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New Here and Super Excited!!


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Hey all! In the search for a sexy natural fragrance I landed here and I'm excited to try some of your exciting fragrances. I'm a little overwhelmed with choosing and was wondering if I share a little info about me if you can help me pick a few to try. I won't give you my age because I don't believe we age in numbers but in our mind...so in my mind I still feel 25. I met my soul mate when I was 19 and he's still my soul mate. We're together 24/7 in work and life and true best friends. We're also very freaky sexually and sex is always amazing and often. We love life and live to the fullest in everything we do. We love music and we love to party. We own a hip-hop/rap recording studio and love the lifestyle and the music...we spend alot of time partying with the stars. I love to turn him on and am looking for something that will make him crazy. I'd like to experiment with the pheromones some but would also like to try a fragrance that is more basic. On a personal level I'm a libra, I love the sun, i love dogs and I'm a flirty party girl...I would say I'm bisexual...I love my man but adore women and love to share. I love attention but I'm emotional, compassionate and a lover. The only fragrance I've ever really liked is musk and the musk I used no longer makes it. My husband is sensitive to many fragrances so the department store stuff don't work for me. I want something that turns us both on...and anyone else that's within range! I'm ready to order! Help me!

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In terms of Pheros, Sexpionage or Blatant Invitation might be something you'l like. Occo slf is a wonderful honey/musk/amber scent and it has a load of copulins that are good for sexin!.


Under your spell is a scent has the pheromone blatant invitation in it and musk seems to be one of the first notes. I haven't tried it myself but I'm sure other ladies will chime in. You can also check out the reviews to see if the scent is something up your alley.

Edited by MeriendaTime
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Welcome!! In the perfumerie, you can sort the fragrances by scent type. Musk is an option, so i'd slecet that and look through the various scent options they have here. Mara recently did a line of musks that might still be available either on the regular LP site or the LP Artfire site.

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Hello and welcome to the forum.


If a lot of commercial perfumes do not do well with your husband then this is probably the place for you. Mara does not use the chemicals that most people are sensitive to in commercial perfumes.


What kind of scents does he like to wear or what kind do you like on him? And as far as pheromones go for him, think Wanted Man and <3 Throb. But you will need to control those and only let him wear them when you are there to supervise haha.


There are reviews on several men's and unisex scents in the Men's Forum or any of us are happy to answer questions.

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Welcome here :) ... Love Potion red, Mara's Rocket Fuel,Indecent Proposal,OCCO SLF...ohhh way way too many,just go through the reviews and get yourself a slew of samples first :lol: ...welcome to the adventure

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Welcome from a fellow newcomer!


It sounds like you'll find a lot to love here. There are a lot of musk-y options, with or without pheromones added. I've only begun to experiment, and I'm finding the scents long lasting without being cloying. Have so much fun experimenting!

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Girl, I'd go straight for the Sexpionage Phero or anything with that in it LOL!


others to try: Dominance, Blatant Invitation, and BANG Sexology (the scent) is dirty honey musky I believe. That's a good one too.....Welcome to the forums

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Welcome!! Yes, for pheros I agree with Blatant Invitation and Sexpionage...Occos of course...Sexology...there are just so many for you, you need to put in a huge order.


To complicate things you are a Libra (as so many of us are here) so you will just have to order everything...where to begin? You sound so multifaceted

I cannot begin to direct you!

Good luck and tell us what you get!!!!!!!!!

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Welcome to the forum! For pheros, you may wish to try Sexiponage, BI, Bang! and LAM and even Leather. You might want to consider adding some cops to your arsenal.


As mentioned, do a search on musk and you should be able to find scents with musk. You're going to have lots and lots of fun experimenting with the scents and pheros!

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Hi Sundaddysgirl, welcome to the forum! The other ladies gave you already very good suggestions. May be I could recommend Compromising Positions, that's a lovely vanilla scent enhanced with Sexpionage phero blend (heavy on copulins). Works very well. :) Also the LAM and BAM sample sets are worth trying. So you can find out which scent suits you the most, and then you can get the respective full bottles.

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Welcome to your new addiction! :D


I HAVE to jump on the Sexpionage bandwagon...if you're looking for something to get you BOTH going. This a winner for both of us in our house...GrrrRufff...'nuff said. BANG! - Had it on again today and within minutes I was being pawed...quite happily!


Granted, you will need to experiment to see what works best with your chemistry....but what a glorious trial and error it will be!LOL


I think you're going to like it here :666::ange:

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:bday1029:Hi sundaddysgirl!!! WELCOME!!! :bday1029:

Didya make your order? Huh? Didya??? Hee!!! I'm another fan of Sexpionage--that one's a doozy! :666: Super Sexy for Women is another great one for me and my ManThing. Heh. WHAT DID YOU DECIDE TO ORDER? :w00t::w00t::w00t:

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WHAT DID YOU DECIDE TO ORDER? :w00t::w00t::w00t:

:yeahthat: We're probably all dying to know LOL Another thing you can to is contact Mara at LP. She's fantastic and will help you in any way she can with walking through scents and what may best be "productive" for your needs ^_~

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Don't be afraid to admit it if you do....you aren't alone.... :^^:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been trying them one at a time to pick my favorites and hands down Occo in number one!! From the first time I put it on and my husband told me that I smelled good hours later I knew it was going to be a hit. My sample is almost gone so I'll be ordering that today. What I like most about it has been the variety of people it's attracted, including women...that's a plus, but also sex reaches new heights when I have it on...very animalistic : )) Besides the Occo, my next have is Love Potion Gold...I'm not sure what it is but it just makes me feel good when I wear it. I like the softness of Soie et Fourrure too so those would be my top three. Least favorite would definitely be Sexology III, which disappointed me because I was excited to try the pheromones but it was almost repulsive to me and I had a hard time covering it up. I also didn't like Love Potion #9, it gave me a headache as did the Summer Solstice. I guess they were just too strong. Now that I've picked my favorites from my first samples I'd love Mara to pick some more samples for me to try. Thanks again for all your input!!


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Welcome sundaddysgirl! I have to say I'm another one whose chemistry just didn't agree with Sexology III. I wanted to love it so, so badly, especially because of the pheros, but I ended up turning it into burnt rubber. Must have been one of the musks, who knows. I usually do well with them but my skin just didn't want to cooperate. If you like the sexy honeys and musks maybe you'll want to give Dance of Passion (one of this month's new releases) a try--it's honey and sex musks with orchid. :)

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That's funny...someone actually told me I smelled like the Humane Society...lol. I used to rescue dogs so I know that smell well and you can only imagine. Yes, I too love the musks and the honey so I'll definitely try Dance of Passion. Have you found any others with pheros that worked for you?

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Congrats on your first order, I wish I could decide so easily what my full bottles will be.

I ordered 20+ samples and I love them all.... Except the one I'd predetermined was going to be my most favorite. So I feel you on that

Lol... Humane society... Lol.. That's along the lines of wat my hubs said wen I got excited about trying pheros girl and occo slf, and forgot to shake the vial, went on and smeared myself generously, maybe too generously, didn't use a cover scent, forgot to open windows, wasn't dried up and in he walks a little early from work....lol... He said it smelled like pee in the zoo- I dodged him and got into the shower. Lol

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Occo SLF and it actually smells good on me without a coverup. I tried to place an order yesterday and had trouble with the cart so I'm going to try again today and I think I'm going to order the April samples : ))


OCCO SLF does not need a cover scent. If you like honey then perhaps you want to check out Pherogirl (comes with cops), OCCO Gold or Sugared Honeycomb. The latter turns baby powder on my skin after an hour or two.

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