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Boosting with half the normal amount of pheromones

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I had a question about this--

I know some people favor getting UNs, but I'm looking to boost some perfumes with various pheromones.

I think I read someone say that they got two bottles, and split the normal pheromone amounts between them.

I'm curious about this because I like to slather, so I think it would be better for me if I did a half amount, so I'm

less likely to OD.


Do others do this?


Also, if I want to add Open Windows AND DHEAS, it costs $5 per one, right?


I suppose...if I got the UNs for this, since I have little bottles so I can add them at home without compromising a whole

bottle, how many drops do you add per mL?

Edited by MissHazel
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Yes, people do this. But the cost is $30 for the phero addition, not 5. You'd have to ask Mara about how much the addition of DHEAS would cost. I don't know about that.


Mara did say on one thread that if you were to use an UN to boost your own perfume bottles, the ratio is 1/3 phero to 2/3s perfume oil (for the non-stinky phero blends). For the stinkier ones, she said that in a 1/3 oz bottle you can start with adding about 10 drops, let it sit for 24 hours, (because the copulins in these blends will "bloom"), and then test it. If you're adding a stinky phero to a very strongly scented perfume, she said a 1/3 oz bottle *might* take up to 30 drops). Hope that helps! :)

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If I recall correctly, it was Lady V's post about splitting the boost between two bottles which helped to educate me about this possibility. I paid the $30 boosting fee for adding phero-blends to a scent and had it split between two bottles, My reason was much like yours... to help ensure that I didn't OD. I find that I have to reapply scents frequently as my skin loves to eat them up; my fragrance "wear time" is at best 4 hours.... And, again, if I am recalling correctly, the $5 cost is for adding Copulins to a bottle. As for the little bottles and boosting yourself, I believe that Eggers recently did that with some of her scents so maybe she will chime in and share about her experiences in doing so. (HAHA! She posted as I was typing! Yay! I knew she could answer the second part of your post!)

Edited by Chaionlife
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excellent. okay. Now I have a better grip on what I need to do. I like my perfumes as roll ons (though I do have some spritz bottles I can use.) If I were to buy some UNs to do little bottles, I should buy the UNs in oil as well? Or the spray?

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I'll split a phero boost between two bottles of perfume. We do this all the time. This is for the $30 boosts.


Copulin adds are $5 per bottle....we don't split those.


Anything with cops - be careful about using in spray form! I find these work far better in oil.

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