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Tribunal advice and positive thoughts please

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Best of luck. Everyone always says this but it's true - what makes YOU feel best - "best" in the way you need - whether calm, ballsy, relaxed, energized? Go with what you know to have that effect - this isn't the time to start experimenting.

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I don't know what the tribunal thing is for, so what you might be trying to project would be different (wholesome soccer mom, wholesome student, down on her luck lower-class woman who can't afford a bunch of fine, etcetera.)


I know one time I went to court for a traffic ticket and had lined up a volunteer organization that would have me do hours instead of a fine, but I went to court thinking I should "wear my sunday best" and the judge must've took one look at me and decided I could afford the money (even though I was a broke student at the time.) Haven't been to court since but told myself I'd wear the crappiest clothes I could find if I was ever trying to get out of a fine again.

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I agree with the above; don't try anything new, but if you have DHEAS and didn't suffer any negative results with them, wear them. They seriously make people do things for me/buy things for me/fork over cash. I'm not joking.

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which popular perfumes have DHEAS in them?

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*bump!* Hey Mel! They didn't throw ya in the slammer, did they?

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