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New, with a few questions!


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I get what your saying but I never, ever said or implied Cougar was cop heavy. I never even mentioned Cougar and Gotcha together in reference to cops. I only suggested the unGotcha oil was a bit cop heavy and required dry down. As a newer user I found I was surprised by the amount of cops in the unGotcha.

Somewhere on a thread there was a talk about this and when i had said i wore Gotcha ( w/fragrance) and a dab of Occo the response I got on the thread was ' that's an assload of cops'


Because of the OCCO, not the Gotcha


It may not register that way for everyone but I believe it's more than a dab ( like Cougar)


I never implied in my orig statement that it was similar to an OCCo or something but it needs a little dry down and I have found not every perfume would cover it.


You said it was cop-heavy. If I were a newbie and saw that, I would think you meant in terms of amount of cops. Halo works at LPMP, and I have been here a long time.....we KNOW what is in these products! Yes, Cougar and Gotcha have relatively the same amount of cops. PERIOD. It is measurable, quantifiable, and constant. Saying you don't believe it doesn't make it untrue. If you have been using scented Cougar, that could also be creating the illusion of more/less cops with your nose.


You could say to a newbie.....Gotcha doesn't have a lot of cops, but I find it to be smelly, needs a good cover, and is as effective as a higher-cop product.



The only time I reference Cougar & Gotcha together is stating they are 2 of my fave go tos

I have pasted below the section from my orig post.

>>here. First, I live in NY State, so hi there again :-)...

Here's my experience with weather, skin and different phero delivery systems. Firstly I find the basic advise regarding the more sexy/intimate Pheros be in oil form effective. My sexy Pheros, BI and Gotcha are in roll on oil, much easier to control! I find Gotcha a social as well as sexy but it's cop heavy and oil is best IMO. I have LFM in spray 60/40 and oil. This phero for me is more social but I like adding to the spray with dabs of oil ( sometimes) and I like having both options.. I have Bang ( this is a sexy) in a spray 2x strength, because I went a bit (crazy) experimental. It's fine and lasts for a long time on me ( again 60/40 ratio). Lets just say I'll have that for quite a while lol. Dry down takes a little time and I'm careful about application..

I have several fragrances and fragrance/phero combos mostly in oil. I have Perfect Match in silicon 60/40 spray. This is my first silicon. The silicon does not soak into my skin like the oil. silicon molecules are larger and tend to not be absorbed as readily.

The real difference in oil vs alcohol is this.. with the sprays it not so much your skin, though moisturizing helps, as that the sprays ( and alcohol) evaporate faster. It's dispersal distance ( spray) vs duration ( oil). For instance I have Cougar scented in both spray and oil. Now you know why. ."


Yes, I read that post. I also read this one




where you told someone that great go-to products WITH COPS were Cougar, Gotcha, and the LAMs. The cops in Cougar and Gotcha are not in a large enough quantity to call them "copulin go-to basics". LAM/BAM, yes. Cougar and Gotcha can be basics, yes. I LOVE Cougar. But, it is social, UNLESS I add more cops to take it in a more sexual direction.....which I HAVE done on occasion.


I am not trying to rag you out. All I am trying to point out is that while we LOVE for people to give newbies reviews, please do not spout things in regards to amounts of pheros in products unless you know, FOR SURE.

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Exactly Dolly.Everyone is welcome to their own opinion here. But we cannot allow misinformation to be handed out to newbies. It's irresponsible. And in my case it's my job to do this.


Yes, and you do an excellent job! Hope I didn't step on your toes!


I just don't like misinformation handed out to newbies either. I am here because I love Mara and her products. I post on the forum because I know what it was like 10 years ago, with almost NO women's products, and the ones that were out there required a lot of trial and error. I spent tons of money and had lots of bad experiences! Hopefully, some of what I have learned will be helpful.


As a result of trying to help (and not just wanting to hear myself talk) I do not talk about products I have not personally used (LFM, LFN, Bang, many others with high Est), and if I have used one but do not know the particulars about its contents, I do not discuss what is in it until I talk to Mara or read and find out for sure.

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You could never step on my toes. Mwah



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Got it!! Wrong wrong & wrong. I was just trying to give input as a newbie, by which I do identify myself.. as I have made my own trials and errors. I get the defining thing from the other post too. At the time in this thread here I did not know that was a reference on your post.

Re the other thread ; I was just listing products containing cops and thought the range would be helpful. I digress and I see why that was confusing.

Just trying to join in if I saw a similarity on a post I could identify with .. that was the only point to any of it. Did not mean to waste anyone's time.

Also.. I'd never discuss a phero I have not used unless it was to ask questions ect! I also believe I asked for a cop range in some of the pheros earlier when I noticed a problem with what my perceptions were.

Edited by StacyK
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Got it!! Wrong wrong & wrong. I was just trying to give input as a newbie, by which I do identify myself.. as I have made my own trials and errors. I get the defining thing from the other post too. At the time in this thread here I did not know that was a reference on your post.

Re the other thread ; I was just listing products containing cops and thought the range would be helpful. I digress and I see why that was confusing.

Just trying to join in if I saw a similarity on a post I could identify with .. that was the only point to any of it. Did not mean to waste anyone's time.

Also.. I'd never discuss a phero I have not used unless it was to ask questions ect! I also believe I asked for a cop range in some of the pheros earlier when I noticed a problem with what my perceptions were.


And, we welcome you to give your opinions. As long as they are stated as OPINIONS and not FACT. Talk about your experiences with the products, how you felt about it, how it worked for you, etc. If the newbie wants an amount of a phero in a product, make sure you are spot-on with your answer, or defer that answer to someone else. That's all we ask.


We want you to use the products and enjoy the forum, but when someone who has been here longer or works here corrects you, just know it is usually with good reason, and with no malice. We want EVERYONE to get the products that will work best for them, and get the most out of the products they have.

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I do agree I was wrong on the cops issue in Gotcha, .. and a little stubborn to see the light.


The comment apoeared blanket and i did think that, but I did express the statement as IMO.

As far a the other thread I was just listing blends that contain copulins .. not trying to imply those items are similar but that could be confusing and I am really fine with being told the statement reads misleading. I will go back and correct thatAsap. I see the potential for disaster there.

I believe I also cautioned someone else as to the smell of Gotcha, I will fix where nessary.

I'll make sure it's clear.


I do regularly differ to other members and threads when I discuss Pheros. Espically with someone new. I can think of at least 3 times I tried to referr newbies to Dolly's journal as that was my first "Holy Grail" here.

I'll continue and disscussion of Gotcha on that thread.

Wow sorry for the thread jack.

Edited by StacyK
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HI BklynG!!! I'm a newbert around here too, and learning a LOT by readin all the posts! It is the BEST community here! :bday1029: Reading yours made me decide to try some of the social pheros for Summer. I only wear my sexy pheros before bed because they deliver a fabulous comforting scent-memory of good times that helps me have really content, deep sleeps. If you know someone who's lover is faaaar away for too long or is widowed, that's how pheros can help them. There's no one in my indoor part of my work or current social life that I want to attract right now, but The OUTDOOR part is soon to start up as the snow clears away. OK you Phero-Pros! Here's my BIG QUESTION: I work out in the Wilderness Spring-Autumn doing plant research. Obviously, since it is bear-elk-mt.lion-deer -bobcat country I AM NOT going to wear yummy fragrances to work (I'm wearing them all now!) But, since animals noses are So more sensitive then ours, will any traces of any pheros act as a food attractant if I continue to apply them at night? Any feedback from Stone Ind. Labs on this? Scent-free I've had a momma bear bring here cub up to me when I was at work once - and there were no snickers bars on me. EEEEEK. So I don't want to up my delish-level with the critters. Help?


/we interrupt this program for a temporary thread unjacking/


Chickadee, I read through this thread and realized no one has answered your question! I'm an LP vet and can tell you that of the many, many phero blends I've worn around my parrot in the past several years, none of the nonfoody ones have ever made him any more clingy or bitey than he usually is. I know Lestat is not exactly wild but since he is an exotic I hope that can at least offer some kind of starting point. The area I live in was carved out of woods, and of the many things that take up residence in my yard during the spring and summer I've never had any of them come unusually close at times that I was wearing a nonfoody phero blend. True, no carnivores that I know of, but the deer and rabbits and squirrels still spook just as easily when I approach them. Mara would have more in-depth knowledge of whether Stone Labs (or anyone else) has researched this, but I'm not even sure animals can pick up human pheromones and subconsciously "read" them the same way we can.

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I think animals absolutely read our pheromone cues, natural and enhanced. After all, we are animals too. We give off pheromonal cues for fear, dominance, aggression, sexuality, relaxation - just like they do - and animals react accordingly. I know whenever I have handled copulins - filling bottle orders with copulins in them, my cats are all over me, and so are any dogs I may meet - very friendly, they seem to like the smell quite a bit. But scented perfume ingredients also can attract and repel animals and even insects. We use real bee pollen in several perfumes, and various sweets and florals will attract, not to mention the animalic musks. I would be very careful about wearing any scent or pheros in the woods.


There once was this moose who liked the smell of LP Red very very much.... :lol:



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I think animals absolutely read our pheromone cues, natural and enhanced. After all, we are animals too. We give off pheromonal cues for fear, dominance, aggression, sexuality, relaxation - just like they do - and animals react accordingly. I know whenever I have handled copulins - filling bottle orders with copulins in them, my cats are all over me, and so are any dogs I may meet - very friendly, they seem to like the smell quite a bit. But scented perfume ingredients also can attract and repel animals and even insects. We use real bee pollen in several perfumes, and various sweets and florals will attract, not to mention the animalic musks. I would be very careful about wearing any scent or pheros in the woods.


There once was this moose who liked the smell of LP Red very very much.... :lol:





LOLOLOLOLOL.......that story was HILARIOUS!

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:D I still love someone on here talking about how their dog loooooooved Captivation Equation (LAM) and the poster said "I CAN'T KEEP BUYING CAPTIVATION EQUATION JUST TO PLEASE MY DOG" or similar :D
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There once was this moose who liked the smell of LP Red very very much.... :lol:




A moose once bit my sister, you know.


....moose bites can be pretti nasti...

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