I used PM the other day when catching up with an on/off ex, who I know is sexually attracted to me but is usually able to hold back expression of it these days...definitely got a hit with the PM! He was making comments about my lady magic throughout the evening and couldn't resist getting feely with the hug. He had to hold himself back from kissing me (he's 24, doesnt want a relationship lifestyle now, so I'm starting to get the picture that it's not going to happen.. sigh.).


I was also wearing it when I saw him today, but we had the serious "what are we talk" so I expectedly didn't get any hit from the PM since the situation wasn't exactly congruent with that haha :/


My question is: I want to try Perfect Match with cops (on other guys, i'm done with that dead end road^) with copulins, so could I get this effect by layering it with BAM? Or would these two result in some sort of canceling out effect? They both have the beta-and., but I don't know if messing up the Beta-and ratio that's in PM would cause a negative effect or if more would just amplify both potions?


Any experiences, or chemical knowledge?


Thank you in advance, and I hope to get to know everyone and learn much more as I dive into these boards!

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First,welcome here :) ...IMO...mixing the two would give you too much B-Nol,which could lead to over sharing,or even overly emotional feelings on your part,but see it depends on how *you* react to it,everyone is different. Now I like PM with cops,quite a lot :D but I add the cops in the form of one of the OCCO's <I favor White,Red,Pink,SLF, & Ambrosia> or Beth's Blushing Milkmaid, a beautiful vanilla :wub:

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Hi Aniko,

I have tried PM and Cops and loved the results , so ditto what calii has said.

Edited by JJL
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Welcome Aniko!


My wonderful friends here have already recommended and I will concur....pair PM with an OCCO.....PM is expertly crafted and balanced, and adding more beta-nol may end in saying too much or HEARING too much!


If you haven't tried the OCCO blends yet, get the OCCO sampler! That way, you try the various scents before you go full-bottle!

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I can add that I got the Occo sampler way back in February or March, and I'm STILL working on it! They go a long way. Of course, I have a couple of other "coppy" things, like Beth's Blushing Milkmaid and Phero Girl. But the Occo sampler is an amazing deal. :D And very handy. ;)

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Wow thank you everyone for the welcome and recommendations! PM and Bam each on their own then :)...I've had my eye on the Occos! I'm liking the sound of Gold...I also really like the sound of Pouncing Potion phero girl!! Does anyone know if there is a difference in the amount of Cops in OCCOs vs in pherogirl, or if it is just a scent difference?

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hehe that's my friend's pup, can't get over his cuteness :)

I'm going to try Pherogirl then if it's slightly less potent, because I don't want to risk the ghosting OD effect with cops before I get a better feel for how much to use.


I'm still not sure if I'm using enough or too much Perfect Match (spending time with my on/off)...I've been doing 3 (unscented) sprays, and then refreshing two or so hours later with 1 or 2 more sprays...so have ranged between dose of 3-5 sprays and haven't noticed a distinct difference to point me in either direction. I feel like soon after I refresh with a 4th or 5th, the mister take some lusty action but it could also be just with the progression of time and his discipline running out lol. Does anyone think there's a case for PM being most effective with only 1-2 sprays or more than 4 sprays?


also - so excited about my cuddle bunny in Velvet Kisses arriving in the mail!! ^-^

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