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New Private Editions Order Page

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Just opened up the Private Editions again! Yay! :D


Here's the order page:



Could you guys please let me know if there is anything too confusing on there and how I might make it better? Have I forgotten anything? Suggestions welcomed!


Don't bother letting me know about the big spaces between the options, because the new cart does that and I have tried everything to make the spaces smaller but it won't go.



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Woot! You're awesome. I'm excited to see the new PEs!

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It looks pretty straight forward. There is just so much there I had to read it twice but once I did I understood everything there and I am sure a new customer would also.

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ETA We can asks you questions here ? - does your bacon note already have maple and/or hickory aspects?


ETA I didn't mean for those two things to be related! LOL!

Edited by tyvey
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I have a few different bacon notes - they're just meaty salty (beef jerky like) with no hickory or maple. I had a separate hickory oil, but it's almost if not completely gone, so I'm no help with the hickory at the mo. Maple, I have gallons of.



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No, please ask me! I may have it and just forgot to put it on the list - in which case I will add it, but there's also a few ingredients that are so over-the-top expensive, or so very concentrated, that I cannot use them for small PE-sized batches.


For example, I intentionally left off my absolutes because they are not affordable in this context.


As far as exotic EOs, I have sooooo many of them and they are so rarely asked for, I also left those off, but they are available if asked for.

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YAY thank you :) I was wondering about plum...


Oh yes, I have plum! Several different types. Spiced plum, compote style, sugar plum, and I could construct a more fresh type by adding a drop of something like currant to act like sour skin.

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Hey Mara, if money was no object what would be YOUR PE? I know they're all kind of your PEs but still, I thought there must be something either wicked extravagent or just really hard to get that you'd want if price weren't an issue :) Thought about this while, of course, looking at purses WAY out of my price range :D

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So excited! If we want anything unusual or not on the list, even if it's really expensive and we're happy to pay extra, should we email you?


Try asking here first so the questions and answers will be for everyone's benefit. k?

I KNOW I need to fill out that list some more!

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Hey Mara, if money was no object what would be YOUR PE? I know they're all kind of your PEs but still, I thought there must be something either wicked extravagent or just really hard to get that you'd want if price weren't an issue :) Thought about this while, of course, looking at purses WAY out of my price range :D


Truly, I've already done mine. LP Original and the varieties, and other ones that surprise me when they are complete. I have my all-time faves which we have discussed here and there on this board...Body Paint, Vicars & Tarts, LP Green, LP Autumn '07, Mamelons de Cerise, Aloha Pumehana, Darling Catalina, Highland Fling, Scotchies, etc.


The PEs that I've made with my name on them are usually to cater to my various boyfriends' tastes - what they would like to sniff on me. But most of what I brew is for myself anyway, and I hope other people like them too. Honestly, there's not a fragranced product on the market that I would rather have than what I can make myself. I even prefer my own purses - I make those too. I just wish I could make my own jeans.

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Thank you, EVERYONE for the positive feedback and encouragement! Please offer critique and suggestions if you think we can improve this page.


QG said he had to read it twice...less studious, less patient customers will not even read it once. If it's too complicated, I am open to suggestions to make it easier to read.


Thank you!


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Looks GREAT Mara !

even I understand it :lol:


umm just wondering...when choosing "notes" are drop down options no longer available ?

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Thank you, EVERYONE for the positive feedback and encouragement! Please offer critique and suggestions if you think we can improve this page.


QG said he had to read it twice...less studious, less patient customers will not even read it once. If it's too complicated, I am open to suggestions to make it easier to read.


Thank you!



Yeah but I whipped through it like I was that "less studious, less patient customer" the first time so it should really be pretty good. What might help is putting list of accords right under the Artfire paragraph in order to "whip up the appetite" before they get to the order form/prices. And by being closer to the order form section, the list of accords would be easier to refer to or even "cut & paste".

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^^^ Yes, this! I kind of rushed the page too, being late for work (cough-cough)...and it "felt" like it took a LONG time to get to the ingredients list.


And, not to make more work, but I'm finding the ingredients list a tad crowded to read. Anyone else, or is it my tired eyesight?

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I agree with what QG stated in that if the noes or scents could be moved from the bottom to under the first area that would help a new user to LP design their PE. I did not even know that the notes were even listed out until I began reading here. I hope that helps.

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What I tried and failed to do, was put the ingredients into a grid so that it would display in columns. That would have been the neatest way to display, but the html programming refused to cooperate with whatever the hell the format is of this website. Everything ended up on top of each other. Does anyone know the proper code to program a grid/table like that?


Correct, the paypal cart does not offer drop downs like the old one. You can only have one, and I would need four.


I could easily move the ingredient list higher on the page, but because it is soooo long, I am afraid that people won't read the important instructions for ordering each option if they have to slog through too much text first. It's really difficult to get people to read these days. I wanted them to see the all the instructions as a first priority, and then peruse the ingredient list at their leisure...that's how I was thinking of it. No?


The very first line says: "Please select your ingredients from the list at the bottom of this page".


I wonder if I can program a link that will jump down to the list from that first sentence. Would that help?


Is everyone only using tiny cel phone screens these days?

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Ooh, good question on the cell phone thing. I know for ME I use a PC, and a link to the ingredients portion of the game might be a nice /quick solution for that...


I wish I'd kept up on HTML/website design...I'd love to be able to offer.

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I wonder if I can program a link that will jump down to the list from that first sentence. Would that help?

It might, if people aren't paying attention to what they're actually reading. My response was based on it all making sense to me, I wasn't even thinking of how others might fail to understand it, sorry about that.

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would something like this help?



It generates a grid html code for you with colors (if you want them) but even if you don't want a grid just like that, you could play around with deleting certain codes to see if you can keep what you want.

I'm not super website savvy so I'm not sure if that's even what you're looking for since I'm sure you've tried all the common codes for html graphs.


This generator looks better since you don't have to list two variables (along the top and side) but can just list variables along the top, e.g. fruit, tobacco notes, sugars, etc.


I agree that the instructions are paramount, but dropping down via a click-through pathway would be nice, to just drop straight to the ingredients. But then, would people not read and just go straight to the ingredients? :)

Edited by MissHazel
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@PM: I could see why you were doing it and that makes sense too. They might never get to ordering a second bottle much less adding pheromones if there is too much info topside. It is really a "darned if you do, darned if you don't" situation but I think the link you could click on and jump right down to the list is a great idea.

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What I tried and failed to do, was put the ingredients into a grid so that it would display in columns. That would have been the neatest way to display, but the html programming refused to cooperate with whatever the hell the format is of this website. Everything ended up on top of each other. Does anyone know the proper code to program a grid/table like that?


Correct, the paypal cart does not offer drop downs like the old one. You can only have one, and I would need four.


I could easily move the ingredient list higher on the page, but because it is soooo long, I am afraid that people won't read the important instructions for ordering each option if they have to slog through too much text first. It's really difficult to get people to read these days. I wanted them to see the all the instructions as a first priority, and then peruse the ingredient list at their leisure...that's how I was thinking of it. No?


The very first line says: "Please select your ingredients from the list at the bottom of this page".


I wonder if I can program a link that will jump down to the list from that first sentence. Would that help?


Is everyone only using tiny cel phone screens these days?


Guilty as charged... I use my cell phone to keep up with things or else, I would never have time to sit down and type on a computer... When I first read it, I skimmed thru it quickly so I did not see that statement. I know that all of my friends do the bulk of their internet usage via smartphones as well...

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Argh, I must say, I really do hate this trend. I spend HOURS every week correcting people's messed up orders because they couldn't use or see drop downs, couldn't see options, didn't fill in blanks, didn't scroll down, and in 99% of the cases, it's because they were placing orders on their phones.

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Thanks for that link, Hazel.

This is the code I tried to use which didn't work, wah.


Perhaps LalaDinky is correct and it's CSS? Not sure how I would find out.

If this gives anyone a clue, the orig programmer told me that the old html cues will not work on this - such as for centering, or for italic. Instead italic.has become and center has become .etc.


Does this sound familiar to anyone? It sounds like a next gen of html coding only really, but it just won't speak to the older style.

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Omg...i don't think i could ever purchase anything on my phone. i would end up throwing the dang thing against the wall.


Maybe if you put some sort of disclaimer like: shopping cart is not compatible with some mobile devices. Please use the full site blah blah blah...

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