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New to Phero's & Lovepotion starting off with Popularity Potion? advice


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Brand new to Pheromones, & Love Potion,


Would like to say Hello to everyone and appreciate the knowledge that everyone is passing along...


I'm really confused at this point,


received my pheromone sampler today and additional ordered a full bottle of popularity potion,

feeling like I'm going to start with that first..


Would greatly apreciate any advice? Purchased the oil based roll on, how much and where should I apply?


what is the impact of second hand smoke on effectiveness of phero? (i.e in bar etc or around people smoking)


What I ordered in the sample

cops and robbers

phero girl


enduring appeal

lap of luxury

love potion red

honey love potion with gotcha

cuddly bunny ccco slf


and if that wasn't enough (Mara and Heather sent along some other wonderful samples).


I thinking it may take a little bit to go through the samples, but I thinking that maybe I should order the Topper,


Does Topper pretty much compliment all the phero blends and cops?


Thank you so much for the advice and you all sound like you are having so much fun



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Welcome!! I can't comment specifically on Popularity Potion (I never fully tested it) but I would start off with a little and add more to find your sweet spot. I wasted a lot of good phero my first year piling it on! It helps if you test first around people you know so that you can see the differences in their usual behavior. You have a nice spread there.Cougar was my very first!!

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Welcome to the adventure!!! ... good advice given, spend some time reading through the forum,everyone is different !!! The only way is to experiment,have fun with it :)

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Welcome aboard Shelley25! You got some good samples to start off with. My love for Cops & Robbers has never wavered. And some days are just meant to be LP Red days.


There is so much good advice on the forum by people who have loads of experience. Read as much as you can and then plot your orders. You can find samples on the Trade Pages to get an idea of scents and pheros that work.


Darling Catalina (has Popularity Potion) was one of my 1st samples. I purchased a spray bottle in my following order. I like to use 1-2 sprays in my hair. I kind of spray and do a walk through instead of directly spraying on hair. I haven't tried Topper, but have seen some really good comments about it. You can buy a sample of Strange Attractors (i think that's the name) to see if you respond well to the phero before purchasing a full bottle.


Have fun experimenting!

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Welcome! I think Topper goes with most things, but I would avoid it with Popularity Potion until you're a vet. The reason being is that Popularity Potion was designed to temper other people's jealousy of one being in the spotlight, the extra "shine" you get from A-nol, but Topper would be adding in extra A-nol. Thus throwing the blend off balance. This is my personal opinion & of course you can do as you like. I just advise all phero rookies to fully test each blend out on it's own before going "mad scientist."

Edited by Beccah
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Hello and welcome.


I can't give you much in the way of advice with female pheromones other than to say I think you have gotten some good dosing recommendations. The general rule is start small and work up. Less is often better.


Second-hand smoke should not have a bigt inpact on pheromone effects, especially at close range.

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Hi Shelley!

You have got a lot of fun coming your way with all those pheros!! I love Topper...it is one of my faves..I wear it on its own most of the time though. It never fails me as an all around upbeat phero. Cuddle Bunny and Honeyed Love Potion in your order too? My oh my...I wouldn't live without either of those in my arsenal!!

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Hi Shelley, welcome to the forum! I have Popularity Potion and Topper, both as spray. Usually, I spray 2 or 3 spritzes of PP on my wrists, add some perfume and then I smear my wrists behind my ears. That works well. As for Topper: 2 or 3 sprays on my hair before I go out, together with a nice perfume. BTW: Enduring Appeal is also a good choice. The scent is just devine and the cougar phere is very popular among the forum ladies.

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Welcome! You made some GREAT first choices and I'm sure you won't be disappointed :D


PP is a ton of fun! Gives me "in the spotlight" kind of attention. I think you'll enjoy it quite a bit. I would start with no more than 2-3 sprays...you can always add more.


I don't think 2nd hand smoke should be a problem...never heard of it being one before at least...


I went through a period for a while where I sprayed 2-3 sprays of Topper on my blouse or hair (alternate...the alcohol in the spray can dry your hair out if you use it too often!) quite often. I love what it brings to the table and it compliments a lot of blends (LFM, SS4W, Gotcha!...even Cougar, which is already a super sparkly social!)


Remember pheros enhance who you already are...so just be you, have fun and be aware of your surroundings and the people in them...everything else will just fall into place.


Happy experimenting! :love:

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Thank you all for the great advice! been test driving the pp and noticing some renewed attention! Liking the soft subtle scent of Popularity Potion.


It's a challenge not wanting to go all "mad scientist" as Beccah puts it, lol, but this trial and error gives each day a little more excitement.


Wishing everyone a great weekend !

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Missed this !!! ...I agree 1000% !!! ... a blend is a blend,for a reason :D

Welcome! I think Topper goes with most things, but I would avoid it with Popularity Potion until you're a vet. The reason being is that Popularity Potion was designed to temper other people's jealousy of one being in the spotlight, the extra "shine" you get from A-nol, but Topper would be adding in extra A-nol. Thus throwing the blend off balance. This is my personal opinion & of course you can do as you like. I just advise all phero rookies to fully test each blend out on it's own before going "mad scientist."


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