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Olive and Apricot cream with copulins


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I personally use this cream from face to toes.


I add about half a bottle's worth of perfume to each jar. It lightly scents the body and provides a good base for perfuming over the top.


There's enough copulins in each to get a response, but not enough to "stink".


Does that help?

So I can even use the coppy cream *on my face*? OMG. :o I am going to look so awesome this summer! Holy freakin' smoke!!! :D Thank you Tyvey! Thank you PM!

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So I can even use the coppy cream *on my face*? OMG. :o I am going to look so awesome this summer! Holy freakin' smoke!!! :D Thank you Tyvey! Thank you PM!


PATCH TEST! Make sure you are not sensitive to the perfume. I'm ok with it, but it might not work for everyone on the face.

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PATCH TEST! Make sure you are not sensitive to the perfume. I'm ok with it, but it might not work for everyone on the face.

I tested the un-copped version on my face last night - good to go! :D Thank you! It made my skin soooo velvety!

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So I decided to slather this today, from throat to toes. And I DO mean slather! By the time I was finished smoothing it all in, the colour in the cream had turned my palms a pretty bronze colour! LOL! (It washes off easily enough, but holy cow, if I forgot to wash my hands and then went out in public, people would certainly wonder what on Earth I'd been up to!).


Anyway, I haven't noticed anything weird or "off", considering how much I'm wearing. BF is the same as ever - kind of neutral, really. Some guy at the 7-11 was giving me some "hey there!" eyes while I was taking a carton of cream out of the cooler. And one of BF's buddies seemed to sit closer to me on the sofa than he normally would. But nothing too-too out of the ordinary. I definitely think this stuff is worth a good slather from time to time. And I cannot get over how well it sinks in. I normally use oils on my skin - I hate using any kind of body cream because it tends to sit on top and make my skin feel congested, like it can't breathe. Not so with this cream. It sinks in so well that the only reason I can tell I've got anything on at all is because I feel soft as a baby's arse all over, and I smell freaking amazing. Also, I quite like that it's not too heavily scented. When it first goes on, it feels like it might be just a bit too much, and then it sinks in, and the scent fades, almost giving the impression that you just smell that good naturally. I feel fine about slathering freely now. :)

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You mean just buy the cream with nothing in it? Or just copulins in it?

I read that it was scented with LP O. The cops, olive & apricot are fine. So everything but LP O.
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I read that it was scented with LP O. The cops, olive & apricot are fine. So everything but LP O.


The olive and apricot oils are not scented, that's what the cream is made of. The copulins are part of the LP Original oil that I add to the cream.


I stopped doing custom one off creams because it is so time consuming that it was not cost effective, that's why I offer the creams in this manner now.

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OMG. I'm so glad I checked this thread on a whim. MINE MINE MINE. I'm stocking up!!!



How did it go?




Sorry Honeycake! I totally forgot that I said I was gonna apply it around the new man. Definitely gonna take a swim in this lotion TONIGHT. Especially now that I know there are more in stock!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. I'm definitely definitely DEFINITELY (yes, three definitelys) going to get more than one jar for my next order. I'm so glad the man loves it!


I can apply it right before playtime without having to wait for it to sink in. The man has been exhausted the past couple days so nookie has been lacking. When he got close was when it hit him. He started huffing my skin and telling me I smelled good. That the lotion went great with my "smell" (I suspect he can detect the cops even when covered) he kept telling me how hot I was and that was it. He was done for.


Thank you apricot and olive lotion....for ending my dry spell.

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If you have dry skin you must try this. It's light, non greasy and on me sinks in immediately. I have been using this everyday from the neck down and it has made such a difference. I get the delicious, but subtle fragrance and absolutely no "stink" - just fabulous smelling, super soft skin. Sooooo glad I ordered 4 jars of this. A little goes a long way, but I am way over indulging in this.

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If you have dry skin you must try this. It's light, non greasy and on me sinks in immediately. I have been using this everyday from the neck down and it has made such a difference. I get the delicious, but subtle fragrance and absolutely no "stink" - just fabulous smelling, super soft skin. Sooooo glad I ordered 4 jars of this. A little goes a long way, but I am way over indulging in this.

You are a naughty temptress! I keep forgetting to get this and obviously have to move it up the list!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This cream is *magic*. I moved to a colder climate a few years ago, and my skin is getting dryer with age, but the problem is I also perspire with very little exertion even in the dead of winter because of some medications I'm on. So, I normally avoid body applications and just moisturize my hands. Because, IMO, it's bad enough to feel gross and sticky (and unfeminine,) but to get that "melted lotion" feeling in the mix on top of it makes me feel sealed in my own skin.

But I took a chance with this Olive & Apricot Cream because of the reviews of how quickly it soaked in and having become convinced that LP products deliver.

I am so happy to say the reviews are spot on. Mara, you need to patent this stuff, it's that wonderful. Please don't ever stop making it! The first time I put it on my skin felt so nourished and moisturized. Within seconds the O&A cream had totally soaked in. Shortly after when my accursed "glistening" happened there was zero funky, greasy feeling. None. That's never happened with any other moisturizer. My poor legs aren't going to look like a lizard's this winter! Oh, and it's amazing how far just a little bit goes.

The cream's scent is beautiful. Just enough to be pleasant and have those very near smell the LP Original, but it's a soft scent and would absolutely fit the bill when you don't want to, or can't wear a full perfume, but still want some fragrance. I'm still very new as far as cops, but this only gets better on me after soaking in and I've smelled nothing like what I've read about as far as "cops smell". It just smells *good*. (I'll waft my shirt to get stronger waves of it if when i'm not outright sniffing my arms. :).)

Thanks for making something that makes me feel so soft, pretty and feminine again.

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  • 1 month later...

OK, I have to say that I am a body cream addict. I have spent quite a bit of money on hand crafted creams from a few companies and they really are wonderful. My skin is dry. Always has been, but even more so with menopause doing what it does. I had tried the old creams Mara was making back when she had the time to customize the scents of the creams and it was beautiful stuff.

Lately, I have been put off by the underlying "oily" or even "greasy" smell that some of these artisinal creams leave once the fragrance fades. My nose is very sensitive to any smell of greasiness. Plainly put, I hate it! Am finding that even some of my faves have had the scent fade only to leave my skin, clothing, sheets, and towels still have a residual greasy smell.

I finally got around to including two jars of Mara's LP Original w/ Cops Body Cream. For those of you who know and love the smell of LP Original, you already know. I have to say also that if you love Ambrosia, this will work beautifully with it! The cops are undetectable to my nose. I do not pick up on them at all! If that is holding you back from trying this, all I can say is that I just can not detect it. Really, do not let the cops scare you away from this one, they are NOT at all strong and the cover scent is just perfect!

The cream itself? OMG...a little is going to go a VERY long way, even with dry skin. When you dip your fingers into it, it really feels like it is going to slather on pretty heavy and it does, BUT my skin easily drank this up and I was not left with any filmy greasiness. It only left its lovely signature scent (YUMMY) and left my skin softened, silky smooth, and completely moisturized. I even had a couple of problem areas on my elbows and one arm. Took a shower, smoothed this luscious stuff on while my skin was still damp and later noticed that these areas were considerably improved after just one use! AND, *NO* greasy after scent whatsoever!!! OMG! That is such a selling point for me! It is just perfect! Mara, please don't discontinue this cream. I will buy ALL of my body cream from you as long as you are selling this! I am going to try a patch test on my face to see if it will be ok for me and if it is, I am going to try using it as a night cream. The only way this could be improved upon for me would be to offer it in an unscented version in addition to this, so that one could use it and not have it clash with any perfume you are wearing OR so that if you wanted, you could simply scent your own. But really...all of this in one cream and NO greasy after smell??? I am in body cream heaven! Thank you Mara! LOVE this!

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  • 3 months later...

Alrighty then ! I made good on my promise to myself to treat myself to this.


Very light and smooth and whipped in the jar, scent is minimal (in the jar). I rubbed a dime-sized dollop between my palms and suddenly it was some magic scent I had never smelled before. Similar to Cougar, very lemony, maybe with some orange, a tiny hint of amber (there is no lemon as an ingredient) and then moments later I had this sense of various ingredients revealing themselves on the dry-down. It was truly lovely. The most intense and beautiful dry-down experience I have ever had. Keep in mind that although I had gotten a sample of LP Original when I first found LPMP, it always struck me just as 'meh' in the oil. This is a totally different experience for me. I know there are cops, but like so many others, I can't detect them. Hubby asked me to put some in my cleavage and he happily sniffed it there for a while. We both seem to prefer subtle in our scents and phero concentrations. This was a super-duper-amazing surprise. I can see this combining great with just about all the more sexual blends I love (such as Compromising Positions), should I want to do that. But it's sooooooooooooooooo lovely on its own !!! Wears close to the skin on me, but long lasting (this is 7 hours later and I can still smell it on my hands).


I can't speak to the moisturizing ability after one trial yet. But I had such an intense experience with this scent that I thought was a sleeper, that I felt compelled to share. It's also lovely to have another way to experience the magick. After this, the only other thing I haven't tried are the wax melts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have ordered so much the last two months but since I was getting a few of the sample UNs I added a couple of these and some wax melts. Now I really have to stop ordering....really. LOL


I love the scent of LPO and with Cops I know I will love this cream.

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Got my cream today and all I can say is wow. I can't smell the Cops and the LPO scent in it is amazing. I love LPO so I am so glad the scent comes through so well in this. I also have very sensitive skin and there have been no issues with this one at all. A little truly does go a long way since it spreads so nice and does not leave a greasy feel. Going to get more of this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been using this everyday since I got it and even though I have very sensitive skin and am allergic to many things, this stuff is great. I have not had any issues with it. My skin feels so soft and not greasy in the least. The scent fades to just a hint so it does not interfere with other scents I wear. Had a couple of women at work ask what I was using because I had a "glow" about me (May be the Cops. LOL) and I have noticed some of the fine lines around my eyes are not noticeable anymore. Going to be keeping this on hand. Great stuff.

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I tend to find a spot in my life for the LP's that I'm really drawn to. This particular cream sits on my bedside and I tend to take a small dollop and warm it between my palms and just innnnnnnhale. It's instant joyful meditation. Breathing in beauty, clarity, golden energy, abundance, sweetness. Then when I've had my fill, I spread it along my arms. I love how it clings to me ever so subtly for HOURS. I guess I don't use it for moisturizing the way you ladies do. I just crave the scent itself, the way it reveals itself is quite different than in the oil from the vial.

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  • 8 months later...

I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet! I am a fan of several artisan moisturizers/body butters but I have to say that (unsurprisingly) this is in a class of its own. It's so rich and lucious, and yet it absorbs perfectly. I tend to slather and often with a lot of things I like I have a layer of cream that sits on my skin and takes several minutes to dry/absorb. Not this one! It absorbs perfectly and my skin is soft and glowing. The scent is wonderful -- I was concerned that, even though I love LP Original, it would overwhelm and make it not work to work other scents. Not so! This goes on soft and gets softer still. Just gorgeous!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like this cream. I am saving it for the winter.


This cream smells great which is huge because I rarely like fruity fragrances. I even got compliments on it and it didn't turn. Its rich, but not greasy. The throw on this was about 4 feet. I got a lot of good hits and only one or two negs from women. I can't wait to wear this out to an event.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got some of this, & of course it smells wonderful in the jar! I'm terrified to wear it until the wasps die for the winter, though. We're being plagued with the big red ones, & yellow jackets as their food dies off. The yellow jackets are the worst, aggressively pursuing me when I have on something delicious from LP. I even had one circling my bathing suit region rather persistently, yesterday. Which was terrifying. I definitely will have to try my cream out on a day I won't be forced to interact with the winged tiny terrors.

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  • 2 months later...

This body cream is lovely! I did detect the cops in this, about 5 minutes in. Just ever so slightly. Then they calmed down & my skin was left lightly scented with Love Potion. It was really funny because I had on like 10 tons of makeup + strip lashes, but every guy I came into contact with (while wearing this) kept commenting on what a "natural beauty" I am. :lol:

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  • 1 year later...

I tested Love Potion’s Copulin Cream during March and April of 2016. The weather ranged from the 60s to 70s. This is a pretty large sized tub of cream. It has a very nice fragrance and is super moisturizing. . I did not experience any self effects. . I would apply the cop cream to my hands as a hand cream. I am not sure of the throw of the copulin cream. I wore this several times and I really didn’t get any hits. Or I didn’t notice any. The hits were just really hard to figure out so I started mixing this with EST and then I received a lot of major hits. I would apply 4 drops of EST split between both of my hands atop the cop cream and I got a ton of hits from both genders and across age groups. People would just kind of be minding their own business, walk into my mone cloud, and then they would light up and get googly eyed at me.

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  • 3 years later...

Looking back at my last post, I've had the same jar for 6 years ! It's almost empty now, perhaps a darker pink color to the cream, same great magickal scent, ingredients did NOT seperate.

This is my special date night jar for when I've shaved my legs and they are super dry and I want them to have that healthy feel, glow, and smell. Especially for wearing a dress and sandals. 


Truly no other product I've ever tried is as good. I'm 1,000 % satisfied with the ingredients, its ability ot moderately mositurize, perform over time, and then  to keep its scent. 

A TOP performer from a TOP company. 


If you are ordering any scents from LPMP, please indulge yourself and get this. You need this in your life. It's THAT special. 

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  • 7 months later...

I've only used this a couple of times but it smells incredible. LPO is such a comforting scent in general for me but in a cream it smells even better. You only need a little bit to take care of dry skin but this is very luxurious feeling in the jar and on my skin. As for the effect it's been subtle but honestly, that's okay I like it better that way. It makes me feel sexy because I'm doing something good for myself and if that alone affects others too then so be it. :)

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  • 2 years later...

I’ve had this for a couple of years but never really used it until today. The fragrance is there but not as strong as a fresh batch however, it’s very moisturizing and as far as the cops…well, it’s been an interesting morning at work 😂


I was afraid to be putting on too many cops so I never used it but it’s really nice I’m going to try it out on my face tonight because the cold weather is causing dry skin.


**JK I did not see my comment above LMAO I’ve only used it a couple of times **


but I used it in conjunction with LPO oil and spray too. 



Edited by Vika
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@Potion Master

wonder if if possible to buy the body cream minus the fragrance (e.g. LP#9 cream minus the #9 fragrance)? I’m looking for ways to use more LP perfumes (I have so many but am slow with the use, oiliness on the skin stops me from using more) and having a high quality natural cream which I can stir my LP perfume in would be a great way to consume more of LP. Also, the fragrance-free version may be a bit cheaper 🥺? Going through tons of moisturiser during cold months

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Updating to say I’ve been using this on my face daily and my skin hasn’t had any issues with breakouts and it absorbs quickly. My dry skin on my face has disappeared.

 I’ll probably use this throughout the winter. 

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