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So I'm thinking I might want to "boost" a few scents that I love with some pheros that work for me and that I think might work together. But I do have a few questions. (ok, more of a barrage of q's, so here goes!! :) )


How do you decide how to put what phero with what scent? Do you go by how the scent makes *you* feel, or how it makes others feel?


Do you follow the "majical" description for a scent in your consideration to boost? Or is it strictly a gut feeling?


Have you had smashing successes or dismal failures with "boosting"?


Or do you simply buy fragrance and UN's separately, and mix at will?

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I've boosted a couple scents:


LP Original with LFM and cops - that was because I had seen a post where Mara recommended it to someone, and I thought it sounded awesome.

LP Black with Leather - that was because those just seemed to go together. LP Black makes me feel badass, and so does Leather

LP Red with Bang! - I had a hard time choosing what scent I wanted to boost with Bang!, but finally decided on LP Red. Mostly because of the description/magickal meanings


I'm super happy with all my boostings, so far :)

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I like to mix and match too much to boost anything, but when I'm testing scents, there's usually a phero that pops into my head. I just commented that Blackstone is screaming for a La Femme Noire boost. To me, that fragrance made me feel like the phero does, languid, sexy, dark and mysterious. So of I were to boost, I'd go by my gut. But then I'd also think about how light the scent is, particularly if I was boosting with a cop-heavy phero. Lighter scents might not adequately cover the cops, or they might affect the scent.


But this is all theoretical, since I haven't actually boosted a scent yet! :lol:

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I have a few boosted scents. Heart and Soul with A Lick of Pink. Pop Potion with Mermaids of Atlantis. And some others. But I like the option of switching up scents/pheros. So I do UNs and scents separately most of the time.

For boosting I agree with BlueBear. Go with your gut and how the scent makes you feel.

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I combine things depending on congruence. For example:

Voodoo Valentine w/Focus Potion

because VV is a scent which is very enlivening to me.

Adrienne's Tangy Ylang w/Stone Cougar

because TY has grapefruit just like Cougar Potion.

Sugared Honeycomb w/Cuddle Bunny (the Pharmacom version)

because SEX.

(I also did this with UNE)

Shelly B's Naughty, Sweet & Dirty w/Sexology

because that one was meant to mimic scented Sexology to a degree.

Nasty Habits w/Drop Your Guard

because it seemed somewhat of a unisex scent so it was one Quince and I could wear together.

Q&Q's Delicious Wood w/Teddy Potion BB

because it's boysmell and I think that's always the best carrier for that phero.

(I also did this with Sugared Forest)


I've done a few for Quince as well: Delicious Wood and UN w/Animism, Down and Dirty for Him w/Wanted Man, The former because I thought the Animism mix was a good one for him in terms of social/business stuff and the latter because SEX,

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Like BB, I have yet boosted any scents with pheros as I like to mix and match my scents to my UNs. In addition, as my daughter is allowed to have any of my scents at any time so by doing so, she'll have a wider variety of scents to choose from.


I tend to mix and match my pheros to the way i feel the scent presents itself to me and how it turns out on my skin. However, I feel that SS4W and PP are more congruent with my personality and thus pair them with almost any scent. I have mentioned in another thread that SS4W works as a social phero on me.

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I have never boosted either because I am much too flaky to be limited to one phero per scent. I mix and match different combos almost everyday.

I feel the same way here.

I am not sure what will work for me and what won't. I'm too chicken to try right now.


So, right now I'm just mixing what little I got till I can build up a bigger stash.

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I prefer to have my scents and pheros separate so I can mix and match. I have been making little mini-sprays if there is a scent/phero combo I want to play around with. Since I am so fickle I don't really want to get a whole bottle of a scent/phero when I can play perfume lab or not depending on my mood.


Now I do have a few that I had boosted when I first started with LP. I have The Good Witch boosted w/ Perfect Match and Elan Vitale w/ unCougar. Since these were with me from the beginning, when I smell these scents, I associate it with the phero and my initial reactions and hits to it.

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I prefer to have my scents and pheros separate so I can mix and match. I have been making little mini-sprays if there is a scent/phero combo I want to play around with. Since I am so fickle I don't really want to get a whole bottle of a scent/phero when I can play perfume lab or not depending on my mood.


Now I do have a few that I had boosted when I first started with LP. I have The Good Witch boosted w/ Perfect Match and Elan Vitale w/ unCougar. Since these were with me from the beginning, when I smell these scents, I associate it with the phero and my initial reactions and hits to it.

That's a good idea.

But how do you decide how much pheros you are going to add?

Is there a such a thing as too much pheros?

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I love boosting!! Usually I boost scents that are my faves, or that layer well with other scents, like LP Original. I've learned that leaving the very potent (smelly) pheros to Mara, and buying scented pheros, works for me with things with cops or BI. With LFM or OW, I boost at will.


I agree, I also like to have UNs for freedom of mixing, but the nice thing about boosted scents is that I am less likely to OD the pheros, because the scent is my guideline, if that makes sense.

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That's a good idea.

But how do you decide how much pheros you are going to add?

Is there a such a thing as too much pheros?

I'd say that yes there can be too much phero action for me. I have to decide if I want a spray of pheros that are lightly to medium scented, or a scent that has about 25-30% pheros depending on how much the scent can take. For me, it makes a difference in the application. I will be much more light handed if I am spraying a phero w/ a light scent compared to a scent that has some pheros added. And since I am using little spray bottles I am not taking a chance of ruining a whole bottle of anything.


I also got a bottle of perfumer's alcohol from Save On Scents recently. I think shipping was more than the product and I had to be invoiced 3x because the shipping carriers kept changing. But now I have a big ol' bottle that I can use for a long time. A few months ago I tried a sample of Hanagumori and was sad to see that there were no bottles left. There were trial vials however. I purchased 5 of them and transferred them to a roll on bottle. I kept the trial vials though because I could see that there was a bit left in each. Yesterday I used the perfumers alcohol to lightly rinse each sample vial, shook it up, and then poured this into a little spray bottle. Now I have another little sprayer of a beloved scent.

Edited by greenergal
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I love boosting!! Usually I boost scents that are my faves, or that layer well with other scents, like LP Original. I've learned that leaving the very potent (smelly) pheros to Mara, and buying scented pheros, works for me with things with cops or BI. With LFM or OW, I boost at will.


I agree, I also like to have UNs for freedom of mixing, but the nice thing about boosted scents is that I am less likely to OD the pheros, because the scent is my guideline, if that makes sense.


Great tips!

Thank you for sharing. I will keep this in mind when I do get the courage to attempt boosting with pheros! =)

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I'd say that yes there can be too much phero action for me. I have to decide if I want a spray of pheros that are lightly to medium scented, or a scent that has about 25-30% pheros depending on how much the scent can take. For me, it makes a difference in the application. I will be much more light handed if I am spraying a phero w/ a light scent compared to a scent that has some pheros added. And since I am using little spray bottles I am not taking a chance of ruining a whole bottle of anything.


I also got a bottle of perfumer's alcohol from Save On Scents recently. I think shipping was more than the product and I had to be invoiced 3x because the shipping carriers kept changing. But now I have a big ol' bottle that I can use for a long time. A few months ago I tried a sample of Hanagumori and was sad to see that there were no bottles left. There were trial vials however. I purchased 5 of them and transferred them to a roll on bottle. I kept the trial vials though because I could see that there was a bit left in each. Yesterday I used the perfumers alcohol to lightly rinse each sample vial, shook it up, and then poured this into a little spray bottle. Now I have another little sprayer of a beloved scent.

Thanks for sharing.

Sorry to hear that you invoiced 3x. I hope you got a refund from Save on Scents!

Does save on scents sell secanting supplies as well? I guess I will have to look this up myself. Thanks! =)

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Lots of good advice given!! ... I pretty much have done it all :lol: My favorite boost was LP Red with Cougar and cops,and back when I thought I could not get anymore Lace,I had Buns of Cinn boosted with Lace,heh,that went fast. When we had the sample bottle offers I experimented with mixing my own,some wins,some,well not so much. I luv having most all the Uns for any occasion and still like to mix and match,and also like to spritz a bit in my hair,with the matching scent :)



Is there a such a thing as too much pheros?


Yep,there sure is,for so any reasons,too much A-nol will give me a headache,only happened once! On me,at least,less really is more! and too much is so unnatural people can just ignore you.


This is so individual,and there are so many variables,it takes trial and error to find what works for you,I truly believe it is the only way,and oh my what a fun adventure :D


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I'm actually about to finalize my order and boost all the bottles, but then it's going to be easy stuff like Open Windows and Popularity Potion and Stone Cougar.

I have UNs, but for some reason, even if I put them on after the perfume, I can still smell them. So that's why I want to do boost rather than UN. Eventually I'll

start doing the little bottles but it hasn't been a big priority.

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Yep,there sure is,for so any reasons,too much A-nol will give me a headache,only happened once! On me,at least,less really is more! and too much is so unnatural people can just ignore you.


This is so individual,and there are so many variables,it takes trial and error to find what works for you,I truly believe it is the only way,and oh my what a fun adventure :D


I guess when I do get into experimenting with pheros I will have to know my own limits. Thanks for the great tips everyone!

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wiffle-waffling is great! Extends the shopping experience which means your wallet doesn't take continuous hits :D (at least, with me that's the way I need to do it-- stretch out the researching as LOOOOONG as possible, because I guarantee after I send my order in and wait for my "it's been mailed" email, there will be a bottle that I absolutely have to have that I didn't order, and it starts all over again ;) )

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I recently got Blatant Invitation boosted between two 500 mcg bottles with what I think is an easily layerable scent-at least with the type of fragrances I usually wear (foodie and desserty), and only plan on doing this again in the with future cop'd blends. It worked, and I layer it with different phero and fragrance blends.


I kind of regret not doing the same with La Femme Noir since my nose can easily pick up the copulins even with the small amounts in the formula, but if I do it again it'll have to be like I did with BI, lightly scented (but perhaps with LP Black next time) and divided between two bottles.

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I've only ever had one item boosted with a phero and that was recently: Wicked boosted with Sexpionage. I went with my gut. Wicked is such a yummy, sensual scent on me that Sexpionage was no-brainer.


I also have LFM boosted with cops. Another no-brainer to me. I did it before I knew anything about LFN (they're actually a little different: I get antsy with LFN if I'm not careful).

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