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LAM/BAM-Buttercream Peach

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LAM and BAM, even though rather simple mixes, pack a wallop!

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Do you think this would work with PM or Gotcha Unscented?

There is a thread started by Raq on this very topic. I just caught it a few days ago. She said that PM and BAM are like magic together. Check it out. I'd think LAM would be counter productive to add to PM or Gotcha but that's just my guess.



With LAM alone sometimes I personally feel like I'm just vibrating.. good stuff. Some have used LAM with Maras Rocket Fuel.. with good feedback. I think that was discussed in the MRF review thread. Maybe



sub topic is 'PM with BAM' in the gen question phero thread.


BTWW.. Dolly is correct! They do pack a wallop on their own.

Edited by StacyK
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Some have used LAM with Maras Rocket Fuel.. with good feedback. I think that was discussed in the MRF review thread. Maybe

Okay, but which phero mix: SS4W or BI?

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Okay, but which phero mix: SS4W or BI?


It was SS4W mix. at least when the subject of going that direction started. I'll go look.


The feedback for this combo.. has its own thread in this section. Just look for MRF+ LAM

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Just a note.....if you want a stronger scent, this one layers beautifully with Empress of Persica......

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Just a note.....if you want a stronger scent, this one layers beautifully with Empress of Persica......

that's sounds good.

Personally I can't wait to just go crazy with this. I have a feeling I'm gonna need more of this and the Ambrosia and they are not here yet.

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^^ DD, I can see the LAM & Gotcha not going well together. That combo seems counterintuitive to me.

Gotcha really IMO seems to have so much going on already that it doesn't need another cop or Bnol bump. Tho some Bnol enthusiasts seem to do it. There is a Thread on PM+ BAM and those gals seemed to love it. I did PM+ OCCO and liked it. Have not had the occasion I thought I would to try PM+ Bam but that does not seem to crazy out-there for me .. I will give that a shot soon. Check out that thread maybe , after you recover ;-) you can try that. Might be what your looking for.

I had a bad Bnol od experience once so it took me some time to try again. I have to say Gotcha gives Bnol a good name. lol


all that said.. Neither LAM or BAM are lacking in any way and really rock on their own.

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I did PM+ OCCO and liked it.

OCCO is okay to layer; it's for either situation: layering or wearing on its own. It really just depends on whether you feel the situation requires an assload of cops. :lol:

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I would pair LAM with any upbeat social mix only. It's only anol and cops and in my opinion is less complex than Topper even. But I would not pair it with any bonding or calming mixes. With BAM I would stick with only bonding mixes.


That's how I try to do it. And even then I tend to be fairly reserved with the LAM/BAM - I tend to wear a lot less than if I were wearing them by themselves. When I wear LAM with MRF V3, it's about an inch in my cleavage, and maybe 2 inches on my tummy. And the same when I've added BAM to PM, it's just an inch or two, (which takes BF from being happy playing his video game on his end of the sofa, to a more verbally & physically affectionate place, on the middle cushion! :lol: ).

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I'm normally careful when it comes to peach, because sometimes it goes to pure Sweet 'N Low on my skin, but this one? Not at all! I think the buttercream, caramel and honey really help balance it out and give it this dreamy, creamy finish without being too heavy for hot weather. I got the BAM version so now I know exactly what I'm wearing to see my guy next weekend. Heh. :666:

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I would pair LAM with any upbeat social mix only. It's only anol and cops and in my opinion is less complex than Topper even. But I would not pair it with any bonding or calming mixes. With BAM I would stick with only bonding mixes.

Yes..although I've only ever paired it (LAM)with Lace. I'm just carefully building the nerve up to try it with MRF.

I like starting off with the simple parings.. the complex blends I think are best on their own.

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I got a few email requests for a full strength perfume of this scent without the pheros, so I made around 20 bottles worth. We'll refer to it as Noco: Buttercream Peach. Please post or email me if you want one. I'll put the rest up on Artfire later. :)




9/20 available

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WOW - NOCO, LOL...stand back! Stampede!


I test drove BAM! BCP today along with LAM! original and OH.MY.WOW! So scrumptious! I think I made a good choice with BAM! and it is really complimentary to LAM original...although after wearing them together all day I'm terribly horny and will probably lie in wait for hubby when he gets off work tonight...Muhahaaa...


Sorry, back on topic...this is all dripping sugary sweet creamy fruit! Yup. That about sums it up. I was worried the peach would be sharp and it is a bit crisp on app but it settled down quickly and as time went on it just kept going and going...found myself thinking about how great I smelled and how glad I was to smell so yummy lol. Narcissistic? LOL I could be, but I did get complimented several times so it must not JUST be me :001_tt2:


Oh..and on a side note...I believe the copious amount of cops I was wearing was effecting my male co-workers too...sorry guys :D:ange::666:

Edited by NuTrix
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I nabbed one of the NoCos and AW YEAH juicy peach galore! I had compared this to Kittenish (my favorite LPMP peach) but really I would say this one is all about the fruit and the sweetness just brings it out, whereas with Kittenish the sweet notes take over eventually. This is...OMG...*sniffs wrist*,,,*swoons*

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The OCCO is sold out right? how many bottles left of the NOCO? Boyfriend is not a fan of peach AT ALL in ANY incarnation (overuse by evil female in his early life) and I don't like buttercream,

but there was this lotion I used as a kid and I don't remember what it was supposed to smell like but it ended up very oddly smelling like peaches and a bit of cream. I know the lotion was discontinued but I wore that sucker for like three or four years and keep hoping that one day I might be reunited with the scented equivalent.

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Look at Mara/s post above for quantity, but it's not OCCO it's LAM!/BAM! and I believe she made enough that it wouldn't sell out right away; I think you've got this confused with OCCO: Ambrosia.


StacyK - you need to email Mara if you want a NoCo.

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I wore this yesterday and it's very soft and lovely. This reminds me of Tyvey's Mango-ish a bit. I get the fruit but it's smoothed out with something barely floral. At first swipe I thought, " Oh no, more floral amping" But it didn't. For me this is more of a fruity floral, even though I don't think there are any floral notes in it. The honey behaves for me too which is very rare. It stayed nice and light on my skin all day, not morphing into powder or cloying plasticky fruit.


I am excited to try this again today. Dang, I should have ordered a FB of this. You just never know. :-)

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^^ ... It is glorious! I feel so sexy and juicy when I wear this ... This scent phero combo is incredible.

It's so very sweet and not so innocent all at the same time. :666:

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I tried this again today. First time my skin did its plastic of doom thing it sometimes does with cream :'( but today it behaved, and like raq I got a ton or something like ORCHID, a subtle warm floral, nothing I remotely recognized at any point as being like peach.

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This reminds me of Tyvey's Mango-ish a bit.

Okay. Now I cannot wait to try this! I've been trying to avoid this page until I get my package, but I cheated, and now I'm all *le sigh* about it. I. Can't. Wait! (But I'm gonna have to; I just checked my tracking number & my package is somewhere north of Saskatoon! :o ) Clearly the postal people don't understand how important it is for me to smell this! :lol:


I'm out. I can't come back to this thread until I have a bottle to smell. And if it smells even remotely like Tyvey's Mango-ish, I might not be back at all. 'Cause I will have a heart attack brought on from joy. :D

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Super POW! peach on me. I like peach in measured doses, but unless this settles down a little with age it might have to be a layering scent, rather than a perfume in its own right on my skin. Still, if you're a fan of peach, go for it! It's a nice, rich, jammy-type of peach.

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:love-you: This is a sweet, gooey peach to me, not a sharp piercing one. At first, on me, Shen Tao comes out edgy...not so with this. It's a juicy ripe sprinkled with sugar with cream poured over it peach...even hubby loves it!

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I am so excited! I got both the LAM and BAM Buttercream Peach in full bottles, and not only do they smell freakin' fantastic from bottle to body, they don't change!!! WTHeck? I fully expected at least a little morphing, but it goes on sweet, creamy peach, (and bright peach at that!), and stays sweet, creamy peach. And it's not too little girly, either. It's *almost* a skin scent on me. *Almost*. What a delicious scent! I am SO HAPPY!!! :D TWO WHOLE BOTTLES, MINE, *ALL* MINE!!! :w00t:

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Hi everyone, since I have LAM and BAM coming my way - just how much do you guys use? Seems I have a knack for overdoing the scented pheros, because I want to smell myself... and it says here they pack a wallop, so I guess it's easy to put on too much.


A question, I love to perfume my hair, and since you cant do that with pheroed scent, I use regular perfumes or those lovely samples that come with each order. I make sure they dont contradict the phero scent, but will that distract from or overlay the pheros?

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Wore my BAM! last night and SO love it! I may need to get the LAM! I just don't know. I think this scent is actually my favorite of them all, and I like the ones I already have LOL! Maybe it will be GONE and save me the struggle of deciding by my next order...


Hi everyone, since I have LAM and BAM coming my way - just how much do you guys use? Seems I have a knack for overdoing the scented pheros, because I want to smell myself... and it says here they pack a wallop, so I guess it's easy to put on too much.

A question, I love to perfume my hair, and since you cant do that with pheroed scent, I use regular perfumes or those lovely samples that come with each order. I make sure they dont contradict the phero scent, but will that distract from or overlay the pheros?

I think I go pretty heavy with my BAM! when I wear it. Lollipop (couple circles around belly button then line up center between boobs to collarbone PLUS a 4inch strip on each wrist & 5 inches to back of hands. I balance it with a bit of LAM! and some DHEAS on top of that yet, lol, so mine may not be the best example :blushing:


I've created a spray for my hair from other scented LPs that I apply to my hair while it's still wet after showers and I look at it like this...If you would have showered with a scented shampoo, then it's the same thing as scenting your hair with LPs...when someone gets close enough to you and gets a whiff of your perfume they're like, "WOW, you smell great!" Then if they have the opportunity to get closer to smell your hair and your hair smells awesome too - they will be like, "Everything about you smells fantastic - even your HAIR is delicious!" (at least it's working that way with hubby and others who have been comfortable enough to say so lol) :Emoticons0424:

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Ooh good idea Nutrix! I will have to use some spray on my wet hair- not BAM tho !

Be careful if you're using sprays with alcohol in them, they can dry out your hair! I just got a couple of 4oz bottles and filled about 2/3 full with distilled water and added my perfume oil to it (to desired aromatic potency) shake and spritz on freshly washed hair and comb through and that's it! I actually even add vegetable glycerin (about 2 Tbsp) because my ends can get really dry. Veg glyc is water soluble too. Just throwing that out there :)

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The Fragranced Hydrating Waters are really great to spray in your hair, that's one of the reasons I got the whole set.

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