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My period arrived 9 days early after I think I od'd on estrogen pheros this week-- connection?

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Hey, so this past week, I had two days where I had a not great reaction to spraying too much Audacious on.

I got all weepy, crying, and emotional. I don't think it was full OD into headaches and stuff, but it was definitely



Anyway, I'm normally very normal-- 28 days plus or minus a day. Last period, due to stress, I was late three days

and that was due to a LOT of stress. Since then, except for the two days, I think I've been okay stress-wise,

internally. I could see my period being a little wonky, but 9 days seems pretty extreme! My last period started

on the eleventh, and here it is the second-- I'm feeling gipped!


I just wanted to check because if it's not the pheromones, I need to start worrying it's something else.


yay or nay?

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MH, I don't think this has anything to do with phero's at all. They don't get into your system causing systemic effects, they only give you transient effects.


It's more than likely due to the stress you are/were under. If you we're under enough stress to cause your normally very regular cycle to be off by 3 days, then that will cause you to be completely out of sync with your regular hormone levels & cycle. It'll easily disrupt things & just like when you start (or go off) the pill, it'll take you 3-4 cycles before it normalises. I wouldn't worry about anything sinister going on :)

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MH, I don't think this has anything to do with phero's at all. They don't get into your system causing systemic effects, they only give you transient effects.


It's more than likely due to the stress you are/were under. If you we're under enough stress to cause your normally very regular cycle to be off by 3 days, then that will cause you to be completely out of sync with your regular hormone levels & cycle. It'll easily disrupt things & just like when you start (or go off) the pill, it'll take you 3-4 cycles before it normalises. I wouldn't worry about anything sinister going on :)

I'll second that. I could possibly see pheromones contributing to the stress because they can cause neurotransmitter burn out, the same way caffeine or alcohol can (based on anecdotal evidence).

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yeah maybe.


I dunno.

I do know I'm very sensitive to soy milk and soy beans and it did something wonky with my estrogen level and period but it's been so many years I don't remember exactly what it did because now I avoid soy pretty much all the time as much as possible.


huh. it's a mystery.

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