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Novice from NYC


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Hello all,


These forums have been an amazing source of information for me thse past few weeks and I've finally made the jump, both in posting and ordering. After poring through the forums I haf decided to start with:


OCCO White

Beth's Blushing Milkmaid

Velvet Kisses

Cougar Potion




I received my package a week ago (which was sent with three free samples - so lovely! - of Spark in the Dark, Sinister Pink and Eye of tthe Storm) and cannot wait to start some serious experimentation. I haven't gone to town with the cops yet but have had some amazing/interesting experiences with Seer, which is the only scent I've really tried out so far (just wearing it in my hair and cleavage) and will def post my results in a review very soon.


I do have some questions for the incredibly knowledgable ladies of these forums and am hoping for a little guidance and advice. I apologize in advance, though: after trolling through the forums, I KNOW that I've definitely seen the answers to my questions, but am having the hardest time tracking down those particular pages again, and a temporary slowing of my internet connection is making it very hard to navigate around easily. So please forgive the redundancy of some of these questions! So:


-I remember that cops should be worn only on the torso/cleavage and AWAY fron the face/neck/wrists/hair/clothes, because weraring them in those places could give the impression that the wearer is 'unclean.' Is this only the case for unscented cops, or does it also hold true for scented cops (in my stash, that would be the OCCO White, Beth's Blushing, anf Vevet Kisses)?


-I seem to remember that if you want to lessen the chattiness'/'truth serum' effects of certain pheremones (in my stash, TMI and Seer) on youself, and have them primarily effect those around you, that you should ONLY wear them in your hair and cleavage, because wearing them on the neck, wrists, etc would affect you much more. Is this the case?


-Cougar Potion, does NOT contain cops, and therefore can be worn on the neck, wrists, etc, etc...yes?


Thank you for any help/clarity anyone can offer. Very glad to be here!



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Hiya Iolite! First off, welcome to the forum! It's always nice to see new people here! :)


As for your questions:

The same applies to scented cops as to unscented: torso, cleavage, you can even apply a little on your inner thighs and the backs of your knees (as I recently learned).


And yes, I think you're correct about the wearing of TMI - to affect yourself less, you should wear it away from your own face. (The others can probably provide more specifics in terms of where to wear it, as I avoid TMI like the plague! :lol: )


Cougar Potion does contain cops, but the amount is so little that it can be worn in the hair, on the neck & wrists. A lot of women here apply it to their hair, to aid diffusion, and have had no problems with stinky hair.


Hope that helps, and I hope you have fun on your adventure here! :D

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I seem to remember that if you want to lessen the chattiness'/'truth serum' effects of certain pheremones (in my stash, TMI and Seer) on youself, and have them primarily effect those around you, that you should ONLY wear them in your hair and cleavage, because wearing them on the neck, wrists, etc would affect you much more. Is this the case?


Thank you for any help/clarity anyone can offer. Very glad to be here!




i wear stuff with beta nols (truth serum effect) on my wrists or the back of my neck (away from my nose) to avoid self-effects. I would think wearing it in your cleavage would put it right under your nose more or less.


I hesitate to put most pheromones but especially sexual ones in my hair as they are so sticky. at least the male ones are. I would assume cops are the same. I do not apply pheromones to clothes for the most part for the same reason.

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:yeahthat: about putting pheros in cleavage - you'd blast yourself pretty good with it there!


i'd put truthy stuff on back of neck or on my back, period. - even back of neck, I get effects sometimes because I talk animatedly and turn my head a lot.


i put cougar in my hair at will with no problems.

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Thank you Eggars, QuietGuy (belatedly realizing I should have addressed this to the knowledgable ladies and gentelmen of the forums), and tyvey! and point taken re: cleavage! :)


(...and I'm also bleatedly realizing that maybe I should have posted this into the "New Pheremone User Guide" forum instead? Yeesh.)



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Hi Iolite! :smilies-23596: Regarding your question about where cops should be worn, I haven't had a problem dabbing scented cops around my face and neck. I wouldn't go slathering them in my hair but a stray drop or two shouldn't be anything to worry about. Of course you want to let it dry down the first couple minutes, but once the scent takes over, you're fine. Not like I have much of a cleavage, but I agree that works because the scent (and pheros) will kind of rise up from there, adding to what you've already dabbed elsewhere.


I love Velvet Kisses, TMI and Seer! Wear TMI around people who seem to be shut cases and never talk, you'll be surprised how they loosen up (or at least that was my experience). I love Seer for the scent alone, it's so soothing.


ETA: Did I mention I'm from near NYC? I live in north Jersey.

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From one new poster to another, welcome! Everyone here really has so much experience and knowledge, before too long we should be well acquainted with the do's and don'ts.

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Thank you all so much for the warm hellos! And nice to see some other local folks here (BklynG, Invidiana...)


Invidiana - Thanks much for the helpful advice. I'm liking Seer more and more, and posted a review of it in its review thread.


halo0073 - Thank you!!!!Your words are so appreciated.



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welcome! good choices! I like velvet kisses and TMI; cougar and BBM are very popular!



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Welcome to the fun! :D I'm another one who has worn OCCO cops at neck no problem and BBM, and Titillating Temptress AND Cops and Robbers AND...well, you get the idea :rolleyes: Happy experimenting! :love:

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Hi Iolite! I love the name. A big sucker for pretty blue rocks <33333333


me tooooooo :D thanks lalaDinky!


and thank you NuTrix for the cops feedback.



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Hi. I'm new as well. Just an observation about Velvet Kisses. I got a sampler once and decided to try it right away w/o regard to what I'd be doing that evening. I liked it right off and applied it liberally on my neck, cleavage & wrists.

Well I was at a small family/friend dinner and after an hour or so 3 people kept wandering around asking what that smell was. Literally look for the source. LOL after checking the kitchen they literally wandered around the living room trying to find the source of the alluring smell. I continued to move around so know one could zero in on me. ( to funny) although they seem to zero in on the chair I had spent sometime originally sitting in. lol

Finally I told my sister in law I was wearing a LPMP perfume and she started laughing. My first LP purchase was something for myself and a b-day gift for her so needless to say she got the joke.

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..just reread my post..wow. Lots of spelling errors.

please forgive that.


ah, whatev - that story is hilarious!!


so, to be clear: they were searching for the smell because it was good, right? ;) (none of that 'unclean' cops issue...) and, therefore, i can take that as implicit permission to slather on the Velvet Kisses...



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yes definitely a good smell. Perhaps unexpected, but Good. :-) I guess the LP/ phero peeps would call that a " hit".

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..additionally I should say.. I did say I liberally applied VK but you should note that this was a little sampler. I used a swipe on each side of my neck just below my ears, a swipe on each wrist and a double dip swipe in the cleavage. A roller bottle will be heaver and I do believe what the LP folks say about less is more to a certain degree. just FYI. Have fun. :-)

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..additionally I should say.. I did say I liberally applied VK but you should note that this was a little sampler. I used a swipe on each side of my neck just below my ears, a swipe on each wrist and a double dip swipe in the cleavage. A roller bottle will be heaver and I do believe what the LP folks say about less is more to a certain degree. just FYI. Have fun. :-)


duly and happily noted - i, too, only have a sampler. so far i've only used one swipe on the torso which was then transferred to both wrists, so i might try a little more now - though not too much, since i thoroughly respect the idea of 'less is more,' especially as a newbie with these things.


thanks so much!



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Velvet Kisses is great. If you're cool with unphero'd ones, Dream Lover is also really good (some left on the artfire site) and if you ever get a chance to try Odalisque or....Angelique I believe, those are also very popular chocolate scents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Velvet Kisses is great. If you're cool with unphero'd ones, Dream Lover is also really good (some left on the artfire site) and if you ever get a chance to try Odalisque or....Angelique I believe, those are also very popular chocolate scents.


thanks for the tip! will definitely check those out...



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