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What is Allo-pregnanolone?

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I'm trying to remember exactly, but off the top of my head it is not a pregnancy hormone. It's supposed to be a soothing social. Ack, I'm not 100% on my recollection of that, but I'm fairly sure it has nothing to do with pregnancy.

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I'm trying to remember exactly, but off the top of my head it is not a pregnancy hormone. It's supposed to be a soothing social. Ack, I'm not 100% on my recollection of that, but I'm fairly sure it has nothing to do with pregnancy.


I agree with this statement a soothing social, as this always puts me in a state of peace.... This is a FB Spray purchase for me in Janaury

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To me this sounds like you are going about trying to get pregnant alone, like with a turkey baster in your bathroom. Solo mission pregnation. So perhaps it means that you don't care what people think about you, the world is yours and you have the confidence to handle anything - even a screaming infant that wants you 24/7

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  • 1 year later...

It is not a pheromone. It is a hormone. I have no idea whether it is likely to have a real effect used as a volatile or not. We've had other threads about pregnolone that you can find with a search. I have provided more information in one of those.

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Its effect depends on the concentration of it, but as it is used in this phero blend I would say that it has more of a calming effect, as previously stated...it is produced naturally in the body and at the concentration used for these phero blends I would say that no one has anything to worry about (not making any medical claims)...:)

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