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Not really New-BUT REBREWED!!

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Has the cougar potion scent been adjusted like I read it might be in another thread? I heard more pink sugar and red and pink grapfruit if I remember correctly...


Oh and is the pheros the same in cuddle bunny or are they the ones that pharmacom (i think i spelt the name wrong :Blusher: ) mixed up for you?




CC :001_tt2:


PS Glad they are back, I am enjoying both VERY much :thbf54f4bf:

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Has the cougar potion scent been adjusted like I read it might be in another thread? I heard more pink sugar and red and pink grapfruit if I remember correctly...


Oh and is the pheros the same in cuddle bunny or are they the ones that pharmacom (i think i spelt the name wrong :Blusher: ) mixed up for you?


I DID adjust the Cougar. I mixed both grapefruits, and I tried to make it a little darker by adding more of the darker ambers as well as the lighter, and it still might darken after standing a few days, but it seems to have a mind of its own. As of this moment, it smells pretty much identical the first.


For the Cuddle Bunny, I decided to use Ail's original phero recipe of Est and Cops just like I did in the first blend, rather than the Pharmacom blend. I used concentrated Est from Pharmacom, and EoW copulins in oil that Dr. Stone made for us.

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*Psssst- We have sucessfully re-brewed Phero Girl CUDDLE BUNNY and COUGAR POTION.

Get then while you can!


*You are free to make an order*


RUNNING to place an order (sorry ladies, I know that I JUST ordered... but, you know I can't resist the lure of the Cuddle Bunny!!!! I MUST try the rebrew IMMEDIATELY!)

Edited by Chaionlife
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Well I'm game to try the Cougar rebrew...although my finances are insisting I wait until next month (so please, y'all, don't buy it all up at once!).

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Well I am quite curious to hear how cougar expands on itself!


~sigh~ i will have to add it to my ridiculously long bottle wants :arf: list.


I am glad you kept Ail's Cuddle brew, after last night I am a believer in it : :angelstar-kaos058:

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