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Glitter Kissed


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So I took a while to test this out because sniffed in the trial vial, this was all sugar to me... and I don't like overly sweet perfumes.


But OMG ON MY SKIN IT'S NOT. It's all yummy spices and wow. It just needs a bit of pumpkin and I'd smell like the most wonderful (NOT too sweet) pumpkin spiced latte. OMG. Just... SO DELICIOUS.


Damnit, another fb to go on my "to buy" list which is long enough.


This is Garland and Lace with WAY more spice. LOVE IT. (must be the gingerbread and spices)

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Wheeee! ordered my fb! I was DIEING having to wait for Feb releases to order lol. I'm SO trying to be respectful & make everything in 1 order....but there's ALWAYS something that goes on my wishlist soon after an order...or something I overlooked, lol. Oh! The travesty! :lol: But I am TICKLED and so excited to get my mitts on this one!

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YEAH! GOT MY LP ORDER TODAY - and my fb of Glitter Kissed..SO YUM! So making an EoW boosted spray of this!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like to shake the spray I made boosted with EoW to watch the glitter sparkle, LOL! I don't see the glitter on when I apply though??? But it's pretty in the bottle...I get distracted by shiny things :lol: I LUUUURV this one....smells delicious!

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I know what you mean NuTrix. I think glitter in perfumes just makes them feel so... well... special. Even if I can't see it on my skin I just love taking out bottles or samples and shaking the glitter around in them. Snow Musk is my favourite for this, it just looks so swirly and pretty when I shake it. Is it maybe because this one has actual mica instead of just glitter? (Or are glitter and mica the same thing? :lol:)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I tried this sniffie ( a few months ago) without knowing the exact notes. I knew it was a holiday scent so the general spice accord was a no brainer. But I really loved this scent compared to some of the others with similar spice notes. The marshmallow root is just a devine sensual addition.. I love marshmallow root, another one of my scent realizations here with LP.

This scent is family friendly and perfect for a little holiday striptease with the S. O. :)

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Wore this creamy gooey ginger snap cinnamon delight today! EEEE GADS! What a ginger cookie dream! I've been huffing myself ALL DAY LONG...and I'm still huffing myself tonight! YUM! This is so comforting and warm and sugar creamy goodness...just pure YUM!

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  • 2 months later...

Finally tried a sample of this that I got in a trade, and OMG...yet another to go on the fb wish list! I can't say enough good things about this lp! It smells amazing - the gingerbread really sticks out, but to me it doesn't seem too "Christmas-y" and I'd wear it probably all autumn and winter. One of the problems I have alot is scents not staying too long on my skin, but I definitely got a full day out of Glitter Kissed. A couple of my other fbs are jumping out of the cart to make way for this one, especially now that I read in this thread that it's almost gone. I can't miss out on this one, it's just too beautiful.

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  • 2 months later...

YUM! Wearing this today and it is just ginger bread scrumptiousness! That yummy cookie blast at application makes my eyes roll back into my head. I LOVE the label too! Mostly just huffing myself now though....maybe I should go get some BMM and layer it to complete that craving for dunking ginger snaps in milk that this has created....

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^^^ :lol: I would tell you I'm sorry except that...I'm NOT, Muhahaaaa!!!!

...and I'm sure you'll love it if you like sugary, cinnamon ginger snap/bread type flavors and scents. :)

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Oh, well in that case, then your welcome for that boost in the - obviously - right direction! :lol:

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  • 1 year later...

So on first putting this on, I was a little overwhelmed by how sweet it was. And I thought it had cinnamon in it, before I looked at the notes. But obviously what I was smelling was ginger (which is more pleasing to my nose). After not too long, it settled down and I just smelled like a gingersnap cookie all day. It wasn't very strong. Nice if you're into smelling like cookies. I am not--I have just barely accepted that sometimes I like to smell like cake :P --so this isn't really a scent for me.

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