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I have a sample of the LP Red Summer Solstice Red from my first LP sampler. I did receive a sample from a trade but I'm uncertain if it has the same label. I posted in LP Red review thread asking if this was the regular LP Red as it was very spicy to my nose. I believe I was informed that that was LP Red.

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LP Red: Summer Solstice Blend is what's in the catalogue right now, so my guess is it's regular LP Red. But as it's a permanent scent, it probably changes slightly from batch to batch, hence the extra spiciness when JOC tried it.

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Actually, my nose was not used to spicy perfume then. I only went for flora and fruity commercial perfumes in the past. I tested the same vial some time later and fell in love with it.

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Yes, the Summer Solstice blend is the original LP Red.

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Yes, the Summer Solstice blend is the original LP Red.

Did not know this! Thank you! :)

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Actually, my nose was not used to spicy perfume then. I only went for flora and fruity commercial perfumes in the past. I tested the same vial some time later and fell in love with it.


Don't you love how that happens with LPs sometimes? :)


Yes, the Summer Solstice blend is the original LP Red.

Did not know this! Thank you! :)


I remember being shocked that something so spicy was made for the Summer Solstice, 'cause LP Red wears so warmly that I always think of it as a winter scent. Lol!

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Don't you love how that happens with LPs sometimes


Oh yeah, tell me about it! I go through phases. At the beginning, I had withdrawal symptoms from Sugared Honeycomb. Recently, I craved for vanilla.

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I remember being shocked that something so spicy was made for the Summer Solstice, 'cause LP Red wears so warmly that I always think of it as a winter scent. Lol!

I think she brews all the ritual scents, i.e. Love Potions, on solstices, equinoxes, etc.. Excepting the LP Winter Variant, of course. Hmm, I wonder if something *extra* special was brewed on 12/21????
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Oh yeah, tell me about it! I go through phases. At the beginning, I had withdrawal symptoms from Sugared Honeycomb. Recently, I craved for vanilla.


LOL! Yes, Sugared Honeycomb is *highly* addictive! :) My nose was not used to earthy scents, so imagine my surprise when I fell in love with both Rabid and Luv Truffle! And it's such a BIG, BIG LOVE I feel for those two... ;)


I think she brews all the ritual scents, i.e. Love Potions, on solstices, equinoxes, etc.. Excepting the LP Winter Variant, of course. Hmm, I wonder if something *extra* special was brewed on 12/21????


OMGOMGOMG! I hadn't even thought of that possibility! :D *hopeful woot*

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I think she brews all the ritual scents, i.e. Love Potions, on solstices, equinoxes, etc..

Well, now I fee like a wondertard for keeping that sample separate thinking it was something special LOL. :018A1D~14: Yep, I'm S-M-R-T.

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